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Dixie Raynier

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Everything posted by Dixie Raynier

  1. Ok that makes sense. But lets say i buy land thats 1024sqm and get 234 prims. Since im premium do i get 512sqm and 117 prims free? So instead of paying $8USD a month would i pay less?
  2. Ok, so i upgraded to premium and got one of the free 512sqm houses with only 117 prims. I quickly learned 117 prims is hardly enough to furnish the house with what i would like. So i need to know; 1. Is it possible to go above 117 prims? or should i Just buy land and a different house? 2. If i buy a different house and land can someone explain the cost for prims and land and stuff? (please dumb it down for me too haha im new) 3. Do i pay the costs with Lindens or USD? Please help!
  3. Ok, so im looking to get one of the free Linden homes but im wondering if they have any model homes? (like real life) You go in and can look around at it and decide?
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