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Natti Breen

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Everything posted by Natti Breen

  1. So based off of the example, the line CAMERA POSITION, camPos would be the sim coordinate of where the camera would be? And how would we set the sight direction?
  2. To quickly sum things up, I am in need of help to make a simple camera control hud. I am just not too familiar with camera control scripts to finish it. Basically this is what I need to happen: 1. User wears a HUD 2. HUD asks permission for camera control 3. HUD user walks around a room 4. User steps on invisible prim A 5. Camera is changed to a fixed position. 6. User steps on invisible prim B 7. Camera is changed to a different position. 8. User's camera is returned to normal when HUD is taken off. Most of it is simple scripts, but I am currently stuck on how to set a certain camera setting via scripts.
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