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Gregg Torgeson

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Posts posted by Gregg Torgeson

  1. oh- the hud for my Catwa head has a page to match the head skin to the body and says enter UUID, so I can't do that then....

    thanks anyway!

  2. thanks--- i will try the clean install- I am using latest SL viewer, 3.7.19, but have been having this problem for the past three updates and seems to keep getting worse. I thought when you were on automatic updates they always did a clean install--guess not. - Internet connection is cable so it should be good, hardware has plenty of room and speed- maybe drivers.. always hesitate to update drivers.. sometimes they make things worse! Thanks for the suggestions


  3. I recently got a new system  with a GTX 770- and Win8, both of which SL  considers "unsupported", however,  it  does run fine on ultra settng,  and  (after inserting the lines In the gpu-table.txt  file---  as  described in the  chart provided above (previous page)  for the  700 series  cards), I now can run Ultra and all of the advanced lighting options, including DOF- and all seens  fine.

    One other thing I learned here somewhere about the NVidia numbering---- the  second number of the  series is the oen that indiciates  performance where as the first number is the sequence of  release-- there fore theoretcially, a  690 may out-perform a 710-- all else being equal--its just tthat the 700  series is more recently  released and may have other  enhancements that make it  overall  better.. I actually think my  dual GTX 285's bring me  a fuller graphics "warmth" than the GTX770, of course i have a lot more  RAM with the  GTX 285 also, so that may the reason there. but both run fine now on ultra--with  full Advanced lighting options enabled.

    Hope this helps  you.

  4. Thanks Rolig,. . . I looked at those references, but it didn't seem to be the root of my problem-- everything works fine except getting in to my "home" positon. and after i am logged in for a bit at another location --then i can get to Home without that error showing up-- I'm wondering if its something on my home sim.



  5. why do i get a data execution  protection  warning when attempting tolog in at my home location( but not others) then windows closes SL and  next time I log in it  sends a crash log report

  6. I've used that from time to time- but when on an animation or pose- the view is still centered on the avatar so you dont have a full range of motion as is the case with the camera control- to go laterally or across the field.  Also when  building- or adjusting animation positons, you need to be able to see from angles that arent available just using the mouse and Ctrl-Alt based on the avatars postion-- it also fails in "zoom" mode for the same reason. And--It takes too many fingers!


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