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Siggy String

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  1. I find it funny, yet disturbing, how the same response is posted over and over again that does not include a propper answer. I agree with SLAddict Allen. An announcement is made before thinking and looking things over. Sure, I think all of us here understand that people that now own land stuffed with games have no choice, at least not if they want to continue. But many of us also have a sim or even a small parcel with maybe just one game that is only used for friendly gameplay (in our case only 2 hours every week of Multi-Zyngo or games like Greedy). Our sim isn't even listed, we do not promote our games, it's a set group of people that gather once a week to play a few games. Like I said if it's a sim full of games I totally understand and I think it has good sides, but why take away that one little thing from those of us who actually are NOT earning from it but just have it for fun/hangout with friends. I know there's many people out there that are going to have the same issue. And because no propper response is given people stress out. We all want to know what to do, what we will be up against. So it would have been nice, if you as LL making this rule, would have done some homework and study BEFORE causing all this.
  2. `This was posted: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/SL-Share-s-Photo-Upload-Feature-is-Temporarily-Down/ba-p/2559534
  3. Ye sure.... you realy have no clue how it works do you.... Connecting an account does not mean everybody can see it Now go back in to your trollhole :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  4. Funny when some people try to be such smartasses... It's a feature in the latest viewer and worked fine untill yesterday so has nothing to do with FB not permitting SL accounts as it is also possible to connect it to your normal RL FB account....
  5. I am having the same problem since yesterday. Was doing fine before. Just posting a status works fine but I can no longer post pics.
  6. For some reason mine gets stuck on "posting". I uploadedpics before without a problem but for the past 2 weeks I keep getting stuck on it. Anybody else having this problem?
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