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Bela Tolsen

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Everything posted by Bela Tolsen

  1. I wanna thank Lindens and Moles team that organized this great, really great trick or treat event! To visiting and admiring new places, the awesome Halloween decorations, the challenge of finding some buckets, clever hiding inside decorations as many did or as a hunt inside a hunt as Slenderman did, all that made my fun! I like the democratic way of all could hunt and we could host even with orb mode on having the bucket on click range. Who wanted to share location, shared. Competition and fun, one or another or both combined, was a hunt for all. My special thank you to @Polenth Yue that step up and took care of the google list, to @Quartz Mole always present and helpful here and to @Cinnamon Mistwood that was so kind and lovely writing cute notes to us on each bucket she got candy in great sport spirit! And thank you each one of you here for the fun and candies! Hopefully see you all next year! πŸ¬πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ§Έ
  2. Actually there is... if you just mouse point to yours or anyones bucket you will read in "description" the number of clicks.
  3. Hi Liberty! As far as I know theres no way we know how many candy others colllected... unless they say or post their huds. There are a googles list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ixifKwScHlxQxfWI2kdT6ZC-4nStZS85tTcGlPPN1Kg/edit#gid=0 You can also write your address there if you want or here as many did, some prefer not to disclose theirs, so its up to you. You can follow a group that is sharing it or team up with some friends. I am looking here and the googles list and do some flying around as well. Most important is to find a way to suits you and have fun! Happy Hunting! πŸ‘»
  4. Trick or Treat hunters! I have 3 buckets already out, will post when more ready to go! Except for the houseboat that is a public group HQ, all have security on but buckets are right on the entrance so safe to grab candy as required. Do look around! Some neighbors already have buckets out too! \o/ Happy Trick or Treat! πŸ‘» Lakeview Oasis Taihu North Waddling
  5. I agree! But I heard some whispers in the dark that he will be present with his great Gallery! Guess we can expect a well hidden bucket to challenge us all... again! LOL Happy Trick or Treat! πŸ‘»
  6. Big Yay!! Wanna share ma last year bear prizes! Finger crossed and pulling up ma sleeves to win the new ones! Can't wait! πŸ‘»πŸ§Έ
  7. It is an interesting topic. Despite the many helpful and properly informative answers, the opening of this topic and some arguments and answers demonstrates that Bellisseria residents need more and easier access to this kind of information. When Bellisseria was created and some specific groups of residents (some with kindly Lindens and Moles help) were created, they focus on a scenery that doesnt exist anymore. When I joined Bellisseria almost 1 year later, there were 3 themes and victorians were just released with lots of vics regions still being build. So for a community this size, the existent specific residents groups and forums participation were still able to keep Bellisseria informed and socially functional. Today the continent is 10 themes bigger with basically same groups run for basically same people. Same for the forums. What is understandable as to dedicate time to run a group, to seek and provide info or entertainment or to be forums active is just something not all residents have. Not even Linden and Moles, Bellisseria was supposed to be run by its own residents, so they help when asked/needed and this is it. So what I see is that Bellisseria is (if someone have proper data please insert here) times bigger but "its mechanism" remains the same. Back in dec 2019 I found a friendly Bellisseria community where everybody knew your name, eager for activities and fun together. Now Bellisseria still have "community interested residents" but the majority "just got a house" with total lack of information/interest. For Bellisseria actual size, it is also understandable. Not all have to be community involved. Thats why more information channels need to be created (as I already suggested), to reach who wants but doesnt know they can or how. Bellisseria "mechanisms" in all aspects needs to keep up with its growing and new needs. As an owner of some Bellisseria groups, I had dare to created the first social group outside of the already existed back then, dare to open them to outside Bellisseria when none existent was open before. I dare to be an independent events builder on FG and an independent DJ as well in Bellisseria. None an easy task but gives me fun and pleasure and allowed me to meet incredible persons. As Bellisseria is a live in expansion organism, I keep daring to adapt following its needs. I gladly had the opportunity to express myself view and provide suggestions to whom that matters and was gladly heard on a number of points. Another number still to go in their due time I hope. So I strongly believe that any suggestion counts and are always taken in consideration. My dearest friend DJ FAR had the great idea of the stream radios for the community spaces and here they are thanks to him, Abnor and Patch. So who knows one day we cannot see tipjars around?! I agreed with all that was said, I personally never felt the need or see it as an issue, understand Belli is non commercial but is tip a commerce?! Isnt tip a gratuity meaning something given voluntarily or beyond obligation?! Why it is ok to be given "under the table" but not directly on a tip jar... I frankly doesnt see the difference. But a rule is a rule, till it isnt. Thank you all for reading this and sorry for my english mistakes, hope it is understandable.
  8. Well well well willl try to be brief here. Didnt think I had to get much details cause it is long and boring and happening since ma first vic back in xmas 2019 and I just decided to share it as a support only. What I wrote should be pretty clear about the difference between getting inspired and copy every detail from other person. And recurrence. If I didnt make it clear, yes it is the same person. I did talk to her and she did claim to be a decorator (as she states on her profile) and have no necessity to copy anyone. But I caught her a number of times in front of ma house when login and she used to poof on ma "Hi". Also was a friend at that time that saw her house and thought was me moving. By copycat I already made it clear im not saying having same furniture and decor or same disposition but Im saying about combinations of different creator, old and new items with some modifications on the items. If you copy one clever combination someone did, well...ok. If you copy all combinations someone did and placement, its not ok. If you keep rinse and repeat each time tha person gets a different theme house and ofc make new proper combinations for there, thats super not ok. Unfortunately nothing we can do about it. At least I can complain with ma friends and gladly after all this time could share it here as I see I am not alone as well. I always count with my friends vision to check and see if I am getting nuts or what that person did is indeed a copy of ma stuff. Gladly I made enough friends that know what and how I do, some I actually help with their decor and know ma process is "I have no clue what will do here" and takes me days trying and trying till I get there. Im not saying about the 1 time copier. A guy once was flying on top of ma HQ where we were like 8 ppl sitting there, to inspect the prims of the deck pool I built and fly back to his yard to build exactly the same, with same couch, pool and the rest. It was an one time thing as many others. *shrugs I am also pretty sure many of the ppl that wrote on this topic already saw at least one of ma houses. I know theirs for sure. Was neighbor of most of them along the time, saw them working at their houses as they prob saw me too, we all using mostly same landscaping/furniture/decor items and yet, we all with different results meaning each one of us have our own characteristics. I can fly over a region and can spot who got which house by their garden. I bet ma pixels most here can do it too. So Im not sure if I am a super amazing or I just have the ability to combine and modify personalizing items that person has not. The fact is she did, does and prob will keep doing it. Theres really nothing I can do other than when see someone else with same issue say a #metoo to her.
  9. I want to thank you for this topic! I have a recurrent serial copycat since my first LH, a victorian. It was a surprise to find out that someone copied as you said, every small detail. I understand that due the house shape, some furniture position makes more sense, also we all have pretty much same furniture/decor items nowadays, but the composition we make and some adaptations reflects our taste and personality. I can see something at your house that I like and go after to buy, but the way I will place at ma house will be "my own way" always. Also I understand that not everybody have a mind to think for themselves. And they just dont admit. My personal copycat kept following me. One day I got a new stilt and moved from my previous one. Checking the neighborhood I saw "my house" nearby. Was my copycat striking again. Same when I got a new newbrooke. There she was building a pool, setting a roof and living room exactly as I did on mine. Its beyond flattering, its pathological love! lol Getting inspired by someone else is not an issue but when someone copy what you do to the letter and frequently, it is like a thief trying to steal your identity. So sadly, you are not alone on this, Cyanide... *hugs
  10. And here I go again... friendships aside, ok?! I think the roof issue collided with this 937 prims issue due wrong administration decisions. Being LL a business, no matter what type of continent they do, they are providing a service for a payment. But as Second Life is a way to live our lives virtually and we love it, things gets confused. I loved the idea when I came to Bellisseria, the utopia of a community where all are friends and equals. At some point my pink lens glasses felt and broke. And it did cause business and community didnt walk together as it should have. The roof issue was for sure caused by an AR.... why?! Customization of houses were always encouraged as I see since forever in Bellisseria and this roof was indeed in theme (no need much research on architecture respectable articles to see that) and it were not a sore eyes, au contraire, it was very tasteful and well done. So why someone decided to AR it?! It makes me wonder who Mercedes pissed off for that. Yes, cause in a sea of regions with monstrosities out of theme, why someone got so bothered with her roof?! And being a recently released theme, how could she or any of us know about the roof rule?! So if the roof customization could be an issue, it should had being anticipated and ruled first. This is a business, right?! For us it is a playing house we pay for but being a business for LL it should had taking care more professionally. Sorry, not sorry. Same about the BBB 937 prims vic that out of the blue just appeared ripping off half of the communitary Party Zone. A roof issue or a 937 prims house issue or any other issue that is happening or happened in Bellisseria, they have/had nothing about the residents or the community. Its about administration. If you want all roofs this or that way, write it down and make residents know. Like the orbs rules. And have a team of Governors ready to go after every single thing out of rules. "Oh! but theres not many governors!" "Bellisseria is too big!" Not the residents problem. As consumer, we pay for a service. So if you want to rule us on something, provide us the rule first. Cold?! Yes, as a roof being returned without a why or a word. If hard "communitary" long hours sweat and tears work can be rewarded with this or that benefit, write that down, ruled it and let residents know. Thats what a business do and an equal community should behave. Gatekeepers, monopoly and favoritism, thats what cause drama and end societies. Equal treatments, known rules and transparency can only save.
  11. Im using the Faraday and doing an eco roof with a balcony... lets see! The Gatewood was ma first choice but sadly, no back door... I also think the doors should come with the house pack, so we could choose using them or not.
  12. I think you didnt understand her joke (I did and laugh) or you did... and its ok.
  13. I think this subject is getting hard on people and we have to be careful about witch hunts now. It was no good to see a perfect roof being returned when so many real crap buildings out of theme are all around Belli. I like to think it soon will be all clarify. Belli is plenty of fake business and clubs and headquarters... plenty! And very modified houses. The governors already have lots of work to attend ARs on real issue things, theres lots of halloween/xmas decor outside till now, so I doubt they will come after every single modified building just for kicks, unless they are out of rules as outside parcel or outside high limits, alpha fences, things we already know are not allowed by covenant. Im sure the roof thing will be re-thinking. I myself have good ideas for mine! lol So let the hairdressers, candy stores, bars, cafes, bowlings or whatever in peace, shall we?!
  14. I think you didnt understand her joke (I did and laugh) but thats ok.
  15. Yesterday I got a 512 sqm house right in front of Mercedes house... 3 times! *cries. I use to see monstrosities all around and AR a lot, I see outside the chalets many sci-fi furnitures and even a stilt add-on on a vic. Id love to be in the theme police, yeah, who knows me knows I can be a pain about decorations.... I like to think I have some taste and some good judgment... see? a pain! lol So I must say Mercedes house captured ma eyes, it looked stunning and super in theme for me. Awesome taste and the roof made it unique and still very Newbrooke and modern making the neighborhood very attractive, I think that should count. (Mercedes and I are no friends so ma opinion is not biased ok?!)
  16. Elly always had the x-ray eyes to see Slendie dancing from inside!! *runs πŸ˜‚
  17. It was awesome!! Can't wait for Hammieween III, its tradition, oki?!! πŸΉπŸ’—
  18. Congrats Slendie!!! 😈🀣 Now you can forget about the candy and enjoy Hammieween II with us!! Uh oh.... dont think it will go out of your head so soon.... *runs! πŸ’—
  19. I'd love to hunt some snowflakes maybe?, for xmas bears! (I think that is the thread here, right?! lol) Dramas aside is being super fun! Visited lots of cool places and met also lots of cool ppl! Love the idea! πŸ’—
  20. Bela Tolsen screams and screams and screams like a goat!! :β—― magaaaaah Slendie magaaaaah!!! 😱
  21. No more candy for Bela?!! Thats EVIL!!! 😱 Bela Tolsen screams like a goat!! :β—―
  22. Magaaaaaah Slendie magaaaaaah!! 😱 Bela Tolsen screams like a goat!! :β—―
  23. ohmagaaaaaaah how evil is that?! Slendie is getting ALL the candys!! 😱 Bela Tolsen screams like a goat!! :β—―
  24. *screams like an unicorn and doesnt apologies! πŸ¦„πŸ€£
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