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kira Alena

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Posts posted by kira Alena

  1. Hey there, I have created a fully server based fishing system, and its all working and in testing. I am looking for someone who would like to make fish and marine life for the system, and add new creatures periodically. I do 3D model, but the size of this project requires more than one person. The script for marine life is complete already, so all I would need are the models, posed in a few frames to swim (alpha frame motion). If you do not know how to do framed motion, I can always show you. Take a look at our website so far, and I will give you an in-world demo/the items to try it out before you agree. Please send me a message in-world, and we can discuss payment.


    Website (Still in development) : http://cloverfish.clovertec.net/

  2. Clover is looking for a new store manager to help keep the store running smoothly. This is of course a paid position, and we can talk about pricing if you are interested. I am looking for someone trustworthy, professional, very organized, experienced(preferred) and is able to perform the following responsibilities :



    • Accept and check blogger posts. Communicate with bloggers
    • Manage our weekly marketplace review giveaway
    • Place and remove in-store event landmark boards
    • Customer service via smartbots live IM every few days
    • Manage my calendar, (add/remove event dates and others)
    • Post on the store facebook and flickr new releases, and where to get them four days before being released
    • Post in the store group when an event opens with an item in it.
    • Interact and keep tabs on the store group chat.
    • Double check permissions of items and test out some releases.
    • Keep tabs on flickr comments, and facebook comments
    • Other organizational duties
  3. I have been working on a rigged item, and for some reason one bone in the neck isnt working properly with the animations. It seems to have a kink in it when uploaded in world.


    In blender, this how the neck is bent: https://gyazo.com/94dd8665efc376e9e689cedc051cd0a8

    And in SL, here is whats happening: https://gyazo.com/282596fa289fb0a22ff7f3c2ba7cdca8

    I checked the rig, the bone rolls, I have translations enabled for the animation...


    I have no idea why this is happening, but if someone can help me figure this out, that would rock.

  4. Sorry for the late replies! So I ran a lot of tests and realized that the issue was that the script of the rezzed object had around 3 seconds of a delay before anything in the script even worked. So basically I cant do anything instantaneously until LL fixes this issue. I made a little workaround where the arrow is rezzed in front of the avatar as non-physical, and while the animation to shoot the arrow is playing, the script of the arrow "wakes up". By the time the animation is ready to shoot the arrow, the script is ready, and I set it physical and apply an impulse instead of rezzing with velocity. Unfortunately this is all I can do until LL fixes the issue.

  5. So im working on a creature that uses alpha blending fur, and its also animesh. Everything looks fine when animesh is disabled, but as soon as I enable it, I can only see the outer layer. The other fur layers are there, and rigged properly, but they cant be seen for some reason. When I turn alpha masking on, I can see all of the fur layers. Any help with this one?

  6. Hey there, I have created a fully server based fishing system, and its all working and in testing. I am looking for someone who would like to make fish and marine life for the system, and add new creatures periodically. I do 3D model, but the size of this project requires more than one person. The script for marine life is complete already, so all I would need are the models, posed in a few frames to swim (alpha frame motion). If you do not know how to do framed motion, I can always show you. Take a look at our website so far, and I will give you an in-world demo/the items to try it out before you agree. Please send me a message in-world, and we can discuss payment.


    Website (Still in development) : http://cloverfish.clovertec.net/

  7. Hey there, Im Kira Alena, the owner of Clover. I am currently looking for a blogger manager with experience, to help keep track of my bloggers. I need a hand keeping things running smoothly, because as much as I love handling that aspect, I dont mave much time anymore. I am currently an established brand, with a blogger team, and im looking to add to that and clean it up a bit. Send me a message/Notecard in-world if you are interested.

  8. 8 hours ago, NiranV Dean said:

    Okay. So first things first. You are not crashing, the viewer disconnects at the end. You are being timed out due to the Viewer being unable to properly connect, its literally retrying thousands of times and can't get everything it needs.

    Make sure you have NOT enabled the web proxy and neither the custom port in Viewer and Browser settings. Also make sure nothing is blocking the viewer, Firewall, Windows Defender, Antivirus programs, any net management tools and so on.

    Next i'd attempt to login in a few times in a row, immediately after another. As described previously you might be experiencing the same issue i had where most of my login attempts stalled due to a huge freeze and random timeout towards the end. I usually got through on the second or third attempt. Though i know of no fix for this situation sadly, it went away when i switched to Windows 10, i suspect it was simply my harddrive (i now use a SSD) being busy and slowing the loading time down so much that everything broke apart.

    If that doesn't help then maybe a cache clear could help, possibly because you are experiencing a freeze or timeout due to the inventory starting to load too early (which if its big and loading in huge chunks causes drastic framedrops) which a cache clear could potentially solve as it will usually delay the inventory loading until shortly after you're seeing the world or sometimes even not at all unless you bump it manually with a search through your inventory.

    So I tried everything here... Still no fix.

  9. 9 hours ago, NiranV Dean said:

    This could be due to you having a huge inventory or a massive system notification list.

    Go into: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\BlackDragon\your_avatar_name

    Find this file and delete it, this should clear your system notifications (top right corner). Having a large notification list can cause the Viewer to stall for extended periods of time while logging in. If that doesn't help i don't know, i had a similar issue where most of my logins failed because the 10% loading would take ages due to some outfit sync resulting in a disconnect at some point. 


    I appreciate the help, but that didnt seem to work, unfortunately.

  10. Hey there, I am the creator of the Venus pregnancy system, and I am looking for some people to roleplay as doctors at our clinic location. I have all of the doctor equipment set up, and I am looking for independent doctors to occupy a room (free of charge), and offer services to patients needing help. You will get patients recommended to you, a free room with all Venus doctor equipment, and you can charge them whatever you wish. Please contact me at Kira Alena. 


    You are required to have the Venus pregnancy Hud. This will be given to candidates for free. 

  11. I have a custom rigged avatar which seemed to be fine. It uploaded great, no errors, and it seemed to be pretty straight. I made an animation for it, and it looked fine (its a walk, so the body shouldnt bend to the left) in blender, but when I upload it on second life, the body is slightly tilted, and the animations arent mirrored correctly, here is a photo for reference.


    Here is how the body should look during the animation                 And here is what happens.




  12. Hey there. I Am working on an item that detects users to the left of the agents x axis. 

    To simplify it a bit:

    Lets say that I have a prim in world. I would like the attachment to be able to return how many meters that the position (of the object), if from the direction the user is facing.

    eg, an offset <0,3,0> +3 meters would be = the object is 3 meters to the left of the direction that the user is facing. 

    I am a little stumped at this point, so I hope someone can help.

  13. Hey there, I am a scripter/ 3D modeler in secondlife, and I was looking into creating some club equiptment/tools. I have a rough idea on some things that will be working on, but I would like some input from the actual community. This is mostly for club owners, managers, and workers, to make the club scene a bit easier to manage/ more interactive.
    (I am thinking of items along the lines of tip components, lighting, gadgets... etc)

    - What are some items that you use in your club that could use some improving? What can be improved on them? 

    - What is an item that you frequently wish that you could have in your club, that would help you manage things better.

    Any ideas or comments are welcome :)

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