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Rin Tae

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Posts posted by Rin Tae

  1. While I am sure that some people claim to be SL celebrities the real answer is that there are none (those who make the very common mistake of assuming that their little part of SL is all of it might however beleive they are this .. but that is just funny :matte-motes-wink-tongue: ). At least not all over SL since certain communities have people that are more known then others. But with the way communities on SL are divided and rarely merge those people are totally unknown to anyone outside of their small circle.


    There might be some blogers or maybe some content creators and third party viewer developers who are known to a bigger audience but no real celebrities.

  2. You don't need to loose a shirt to make the inventory link get broken. Renameing it will cause to break the link as well as will editing it (on prim parts). Sometimes at least .. and of course copying the item and then wearing the copy while the link points to the original that you might have deleted or renamed.

    But broken links are no problem to fix. Just open the inventory and find the shirt and then either drag-drop it into the outfit folder (in the inventory window, and not in the the outfit window). In this case, the item will automatically create a link in the outfit folder or 'copy-paste as link' the item into the outfit folder.

    I create and play with outfits all the time and do this a lot when updating and changing older outfits.


  3. Imprudence is old and even when they would start to work on it again, it woudl take many months to get it back on track with all the changes that viewers have been through. So I would forgett this one for now.

    When people have problems however with their computers being unable to run a viewer like Firestorm (that I use myself and consider to be a 'heavy' viewer since it does need ressources and processing ower to run smoothly) I point them towards Cool Viewer as this one behaves much better on weaker machines. I used it on a laptop and while it wasn't anything great, it still worked fine (I had ot reduce grafics significantly but that was my laptops fault).

    If you have been using v.1-like viewers so far, then Cool has the added benefit (if oyu see it as a benefit of course as I for example like the v.3-look a lot) of looking like one and still having all the improvments of the later viewers including mesh (it was the first v.1-like viewer to have mesh compatibility).


    But there are many viewers to choose from so you can always do some testing to see what viewer will your laptop like best.

  4. Yes ..... all the time -.-


    Yes too! Once a few years back, I repeated the entire stream of animations on my old AO for fun and actually managed to do it nearly perfectly. But it wouldn't really work with my current AO since it has way too many poses in it and plays them randomly too.

  5. All the viewers use the code provided by LL and add their own features and fixes to them. They change the UI layout and move some settings to the surface that are hidden in the official viewer. Some change a lot like the very detailed grafics setting possibilities on Nirans viewer or the look of a version 1 type viewer on the version 3 type viewer based Cool viewer.

    The currently most widely used viewer seem to be Firestorm (the numbers are secret but a while ago a linden indeed confirmed it as far as I remember) - I guess a lot of the why it is the most used one currently might have to do with their awsome support. I use it too and I like it but viewer performence is something that is very very individual and depend  lot on the computer, the internet connection and even the way one use the viewer they have chosen.

    So you might need to try a few out to find the one that suits you best.


    And if you do and instal several then make sure to keep their cache separeted ;P ... otherwise they might mix each other up

  6. ohhh.... how I hate such gestures .. it is the reason I don't go to clubs even when I am also convinced to miss out on some great music this way. But the gesture spamming tend to get all the fun sucked out of the event.


    However I do go to one club I am following around the grid for several years now and that combines great music with people don't spam gestures and use open chat for funny and often interesting conversations ... so I guess it all comes down to find the right place and the right group of people.

  7. I would not call mesh a trend. Just like sculpties have been it is a very nice advancement in the tools and possibilites to build things in SL. It is not a fashion trend or thing to add to clothing (bling is hopefully lost and forgotten now) and shoes that can be turned on and off.

    It is just another method of building and one that is easier to make and offer more possibilites and less limitations the sculpties and even more so then prims. Now of course neither of the older methods will go away (despite some screaming that went on when mesh was about to implemented about how sculpties will be discontinued and all of them erased and banished from the grid .. yes.. some people are *insert word of choice*) and there are always things that are better done in one method then another (pillows might be better done in sculpts then mesh).

    Mesh itself also need some thinking about how to make it so it is efficent in the land impact number and look good with proper texturing. But this is the same for sculpt builds and prims. It just depends on the builder and honestly I don't care about badly made mesh items on sale because there is a even greater number on badly made prim items and horrid sculpts on sale. I don't have to buy it and just go and pick the really great made ones that so far I had no trouble finding.

    Sadly it was a great oversight by LL not to realize that rigged mesh clothing is probably the most desired application of it. Mesh static, non deformig objects can be and are great already but rigged clothing is something that can not be achieved with any other method and looks better then the older alternatves. So now they need to add the mesh deformer because so far most people (including me, but the sample is rather small with only those on forums and those I talekd with) expressed the opinion of not wanting to change the shape to fit clothing. Merchants have responded by offering demos and different szes and I have found enough mesh items to be fitting me very well (and I am on the shorter scale of SL sizes what often made fiting things difficult). Of course they will never be able to offer enoguh sizes for anyone so the deformer project is the thing needed to make rigged mesh clothing as awsome as it can be.

    Currently there are two different deformer ideas that are being worked on and the first one (made by quarl, funded by residents and getting cooperation from LL) has been making good progress so far. The second one is very new and surfaced only a few days ago (I thik) but from what I heard and read about it, it might be a very good idea about how to do it as well (not that I would understand all the technical things about it :matte-motes-tongue: ).


    Trends are one thing, using new building tools is something very different and I really don't want to get back to prim shoes :matte-motes-mad: 

  8. The biggest problem I have is, that I don't know where the problem is and what picture would be best that could give some insight on it.

    The models are very similar to each other as they are two different versions of a wall corner creating a 90° angle in two different directions. There are no complicated forms or anything that I would think of beign a problem. Especially as the wall itself and one of the corners have been textured correctly.

    As for what I do, then .. after having created the model, I add a material to it (to all faces) and use smart unwrap to create the UV image. I save the UV image and open it in a image editor where I create the actual texture. Both the model and the texture are then uploaded into SL where they hopefully fit to each other.

    After some trial and error I managed to get several models textured but I keep running into this problem at some point and it keeps holding me up to the point where I just can't get anythign finished. This actually makes me think that I am been making a mistake all along but I just don't know where it might be. And so I am searching for a way to actually be able to have it work everytime. Tutorials have prooven not to be much of a help so far and the only one I know who uses blender (version 2.49 however) is rarely online so I am kind of lost about what might be the mistake.


    And I didn't knew about the archive isntall but I don't really plan or want to have several active at the same time. I update blender from time to time to keep up but haven't so far and will do it again since all nearby walls have nice holes in the size of my head in them by now. Who knows .. maybe it is all a bug and the new version will fix it, but I have the feeling that it is something that I am doing wrong (even when the actual process of UV texturing is only three - after figuring it out - easy steps)

  9. Sooo .. I run into a frustrating texturing problem that I don't know how to get solved.

    I made some mesh models, UV unwrapped them, painted the texture and uploaded everything into SL. One one mesh, the texture appeared correctly on another it has not, even when the steps from making the texture, over the adding of the material, to UV unwrapping and painting in photoshop has been exactly the same.

    Now, I dont rule out to have missed something along the way, but I repeated the process several times and the result was always the same. The texture made for mesh model 2 did not appeared in the correct way like it did for mesh model 1 and it's texture.


    Now I am rather lost and can't figure it out why one model should behave different to the other ... unless there is something that I am missing or a bug I don't know about (using Blender 2.59)

  10. Of course I had to make a stop when reading :'Anything and everything involving human beings and human behaviour needs policing' ... some have already pointed out that there is a bit of a problem with such a statement and ideas like .. democracy .. personal freedom .. human rights even .. besically the things many people have put lot of blood and effort into to overcome (and still do .. of course there are fanatics everywhere who have a problem with such freedoms and like to see them removed either because they are security-crazy, want to control everything and everyone or just can't accept other ideas, lifestyles and cultures)


    But anyway ... your other post should be a bit more precise. Especially:

    nt274 wrote:


    (...)  it seems to be a very complex topic (...)

    (...) Some acamdemics think (...)

    (...) altering the codes of the game space - so people are unable to commit these activities, however feedback I have got from a lot of residents is that they don't want second life to be policed - it is a game (...)

    (...) However, as real money is put into second life, copy righting becomes a more serious issue - one which could involve real life jurisdiction. The whole governing question becomes more serious!


    The first thing I have picked out is the one that might be a problem for you once this research is being put into a paper since this issue is not one that is limited to SL. It is Internet-Law in general and would involve all the ideas that have been put forward in recent jears about how to govern and control the internet. How to deal with laws in such a international arena. SL is such a tiny part of it, that it isn't worth much more then a footnote. Unless you want to base it all on SL, but then you would have missed the main part of the problem and have put your focus on a area of the internet where not much crime is happening.

    Of course you never want to start anything with 'some academics think ..' .. I have written and read enough scientific papers to want to point out the arising question about who those 'some academics' are and what they have written in their papers (because such statements always need ot be backed up and considering the complex and very interesting topic of internet law/regulation/deregulation etc, I think many people that have commented so far would like to have a look at those too).

    The third point -- yay! ;P ... is SL a game or not? Finding the answer to this would be great finally, but the more interesting point in this goes right back to the first comment I have made at the start. Because changing the code so nothing criminal ( - as little as it - ) can be done can happen would remove all ability to create and all freedom form SL. So there we are right at the security vs. freedom argument and at the thing about loosing both when exchanging the second for the first.

    And so I am right at the fourth point and again on the need to point out how complex this issue can be. It is however a all RL law one and while SL is governed in the same any other online activity is (by the individual ToS) the things people do here are all goverend by the specific laws in their countries and LL belongs under US/californian law. Those laws and regulations are very much lacking and there is lots to be discussed about their implementation (see PIPA, SOPA, ACTA and the reaction those have recieved) and you will find much more interesting topics then criminal activity in SL .... especially when lookign at criminal activity in the internet, how they are fought and how the wish of security agencies / governments / corporations to control everything relates to the overall reaction the population showed towards it.

    SL is just a tiny drop in all this and it's problems with criminal activity are again just a tiny drop in what is going on.


  11. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:


    If you look at the rocks you can see that the land either side of the pacific are the same as the are either side of the Atlantic and that the sea bed is new rock, this would mean that the the old crust of the planet was the whole old surface with the oceans covering that making most of the land shallow seas when the dinosaurs were around, and that what we see as the sea bed now is new rock made from a rapidly expanding earth, so how is it that the earth for billions of years is one size, then rapidly starts to expand to a degree that the new surface is many times the old surface.

    That is not hard to explain,


    Not really hard to explain indeed!  .. it's called continental drift  ;P

    Earth isn't expanding and hasn't been expanding since the day the last rock slammed into the bigger rock that eventually formed the planet we are on right now .. followed by the even bigger-rock that hit the earth-rock and that resulted in rocks being torn off the earth-rock and start to form the moon-rock (according to latest - and even very liekly to be true but considering the timeframes invovled, we might never see it happening elsewhere - theories)

  12. 16 wrote:

    famous sl avatars not linden


    Steller Sunshine - builder

    Anshe Chung - mega baron

    Ziggy Puff - animation overrider

    Stroker Serpentine - poseball

    Adam Zaius - opensim

    Eddy Stryker - copybot

    Plastic Duck - greifer

    Argent Stonecutter - flight feather

    Luc Aubret - blitzer

    Chip Midnight - clothing template

    Day Oh - ocean waves

    Hamlet Au - blogger


    Nice list .. I heard of two. Anshe (who made all this money and was smart enough ot take it out into RL quickly enough so she made a fortune) and Hamlet (since I read his blog even when I tend to disagree with his assumptions .. but he is well informed)

    Some other people that might be known to a wider circle of people in SL would be the viewer developers beginning with Nichlaz (don't know the last name however but that is usually the only name he is refered too anyways) up to Jessica Lyon who is the leader and a very public fase of the Phoenix team (and the best project lead they could wish for for all I can tell)

    Those who use third party viewers usualyl knew the names behind what they use so that might be said to be fame. And it is well deserved since those people do a lot for the community by working for free and creating something so many people like and enjoy using.


    Hwever there are the infamous too that some people knew the names of but just as with many others, I would not call them really famous since most of them are famous within their circles. But when thinking about this everyone of those (excluding those infamous ones not mantioned by name but I have a few in mind and Anshe as she is the only one who is known for the moeny she made) have did something good for the community and got the fame for their skill and telent.

    No one ever got famous for looks or for being a model. Since everyone can look as they like this does not hold as much importance here then it would in RL

    And while I think my look is great and people do give me compliments for it I don't think I will ever be discovered by some osrt of famous photographer to have my profile pic made for me for free XP .... they all seem to chase a different kind of look

  13. Now this is a interesting question ... since in all the years I have been in SL, I have not heard of anyone who would be known across of all SL. Some people claim to be famous but in reality, they are just known in their circle.

    SL is a very divided place with little connection between various communities and many people mistake their little place for all of what is out there. When people mention seemingly famous names, they usually get stares and questions about who that is and what they did to become famous from those who are not in the same (or close to) social circle or trade then those seemingly famous people are.

    However there are some who are public enough to be known by at least a number of people across communities. Mostly blogers (but then only to those people who read blogs) or machinima makers who manage to do films of great quality (but those too mostly to those people who make and watch such films themselves since a lot of those who did see the film will never look for one again and forget the name of the maker a few seconds after telling everyone how much they loved it). Some artists too from time to time, but their fame usually retracts back itno the artist community very quickly (what is sad cosidering the works that are being made there).

    After all even the large uproars in SL only happen in small circles when looking at the bigger picture of overall SL ... when talking about the dramas of the past that filled up blogs, forums and discussions and looked like the whole of the community would be involved .. 9 times out of 10 I had to explain what is going on and why and no one inworld was aware of anything special going on.

    The same is true for 'fame'

    One way to become famous is to do public apperences and be invovled in something that concerns many people but those topics are few and not easy to get into since this usually invovle lots of time, knowledge and work. And some wit and talent when going into the public.


    So there is no reason to worry ... chances are, that even when you become famous in one place, noone will know you once you cross the next sim border. Let them look, stare and say no to those who are nof freindly enough, there is no reason to change anyways, if you feel good with the way you look

  14. The original copybot did not had anything to do with bots as it was a program that intercepted the data between the servers and the viewer and stored it on the computer ... considering that a sim with lots of content on it would take a long time to be stored the one wanting to copy it would need to stand around for a rather long time I guess ... and that might be where the bot-connection came from since I somehow can't imagine those people to be the most patient.

    However to answer to the original post .. I think chasing people away and accusing them if they stand around for a moment too long is a good way for a store to loose customers.

  15. Thank you very much for the reply! I have not expected it and it is very nice to see that someone is reading those posts and feel, that there is a need for a response ....

    but ....

    I have to say, that I agree with the poster above that this answer is not one that would make me believe into the reasons behind the decission and I have to admit that when the investment of time and money has been mentioned, my first thought was ... what about saying 'thank you' for it? What about saying 'thank you' that we all kept SL and LL both alive during times of economic trouble and still support it? What about showing that LL stands behind it's product and is aware of the fact who pays for it's existence?

    Even when it would be done by something like a once a year event (that could be better orgenized and set up then the last ones but I know that it is possible since I remember those before) and the investment of a few minutes of the time of the CEO for a speach given at the event. That would do a lot to avoid the usual backslash and anger about the (so far almost always) horrid communication and community strategy followed by LL in the past.

    LL ... people want to love you all, but you are making it hard to even put a little bit of trust into your future decissions   -.-

  16. I don't think that the singularity is anwhere near .. it might come and the overall technological progress is going on and does not show any signs of slowing down. And with predictions about the future being hard to make it is difficult to say what might be developed and even more difficult to see how it will influence human society.

    However the world is still full of fanatism, greed, death and abuse both of other humans and the enviroment. Short term gains are still often seen as being better then the well being of other people or the generations that will follow us ... Injustice, tyranny and a growing gap between the rich and the poor have as much a influence on humanity as the technological development and they will shape the world after the singularity event as well if not solved before it appears.And I am not sure that the result will be something we will like to see.

    The technological singualrity (however I would pint out, that the past shows that even the technological development of the next 5 or 10 years could not have be predicted) can not be disconnected from the social development and while I would very much love to see all those great theoretical achievments to be made, I can not stop thinking about the kind of humanity that is given those tools into their hands.

    Will they use it to better the life of everyone and cooperation or will it continue like it has in the past decades and centuries?


    And since I have used a quote form Issac Asimov (I think) in a recent discussion about a somehow related topic, I think I do it agian here since it would be appropirate:

    "Science gathers Knowledge faster then society gathers wisdom"


  17. so far, mesh has been a great addition to SL .. especially rigged clothing (even whit it's current lack of the deformer that hopefully wil lbe done soon) .. but you wont really find and 'community' aroud it since it is all over SL.The marketplace is started to be filled with nice items with I think full body non-human mesh avatars being the currently most interesting items (apart from rigged clothing but as said before .. this still needs the deformer to be really great)

    I am not sure about builds yet. I would say more and more is being made with mesh, but a good mesh is difficult to tell apart from a good sculpty.

    As for videos then there are some good ones. I am never sure about posting links here, but when you look for machinimatrix.org then you will find some very good tutorials about how to create things there.


    Now of course you said, that you have been discouraged by the grafics and in many parts of SL this has not changed much ;P .. but in others it is completly different and since you mentioned Snow Crash, then I think you migh enjoy places like Insilico or Hangars Liquides. Or Doomed Ship, even when it is a sci-fi horror setting and not Sci-Fi / Cyberpunk like the other two. Those are actually all pre-mesh builds but they show what a great builder can do with the build tools given.

    I am very much looking forward to see what will change once more and more mesh buildings, plants and scenery items are added to all those wonderful builds you can find in SL (don't let yourself be discuraged by the ugly ones ;P SL is big).

  18. Fail indeed ....

    back when I have seen the first birthday celebration in 2007 (or 08, I am not sure which the first was that I have visited) it was a great build .. a marked way to walk through and see various builds .. sims that have not been clustered together with every little bit of them filled up by all sorts of exhibitions (with sadly very different levels of quality) .. it had room, it was nice, it was interesting.

    Later it all got worse with I think the low point having been at the 2010 celebration that really was an example for how to not care this from the side of the lab. The 2011 celebration I had in a slightly better memory then the previous one but it again was just a few sims placed by LL and then people puting what they liekd on it. I don't think that is the way on how to celebrate the main product of a company.

    And now I guess it wont be even this. On one side I am happy about it, since it was in the danger of being worse then in the previous years .. but now .. I guess there is no better way of showing their lack of care and interest in their own product as well as into the community using it then to refuse to even put out a sandbox for them to build on and keep it up for a week or so.

    Was it too much work?

    Or has LL decided that since people wont be happy about it then they just shrug it off and let people be unhappy since for them there is no difference if people are unhappy about a mismanaged celebration or unhappy about the lack of celebration?

    They just stay unhappy

    And who needs happy customers anyway?

    Or to change the question a bit ...

    Who needs customers?

    I guess not LL


    *insert angry words of choice here*

  19. And so it works ... I have tried that some time ago, but it has not worked either but I guess it jsut comes down to not seeing the most simple solution ;P

    But that is how one learns such things and as for expecting how it should work, then I don't know what to expect yet since I don't know enough about it. However my simple medical cabinet seems to be msotly correctly textured now and maybe it wil lbe textured completly correctly soon.


    I msut however say, that I found the tutorials I have seen all being rather unclear on this point about what todo with the UV-texture once it is made (do nothing XP ). I might be the only one but as a beginner I found that at the end of the UV tutotial .. especially those about SL .. there should be something more said about it. I might have missed it of course but at least nw I am happy that this one model worked out somehow.

    I'll need to make a completly new texture now that I see it inworld but that is a simple thing to solve ;D


    tytytytyty for the help ^_^

  20. I unwrap things before exporting but I still might do something worng there (being a beginenr and such ;P ) and I have not seen the above posted video yet (*will go to do that after writing this*). So maybe the problem is there and I just don't see it yet.

    Thank you both for the responses ^_^

    I hope they will help



    still no success. -.-    The tutorials seem all to stop right at the moment that I would need to solve my problem, since while I have the UV map, the texture and I can see in blender how it would look when correctly textured, it still turns out totally wrong when I hit 'bake' and when I try to upload, then it uploads without any texture (what is logical since I have to save the texture made acording to the UV-map to the model somehow)

    I could I guess texture each face of the object individually, but that would defeat the purpose of the UV-unwrap as it is being shown in the tutorials.

    Ironically in the second tutorial posted, the second (sadly unanswered) comment seem to be form soemone with a similar problem

  21. So, I have a bit of a problem with blender. (version 2.59) I know how to create items, shape them, make them look nice and even how to limit their prim-impact once I would upload them into SL. What I don't know, it how to texture them actually. So far, I have watched many tutorials about textures and materials but none has really get me anywhere close to actually making an object and having it be textured in the way I want to do it. I unwrap the item into the UV editor, make a texture to fit it and now I nwould need to know how to make the texture (different looking parts on different faces of the object) stick to the model in the way as it is made acording to the unwrapped UV-map. So far baking it always resulted in the texture either being assigned totally wrong, comppletly appearing on just one face or the entire item being black. I am sure, I am missing something between the unwrapping and baking but I have no idea what and since I am only at the beginning of creation of 3D objects with such programs, I am at a loss on where to look to find out how to do what I want. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions
  22. Some people will never learn and continue to write such things into their profiles ... while of course such disclaimers are absoultely meaningless as ... as far as I know .. the TOS simply forbids the sharing of logs without consent given by those invovled. And writing such disclaimers in the profile does not equal that consent.

    I consider such disclaimer funny (sometiems actually even rude depending on how they are worded) and love to read those, that actually turn them into a joking little text to point out how useless this is


    Of course, sharing logs is being done all the time ... between friends when one send something funny one said to another friend and all three have soemthing to laugh ... or when people give each other interesting and exciting RP scens to read or when admins or sim staff people require proof of something having been done or said that would be against the rules (in that cases all invovled parties agree and submit logs [or should because this is the only way to proove things and it makes the life of everyone invovled easier] what of course does give consent). And I bet merchants, club hosts and anyone running a place in SL would keep logs of problematic conversations saved just in case those might be needed in the future.


    And loging is a function that has always been there and a very nice one too .. especialyl for people in RP who likes to keep nice scenes saved for personal enjoyment and to read again later :D


    So while it is not something one can be reported on for having, the disclaimer is still meaningless. And when a log is shared without consent in a case where the LLs might get invovled, it will not save the one who had that written in their profile and shared the log.

  23. For technical support .. phoenix/firestorm beats LL defintevly ^_^ (*sends hugs to the support people for those viewers*)

    But to answer the question here ... the best viewer is the one that runs best and while I have not tested them all, it is currently Firestorm for me. The newest has a nice UI too so I am happy. However when testing viewers and installing them one can run into problems easily since often two viewers does not like to exist side by side on the same computer and will make the SL experience all crashy and awful without any visible reason.

    Clean installs and clearing the cache when changing viewers helps too and prevents other problems that people might run into (however clearing cache is not advised as a solution for everyday viewer problems)

    So it all comes down to the viewer one likes best ^_^

  24. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    With one GB of memory, realistically you can't run a viewer that supports mesh. All mesh viewers have very similar code to render mesh and right now it leaks memory. It's not uncommon for SL to end up using more than a GB of memory itself in a crowded area.


    I have run the first incarnations of mesh viewers ... Firestorm ... as well as the non mesh versions of Phoenix and also Firestorm on a 1 GB computer. It actually works (however it was a very good computer bild by a freind who knew what he is doing) and that is why in such cases I would suggest both Cool Viewer and Singularity since the other viewers might include too much other code besides mesh that be too much to have running for longer periods of time .. but then .. I used Phoenix and Firestorm on that computer and it has worked ^_^

    *Is very happy to have a new one now that is sooooo much better*

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