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Thinkerer Melville

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Everything posted by Thinkerer Melville

  1. I have not seen this kind of problem. Try this: Cut the power to your modem and your router, leave them off for at least 10 minutes, then restore power. If that does not fix the problem, see if you can try another router. Routers sometimes fail in ways that affect SL. but not browsers. If the problem remains, try to find out if your ISP is blocking a port that is used by SL. (SL uses some ports that are not used by most software.) If the problem remains, it must be related to something on or about your computer set-up. You need to get help from someone who has seen such a problem. You use of Spanish in the question may have limited the number of people who can help you. My suggestion: Post the question again, but with the title in English: I cannot get into SL with any viewer Then include this English description of what happens: The viewer crashes before I can enter my name and password The problem happens on Firestorn, the current SL viewer, and other viewers Your answers may come in English, but you can use Google translate to get the Spanish version. I will watch this thread and can help you with interpreting English TKR
  2. Have someone send you some messages when you are not online. Using the system sometimes gets things fixed.
  3. As I understand: You have tried several viewers, including Firestorm and the Second Life viewers. They all crash before you can enter your name and password. I recommend: Check you graphics driver, be sure it is the most recent driver. Do this at the website of the graphics board manufacturer, not at Micrlosoft. TKR
  4. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109 No hablo Espanol
  5. Here is info on the usual cause of the problem and how to fix it Crash on image download or upload, a fix TKR
  6. Here are some solutions to problems like that: Login fails? Lots of logouts? Summary TKR
  7. Here are some tips for using SL resources t omeet people How do I meet people? 2012 TKR
  8. Here are some resources SL offers th help you find people who share your interests: How do I meet people? 2012 TKR
  9. I have had varying experiences with things deeded to a group. If you change the land deed and have autoreturn on, objects deeded to the other group will be returned, but I don't know to whom. I don't know that you can change the deed status for the land. You can if it is a private sim, but otherwise, I am not sure if you are on the mainland. I suggest you think through the possibilities tht would let you leave the land and objects deeded to the current group. Any attempt to change to deeding carries potential problems that cannot ne undone. TKR
  10. It sounds like your avatar has too much stuff and is ovrloading your old computer. If you are able to log in with another ther computer, change to a basic avatar and see if that fixes the problem. TKR
  11. Here are articles that should answer that and some other questions that are likely to come up Land and houses 2012 Groups 101 Why and how? TKR
  12. Keep me in the loop. Some of those things sound interesting. I may want to report about them in my blog. TKR
  13. There are several possible causes. Here is an article about some fixes: Login fails? Lots of logouts? TKR
  14. You can have several videos playing on a parcel at the same time if you use Prowser-on prims (BOP). See this article. Hear/see music/video media/BOP in Second Life 2012 If more than one has audio, people will probably hear a cacaphony of several audio streams. Nobody will like that. I have seen visual effects displayed that way with good results. TKR
  15. It is good that you raise this issue. If you can find some number of people with the same conditions and same problem, LL might be able to locate the problem and patch it. I just searched the forums and found some other reports http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Can-t-log-in-main-grid-DNS-could-not-resolve-host-name/qaq-p/1735763 The following people indicated a similar problem. XtimmyboyX Jenn Luke 5 questions in the answers forum. None of these suggested anything you have not tried. The reports do suggest a pattern of problems with Vista and an update of viewer 2. If you have tried and failed with the latest firestorm, you might get results by asking the Firestorm people about it. TKR
  16. Can't be that simple. There must still be lots of people running SL on Vista. I ran SL on XP, Vista, and now Win 7. No problems. The instructions here have worked for many people: Login fails? Lots of logouts? Here is a comment from someone who had such problems DNS issue ... Seems to be related to a DNS issue. By adding two backup google DNS entries [ &] I was able to launch and run 3.0 without any apparent issues, although I will continue to monitor the result. TKR
  17. http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2010/09/believe-illustrated-poem.html http://www.youtube.com/user/selbyevans TKR
  18. I use FRAPS for capture and Windows Movie maker (free with windows) to edit and compress. If I want to edit the audio, I use a free program to strip it out, then edit it with Audacity. TKR
  19. I think the control features you are looking for are described here: Basic Camera Controls: See, Zoom, roam, and tag TKR
  20. You can set home to the Hobo Helpers spot near town center on Cookie. You have to join the Hobo Helpers group (open group). Cookie is the name of a sim, so you look it up on the world map. Cookie is rarely busy. The Hobo helpers spot has a little campfire with Hay bales around. TKR
  21. That could be a connection problem- but if it persists, here are some things to check: Troubleshooting: The viewer screwer Login fails? Lots of logouts? TKR
  22. I don't know of any art group in SL like the one you describe for DJ's There are similar groups for theater and music event announcements. If you don't find one, maybe you would like to start one. There is a substantial art community in SL. I think there is a need for such a group. I would like to be able to point newcomers to a group like that if they are interested in art. The Facebook and Google+ groups I mentioned in my previous post do function much as you described. You could join them and ask if some others there would like to help you in developing an Art Publicity group in SL. I would like to join and would like to post about it in my blog TKR
  23. You can do some things via the browers-on-prim feature. You can display a google calendar and display details as you would on the web. You should be able to make entries, but I have not found that easy. TKR
  24. Here are art groups in Facebook and Google+ by people from virtual worlds: https://www.facebook.com/groups/24130075386/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/OPENTHISEND/ Second Life Arts Presumably these groups are networking.
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