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FOX Frenzy

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Posts posted by FOX Frenzy

  1. Sooooo.... Has anyone ever gotten "Requesting region capabilities attempt" when they log in, and nothing seems  to work after you log all the way in after? If you have, and have fixed this can I get some help on how to fix it also? I've tried literally anything you could probably think of... Cleared cache, different viewers (Literally all of them), rebooted the router, even switched freaking OS's... (from windows to Linux then back to windows again). I made a ticket to LL one time too and they could only help me with the suggestion of changing viewers....

       as for some other things I've looked into, something about speed tests, if this is actually important, My Download Speed is 3.03mbps and my upload is .65... Again if anyone can help that would be excellent thank you for your time...

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