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Mireille Massiel

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Posts posted by Mireille Massiel

  1. 7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I don't typically buy gachas, but I don't agree with the creators putting any current gachas out for regular sale.  People that have already bought the items as gachas, bought them under the condition that they were only available via the gacha or resell.  Putting the existing gacha items out for regular sale seems like a bait-and-switch type tactic -- not exactly, but similar - and possibly devalues the resale market on the items.

    I personally think that any existing gacha should always stay only available via gacha machines until the end of Aug and only available via resell after the gacha machine is pulled.  

    LittleMe, I don't see that as much different from when a merchant offers an individual item or storewide sale. Sucks to be me that the item I previously bought can now be had for much less, but that's the nature of retail.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Exactly what most of us do. Here is X, it's 350L, there's only one of it. You like? You buy.

    Plus if I worked out the math, I'd never actually want to sell anything ... I spend sometimes 2-3 hours on something I sell for 350L ... around $1.50. Once. All my pieces are one-of-a-kind. I do it because i love it not be get rich. :)

    It's not tricky? I sell one of a kind artwork (no copy, no modify, transfer) that the new owner can transfer or even sell on, just like my real art. I think I missed the point of your post?

    If you want to make an item available as a one-off, that's your prerogative. My point was let the customer be the person who makes the decision on what they wish to purchase of yours - you know, regular vendors.  Instead of continually feeding a gacha in the hopes of getting that one item they desire.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, PrettyFlower Vale said:

    sellers, an idea for you - Replace your gachas with limited edition items. Set those machines to sell only a certain number of those items and make them collectibles. There will be a race to get them and you’ll be able to charge a top dollar amount for it.

    Sellers, an even better idea for you. Have everything you make available for purchase at what you deem a fair price. And let me, the customer, decide what i wish to purchase.  Retailing 101, it's not hard.

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