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Nya Littlepaws

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  1. That's exactly what was happening! With my luck, I thought it would be the bug, but unticking joint positions, as per Sassy's comment, while re-uploading fixed it. Thank you to you both :catembarrassed:
  2. Can someone who does this on a daily basis or at least often, tell me where I am going wrong while uploading a mesh object - an avatar attachment - fully rigged to feet. When attached, the joints work fine and it appears rigged, however when I right click it while worn, it bounces the avatar into the sky by at least double the height, and stays there while the said mesh object is in edit mode. Avatar returns to ground when the edit box is closed. I should also mention that anything affecting this object (for example, texture change script) makes the whole avatar blink and momentarily fly up and return as well. When uploading I tick "include skin weight" and "include joint positions". Tips? Faults? Thank you!
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