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Jill Caldera

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  1. Hi Maitimo! I am one of the program managers at Camp Virtual. This program was created last year by a RL director who owns Camp Frontier in Florida. It is a 6 region camp that was beautifully built up by LL. It is all done through a program which disables children/teenagers from exiting those regions thus accessing anything above not age appropriate. All of our counselors are fully background checked for criminal/child abuse and have passed before being hired. Children are age verified with their parent on Zoom with the director as well! This is our Second year and we are so excited. Last year, we had a great group of campers who learned so much while using SL. We have programs, some fun and some education focused as well as Zoom activities with professionals in their respective talents. https://vimeo.com/430514735 (A video I did to give a better understanding)
  2. I am looking for 2 sims that are connected for a big event I do...I will need it from July 1st - July 22nd. Please message me in world if you have/know of any available at that time. Thank you! -Jill Caldera
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