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Lenz Bovarro

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  1. No more working for me, after Ubuntu and firestorm upgrade. I have slvoice-4.10-windows64-S23 extracted and copied into firestorm /bin directory the files contained (there is a sub folder "release" that contains SLVoice.exe file, I've copied also in main Firestorm /bin folder). I've also created the file SLVoice and placed in /bin folder too but I notice that my Ubuntu has no "/usr/bin/wine64 win64/SLVoice.exe" file. If I run via wine64 the SLVoice.exe in /bin folder I've the following: Stringa di esecuzione: /usr/bin/env WINE='/usr/bin/wine' WINEPREFIX='/home/dante/.wine' WINESERVER='/usr/bin/wineserver' WINELOADER='/usr/bin/wine' /bin/sh -c "cd '/home/dante/Scaricati/software/Phoenix-FirestormOS-Releasex64-6-6-3-67470/bin/' && '/usr/bin/wine' 'SLVoice.exe' 2>&1 " Codice di uscita: 13568 output di STDOUT e STDERR dell'applicazione: 0110:err:module:import_dll Library vivoxsdk_x64.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\Phoenix-FirestormOS-Releasex64-6-6-3-67470\\bin\\SLVoice.exe") not found 0110:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Importing dlls for L"Z:\\Phoenix-FirestormOS-Releasex64-6-6-3-67470\\bin\\SLVoice.exe" failed, status c0000135
  2. Worked for me! Ubuntu 20.0.4 But since I had a not safe site warning I found the tar file here https://osdn.net/projects/sfnet_kirstensviewers/downloads/kirstensviewers/S23/AMD64/slvoice-4.10-windows64-S23.tar.bz2/ follows the warned link: etc etc
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