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Josh Plubeau

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Everything posted by Josh Plubeau

  1. Wanted to follow up and say this was handled promptly and is being taken care of. I appreciate the time and respect that was put into looking into this and actually listening- this is the perfect example of what makes us such an amazing community. ❤️
  2. TW: transphobia. A car? Are you looking at a different av than me? I usually have a Sphynx cat head, human or anime. The whole situation started when I TP'd in and hadn't rezzed, and was immediately bombarded with "that man who thinks he's a woman" in voice. Followed by some other things not allowed per LL's TOS so I'm not going to repeat them here. As for the staff having LGBT members, this does absolutely nothing to alleviate my concerns as transphobia is not exclusive to outside ourcommunity and still remains a huge issue. Anyways, I resent the implication that potentially attaching an object to your head should mean your identity be questioned and be verbally harassed. If you'd like the name of the London mod, as well as a screenshot of his message, I'd be more than happy to provide it in game. I have already provided what I have to Linden Labs.
  3. Happy Pride all! Just a heads up/warning, the mods of London show up under a lot of searches for LGBT friendly related stuff, but it is absolutely not trans friendly. Lots of mockery for looking androgynous or clocky. I ended up reporting it to one of the other mods, who responded with "transphobia is not a real word." Was a pretty gutting experience and I'd hate for anyone else to have to deal with that.
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