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Aveline Stein

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Everything posted by Aveline Stein

  1. 550 to 660 is just 1 jump in relative power and 1 generation newer. Typically, unless there is some major technological revolution happening it is not going to give a big noticable jump in performance. Most likely you would have to look into the higher end cards, ie 580, 680 but they are also a different price class. Even then, it is possible you won't see a huge increase if you aren't running lighting and shadows. My card (580) is pretty much twiddling it's thumbs with the standard SL renderer and using only about 40% of it's power because the CPU is slowing it down. The only way to max out the card is to turn on lighting and shadows which utlizes the graphics card much more than the old renderer does.
  2. Well, back when i used to have transfer items and made the switch i kept the price the same. But i make accessories so people are not likely to wear or place multiple copies around the grid. I can understand different pricing between copy and transfer versions with furniture somewhat, but for me it is mostly a nuissance. The last time i was shopping for lamps and found some very nice ones, but they were priced 350L and no copy and i needed about 20 of them. Yeah right. Like i am going to spend 7k on the same lousy lamp. >.<
  3. Personally i set my items no mod/copy/trans or mod/copy/no trans. Unless you wish to offer the same item with different permission sets, you are never going to please everyone. Make a decision and live with it. The voices in both the copy as well as transfer camp seem to be almost equally vocal. edit: Purely from a convenience point of view as a merchant, copy items are easier to handle for me by far. No worries about someone asking for their 3rd replacement item because they 'lost' it, and it is easier to do things like updates or have redelivery terminals.
  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "Phasing Out" the older viewers would also phase out a good number of SL residents who cannot, for a number of various reasons, afford to upgrade their computers at this point when the economy is so bad. I know from some of your previous posts on another thread that you don't care about this, but these people are generally older residents who have been around for a while and spend money in SL and own a lot of public venues. How do these people "spend money in SL" and "own alot of public venues" at 300USD per month for a sim while at same time not being able to afford a halfway decent computer? It's an oxymoron. A 1000USD gaming computer that is usable for about 4 years costs a whooping 20 dollars per month if you break it down.
  5. Modernizing seems like a good idea, but Dx11 and SLI is really just shouting buzzwords. We want better graphics indeed, and improvements do seem to be happening, but while necessary, SL needs a lot more. SL has never catered to gamers or been particulary interesting to them. Over the years I have brought about 2 dozen gamer friends to SL. Want to guess how many stayed? Zero. There wasn't anything to do for them. Some tried themselves at building for a few days, and then went right back to whatever MMO was being played at that time. Most people in SL are here either for creative, social or RP reasons and most likely not for it's gaming capabilities. So even if Dx11 and SLI/crossfire were introduced, there still wouldn't be anything to do for people that own the hardware to run it. What SL really needs is better content creation tools that allow people to build new and interesting experiences and games that will get new users to stick around, even if they don't fall into the above mentioned categories to which SL is currently of interest. At the same time, assuming for a moment we had all the tools and performance of a modern game engine to actually make games, SL is too expensive for many hobbyists and Indies to get a sim and just doodle on it. Also, who is going to bring in a serious team of developers and spend months on a project when it is near impossible to monetize whatever you are making. The crowd that the game could be marketed to caps at around 900.000 people. Now compare that to audience that can be reached by releasing the same game on the apple appstore, android market or other gaming sites. I surely do not know all the answers, but I feel that if SL were interesting to a larger crowd of creatives, it would also spawn more fun content that, in the end, brings in and keeps new users tied to SL. Graphics are just one small piece of the puzzle. If you put top notch graphics into SL without other improvements you'd be getting gamer reviews like "Awesome graphics, sh*t game." Being on steam is certainly a good thing, and most likely SL should be listed under creative tools and definately not under 'games'. In it's current shape, SL will only be interesting to a small fraction of the steam users. Lastly, one should not forget that the SL landscape doesn't exactly change over night. Putting in new technologies may take up to 2 years to change the face of the grid. Creators have to learn and adopt the new tech, content has to be made, it has to be accepted by residents and be placed on the grid by them.
  6. I guess LL is to blame somewhat for not rolling features out in a more polished fashion. People tried out the first mesh viewer and it indeed was more laggy. Reputation ruined and takes a long time to fix. You only get 1 chance at a first impression. Also, what many perhaps don't see is that transition like this may take upwards of 2 years for the effects to be truely felt.
  7. I agree that mesh items should be marked on vendors for the time being at least. SL has an inherent problem that is seems to attract people that, for the most part, are not the 'gamer' type with the appropriate hardware to handle what is essentially the most demanding 'game' out there. If you are here to stay, then getting an appropriate computer at some point seems to be the most logical choice to me. Most people don't go hiking in torn up sandals or heels either, they buy suited shoes. Sure, mesh may have a bug here and there and perhaps not the most polished thing ever yet, but what the 'I wont mesh this, I wont mesh that' crowd seems to fail to understand, and I am not talking about rigged clothing here, is that they are essentially p**ing into their own tub. SL content is enormously heavy, and well made mesh is a way out of that. The sooner the grid rids itself from the millions of sculptie lagbombs, the better everyones expierence will be. I dont know how often i have heard "can't afford new computer, new parts etc". That may be true in some cases, but at large, i dont buy it. I am far from rich, and when an upgrade for computer is needed i have to save up for a while, but it is very possible to afford if your priorites are as such. Well either that, or SL truely is the worlds largest online bum convention. There are triple digit million number of gamers out there, largely teens and younger adults and they can afford the latest hardware, but the adult community in SL cannot afford to replace their 2004 made typewriter? Lastly, brace yourself for the next big outcry when normalmaps and materials will require running deferred renderer (ie. lighting and shadows enabled) to be seen correctly. The move will be painful at first, but it is one that has to happen if SL wants to stay afloat. Given time, will also improve it's performance because it shifts work from the CPU (where alot is happening now) to the much much faster graphics card. It really is time to start saving up for those hiking shoes.
  8. Ich glaube die Wahrscheinlichkeit das ein neuer User den Tip bekommt vielleicht doch mal einen Third-Party-Viewer (mit höheren default settings) zu probieren, ist höher als das da von selbst Einstellungen geändert werden. Ich finde es ein bischen schade das im LL viewer die 'high' settings, nur 1.125 LODfactor haben, aber LL will da wohl lieber auf Nummer sicher gehen.
  9. Thank you! This made my day!
  10. If you can afford it, something like this http://www.ebuyer.com/353789-zoostorm-gaming-desktop-pc-7873-0412# will give you much much better results. There are no 'deals' when it comes to gaming computers. You get exactly what you pay for 99% of the time.
  11. Perhaps i need to have my eyesight checked but i am not seeing the shadows. >.<
  12. Falls du den LODfactor ansprichst, bei Firestorm ist es 2.0 für low, mid und high settings. 3.0 für Ultra. Der LL Viewer ist da konservativer mit 1.125 für die unteren drei stufen und 2.0 bei Ultra. Das mit dem Runterdrehen der lowest LOD wärend des uploads ist sicher ein bischen "quick n' dirty" und nicht die beste Methode wenn man ein hochqualitives Produkt für den Verkauf machen möchte. Falls man aber nur mal schnell was für das eigene zu Hause haben möchte, das auf dem Land nicht all zu viele prims frisst, finde ich es durchaus OK das so zu machen. Wie gesagt, hängt immer von der Objektgrösse und dem Einsatzzweck ab. Wenn der Qualitätsanspruch sehr hoch ist, wird man um externe 3D tools nicht herum kommen, und dann auch entsprechend für niedere Grafiksettings optimieren.
  13. The thing about games usually running much much better than SL is because gamecreators work with a budget of how many polygons, textures etc they have available for each scene based on their minimum and recommended system specs. Even after the fact that games are already build 'to spec', the completed scenes and game are heavily analyzed and optimized. Needless to say, that with big titles, even nVidia and ATI tweak their drivers to make those games run better on their cards. SL really is getting none of that, plus it is lacking modern technologies that help to make it 'look good' while keeping things speedy. SL content in general is *very* heavy. It is quite likely that if you dumped your average SL scene + avatars into any of the big name game engines, it would grind those to a halt too.
  14. Gut gemachtes Video! Ich habe mir die in-world tools noch nie angesehen, von da her fand ich es sehr informativ. Als kleinen Tip könnte man eventuell beim Upload bei lowest LOD einfach auf 0 triangel stellen. Dann bricht der Sessel zwar ab einer gewissen Distanz komplett weg, das sollte aber bei halbwegs normalen Grafikeinstellungen (Lodfactor ~2.0) keine grosse Rolle spielen. Ich vermute dann würde er nur 1 LI kosten. Der Trick funktioniert jedoch nur bis zu einer Objektgröße von 5.43m radius (6x6x6 bounding box), danach werden höhere LODs zur Berechnung des LI herangezogen.
  15. Not sure what i would do in your situation. Perhaps trying to be upfront about it and sending them your correct ID, maybe along with the ID you used to age verify and a signed statement by your friend that you used their ID it with permission because their stupid was borked could work. If you live in Austrialia, i somewhat doubt they would send CIA bodysnatchers after you for using your friends ID.
  16. Most likely the sim was expierencing troubles (has been some of that recently) and the tub has gone to hottub heaven =( You could try filing a support ticket LL or contacting the creator of the tub and explaining the situation to them. Most shops do not replace lost items if the item was transferable but it doesn't hurt to ask. Perhaps they will help if you ask nicely. edit: Also be sure to check your Lost & Found folder. Sometimes things do end up in there.
  17. Most likely the answer is no. Even if the DAZ license would allow you to upload the model to SL for your personal use (unlikely), or to use it in a maschinima production for example, there would likely still be a conflict with the rights you have to grant LindenLabs to use your uploaded content in their own advertisments. Selling the shapes/models will be a definate nono. The only way to get a definitive answer, would be to email DAZ support and explaining your case and intended usage to them. Be sure to include a copy of the Secondlife Terms of Service if you do. Also keep in mind that you would have to go through all of this for every piece of clothing, skin, props etc. that you intend to use within Secondlife.
  18. I am not sure what the problem is with your mesh house, but setting LODfactor to anything higher than 3.0 can cause a good deal of funkyness. Any well made item should display fine within the normal range of 1.0 - 2.0, the exception being oblong sculptiemaps (for which some viewers disable LOD completely anyways).
  19. You do realize that roubleshooting a problem without the correct information given on a *forum* will be very hard. Why dont you join the Phoenix/Firestorm support group and ask for help there? The chat is staffed nearly 24/7 with people that deal with this kind of problems all day long. If you cant stay on long enough for a support session with them, i would suggest jumping on the official viewer or one that works and explaining the situation to them that way.
  20. I would suggest joining one of the in-world support groups to get help. http://www.phoenixviewer.com/support.php
  21. Check your transaction history at https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US It should tell you.
  22. Perhaps it would be an idea to remove the link. A site like theirs certainly does not need any promotion. That said, i have always found content thieves in SL to be of the lamest sort. Essentially they are taking pennies out of creators pockets that most of the time dont make enough money from their creations for it to be worth the time. They are most certainly not robbing any 'big bad corporations' here. It's more like beating granny over the head and taking her purse =/ 2 years ago a friend of mine got access to the site and showed me some screenshots. They even copybotted my freebie item. How daft do you have to be? LOL :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  23. A small classified is probably worth it 'just to be listed'. Bejond that, you will likely get mixed opinions. If you going to do marketing it will have to be on multiple fronts. You could try to sell vouchers on the marketplace (if that is allowed) and do a listing enhancement on some 'art' category landing page perhaps.
  24. A tutorial that educates customers on how to compare the display weight of mesh clothing and accessories for themselves. There are some very heavy meshes (60000 display weight for rather simple objects) out there in shops already because the creators took shortcuts or didnt optimze the meshes at all. Mesh has the potential to reduce lag on the grid, but that will only happen if customers are educated enough to make informed choices. For as long as the super heavy meshes are being bought, creators will keep making them i am afraid.
  25. 4 times in a row makes it almost appear like a targetted attack. Perhaps someone is accessing your computer physically. Could be a jealous or angry neighbor or someone living nearby knowing about your Secondlife activies and that there is money involved, or even ones own teenage kids. Not a nice thought but often more plausible than malicious crackers targetting your *specific* computer, or TPV devs being out to get you. edit: Firestorm is a pretty large project with 20+ or so developers, a support staff of 40 and over hundred closed-beta testers of varying knowledge degree. I am quite confident that anything malicious would turn up rather quickly.
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