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Thinkerer Melville

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Everything posted by Thinkerer Melville

  1. I would like to consider posting a blog on this project-- would you like to send me a press release? Thinkerer Melvile Blog: http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/
  2. This may help Get logged out a lot? Check your router. http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-get-logged-out-lot-check-your.html
  3. Check your graphics setting. When it did not recognize my nvidea, it set the graphics to minimum. All I had to do was raise the setting. Thinkerer
  4. What can we discuss here? About event we are having? or about events in general? I recommend the teen plan: Do it and if nobody tells you to stop, it's OK. I will follow this forum and blog any event notices I think will be of interest to my readers. Thinkerer
  5. This may help. Get logged out a lot? Check your router http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-get-logged-out-lot-check-your.html Thinkerer
  6. Some info that may help: Voice: Troubleshooting update 4/3/11 http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/04/voice-troubleshooting-update-4311.html Thinkerer
  7. Here are some suggestions: http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/02/kit-your-stuff-inventory.html Thinkerer
  8. I put on 3 musical shows a week. You can find the performers by looking through the schedules on my blog for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/ Usually I I pay 5k lindens Thinkerer Melville
  9. Welcome to SL, Baron. I am a retired prof of Psychology with substantial interests in social netweors and comunity participation. I have discussed such topics extensively in my blog: http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/ To see some of those topics, go to the blog and put s-tech in the search bar at the top. I am sending you an offer of friendship from this forum post. I have not tested this method and don't know if it really works. But perhaps you will get the offer and let me know.
  10. This covers saving outfits Appearance 101. Outfits and avatars http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/03/kit-appearance-101-outfits-and-avatars.html
  11. WHole sim -- Esl English as a second Language. Virtlantis and the holodeck http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/03/english-as-second-language-virtlantis.html This has someschool created links Educator kit http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/02/kit-educator-kit.html
  12. I have a blog with answers to many common questions newcomers ask in Second Life. Here is the table of contents. http://thinkerer.org/SLintChan/SLiHoboKitonWeb.htm Take a look and see if I have answered your question. If you have any other questions, look me up in search: Thinkerer.Melville Here is how to find people http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-people-how-do-i-find-people.html Or drop over to theHobo Helpers HQ on Cookie and pick up a copy of the inworld Hobo Kit from the poster giver in the corner. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cookie/136/102/22
  13. You are right. I use FB & Twitter to promote events in SL and to promote my blog Here are some things I have been recommending Facebook and twitter for promoting your project http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/02/media-facebook-and-twitter-for.html Virtual Outworlding: The first five minutes. Live Streaming. Geo Meek http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/03/first-five-minutes-live-streaming-geo.html Thinkerer
  14. Hobo Island usually has a lot of people in the sandbox. They are often building, but will talk to you about their builds. TKR
  15. I suggest you contact your credit card company and dispute the charge. Tell them what happened. TKR
  16. See this http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Machinima You may want to see these too If your film is for commercial gain http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_movies Machinima Friendly Sims http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Machinima_Friendly_Sims Theater casting calls http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-theater-casting-calls.html TKR
  17. My suggestion is: Hyles Infohub Appearance 102: Hyles Infohub newcomer resources http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/04/kit-appearance-102-hyles-infohub.html Here are lots of how to pages for new people. Appearance 102: Hyles Infohub newcomer resources http://thinkerer.org/SLintChan/SLiHoboKitonWeb.htm Thinkerer
  18. This is the info I have: http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2010/12/does-sl-tip-you-white-spot-here-are.html Thinkerer
  19. I will be happy to answer your questions. I am Thinkerer.Melville
  20. Quicktime -- yes, could be here is another possibility http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2010/12/tech-failure-media-plugin-webkit-shared.html Thinkerer
  21. I just checked a video from my blog -- plays fine on my prim (using the same function). So I don't think it is a problem with SL Thinkerer
  22. This is a common cause of experiences like yours http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-get-logged-out-lot-check-your.html Thinkerer
  23. That looks like a router failure -- happened to me once. Be sure your computer firewall is working, then see if you can bypass your router and connect directly to the internet and SL -- if that gives good results, you need to buy a new router. Some routers have problems with SL-I get good results from Linksys. D-link and Netgear have been metioned in posts as having problems. Thinkerer
  24. This may help http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2011/01/kit-get-logged-out-lot-check-your.html thinkerer
  25. This may explain; http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2010/08/why-do-i-have-negative-balance-in.html
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