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Minerva Dover

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Posts posted by Minerva Dover

  1. I know it's against TOS to share IMs within SL. But let's say person A sends and IM to person B, saying, "tell person C that I'm gonna f*** them up?" Clearly, this is a threat against person C. Is Person A in violation of TOS if he shares the notecard with person C? And, to complicate matters, let's say that Person A actually said that she would harm person C at Location X. Is it wrong to inform the owner of Location X that someone said they would grief on their land? I understand the need for privacy, but IRL, even HIPAA and other such regulations are null and void if someone says they will harm themselves or others. Is there any such provision with LL?

  2. I totally agree with Iris on this one. I don't see SL becoming a super-photo-realistic place anytime soon; it would take way too much processing power for both LL's servers and our own computers. So embrace SL the way it is and work it. Everything in moderation, including moderation!

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