So as the landlord told me I didn't pay weekly tier and therefore I didn't follow the terms and conditions, which I did, I paid the L7500 weekly tier 9 minutes after I paid the L8 land purchase fees. Despite it steps into two different days, but it was still only 9 minutes apart regardless, compares to 86,400 minutes in 24 hours (a day), that 9 minutes is only 0.01% of a day's time.
I was rude because I did all that I can, pay weekly tier right after I paid the land puchase fee, then IM'ed landlord for EM rights. All these actions are according to the instructions given on the landlord's profile. Payment were made to the same person according to my past transactions record at the dashboard, was very immediate as well since 2 transactions were only 9 minutes apart.
I am mad because the landlord simply boot me out of the land that I DID pay tier for, didn't even want to investigate the matter. Her first reply was not descriptive enough for others to understand what she actually mean, her second reply were saying I did not pay her, and then she blocked my access to the region, even the place where I TP'ed to pay the weekly tiers to her, she blocked all my access.
I reported her for land fraud, but as I cannot access to either the region nor the tier center, I do not think this is positive at all. There's nothing else I can do. Oh well lucky its only like USD$40, just the price of a cheap 3 course lunch, so glad I did not pay L30,000 for a month at once then this happen. I'm over with it, a good reason to draw me away from SL and not to trust pixelated 'contact' where unlike real life, there's no enforcing laws nor the rights as a consmer here.
And finally, she is paying more cash per month to LL then I do, so I doubt the result of the report abuse (land fraud) will be justice. That's just the way the world we created works, right?
Peace all, and thanks for all the advice~