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RED13 Raleigh

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Posts posted by RED13 Raleigh

  1. Hi Mik3

    As a fellow ATI user I see this all the time.  Either you have a corrupt registry which can be fixed with a registry editor tool or you just need to reboot Windows and let the driver reinitialize.  Try the latter first.  Your ATI is probably newer so you might get past the Custom Graphics Setting fix for ATI cards but just in case, be aware to select Custom in the Graphics tab of Preferences then select Hardware Settings and uncheck the in front of Vertex Buffer Objects.  But that is not the reason you see this message.  That is only necessary if your screen goes haywire when you can actually load Second Life.  Don't be surprised if every now and then you crash and see this message again.  And always reboot your computer to see if it goes away.


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