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Sabean Pagan

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Everything posted by Sabean Pagan

  1. I just saw the Linden Labs announcement on Twitter. I hope everyone gets their dream place. I'd love to come and explore the new sims once people are settled 😍
  2. So I was being somewhat ironic but lo and behold I landed this. I did go back to the chalet demo sim yesterday but as the Linden Gods were obviously in cahoots with Santa getting me my dream house I am sticking. Have made a start and off now to buy planters and flowers 😍
  3. I think the chalets/werkhauses look great. I am now, or will be, in a quandary when they are released as I landed a Traditional today that ticked most of my wish list and I doubt I will be this lucky twice ☺️
  4. I possibly have the exact opposite problem to some? I had a super houseboat which I abandoned yesterday after a year and a half because I really fancied having a nice little house with a garden, somewhere I could plant flowers and be more cheerful in these challenging times. So I thought maybe a Victorian, there was one available right away, but for my tastes the house was too big. So I decided traditional. The very first I got had ocean on two sides which was incredible but the land was all sand. I wanted to love it, I even spent 2k on market place on tropical planting and decorated it, but I just couldn't love it. There were plentiful new options after I abandoned that, I tried a stilt on land, a log home and another traditional which didn't grab me, though the houses did. I'm on my last chance today, just abandoned a stilt on water and about to give up a traditional which yet again has sand. I'm not even that close to the beach! I'm not fussy, all I want is a traditional on a private lot under a mountain next to lake or on a cliff at the sea side, with grass. Thank you πŸ˜ƒ x Hugs to all!
  5. I think it is this one by Doux https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DOUX-Lee-hairstyle-DEMO/13302202
  6. Hi, the hair is called Magic by Ivanka Akina https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/IA-Magic-hair-no21-DEMO-24-tones-in-one-hairstyle/1462089
  7. The bra at least is Blueberry Icon https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blueberry-Icon-Lingerie-Set-DEMO/13859084
  8. A 'stable' platform to feed your horses
  9. Hi, it is called Shawna by Ploom https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ploom-Shawna-Demo/7014994
  10. lol Erm .. as far as I know they only work within a very limited range. I actually saw one for sale on the MP a few days ago and was interested enough to read the reviews. At least one of the purchasers had got banned from the parcel they used it in by the parcel owner but was laughing so much they didn't care. I think most users are aware of it enough to be able to excuse it, if you pardon the pun :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Thay haven't accessed anything of yours so your account integrity is in tact. if it happens again take note of who is within local chat range, it will be one of those people doing it.
  11. There are HUDS that can be bought that will locate an avatar within a certain area and make them 'expel'. It's quite juvenile, quite funny if you're with friends and they know it may happen, but to someone unsuspecting maybe not quite so funny. But the sound huds to also have notices attached I dont know anything about, someone else will know more :-)
  12. Hi Muletta :-) I have no experience here either but am learning a huge amount too. Managed to get my body to fit a mesh dress today lol thanks to someone's help on sliders :-) It is a wonderful resource, so I'll join you in thanking the talented individuals who give up their time to help :-) x
  13. Do you think that the promotion on the destination guide of places that advertise such acts could promote someone to transition to commit the act in RL?
  14. I joined Sl in 2008 about a year after my partner passed away, I had forgotten how to socialise and never went out anywhere and SL was a transition in my recovery to talk to others. I met so many friends here that I stayed to talk to them ,and also I LOVE the art sims and exploring what others create. I took a step to play a social game in Sl and made it to the top rank and have a group of wonderful people to spend time with chatting in that game. I've had the joy of meeting so many lovely and kind people that I am glad I took the steps to join and decision to stay :-)
  15. What I say is often irrelevent, it was just a personal opinion on a topic that was posted by someone else. I apologise deeply for any offence I have caused.
  16. I'm not a great orator and I don't have a great vocab, so please forgive me but I do the best i can. I'll try to explain what I mean in a scenario and then bow out of this as I don't want to upset anyone, but I don't want anyone to think I don't care, because I do. *scenario* My husband and I both make an account in 'YAY Online', we play it together for 6 years, he has my log in info and me him, sometimes we play each others account. We shouldnt, it's prohibited on the ToS but we figure no-one will know. 6 years later, I've had ehnough of his personal lifestyle and kick him to touch. He gets angry, thinks 'how can I really annoy her' logs into my account and disposes of my game acquisitions. I believe that is wrong, he should not be able to get away with doing that, it is an abuse of trust and just downright nasty ad dishonest . But it is not, in my view, a matter for RL law enforcement. What it should be a matter for is the host of the online game to make restitution upon some proof of what happened, at their discretion, and the account owner to learn to not be so trusting, or change their password a bit more often. Now IF the person had transfered currency, converted it to real money and cashed out that would be fraud, entirely different.
  17. They have been in business since 2008 so I would hope your money is secure, little assurance when you need access to it but after such a long time in business I would HOPE that they are genuine. They do say they are in talks with LL to be authorized, maybe they are not allowed to process a transaction until that has been decided? I really don't know, it is a transition period and I hope it wil lall be ok :-)
  18. Hi Phil :-) I agree with you both, it is a betrayal of trust, but for the police to get involved and use their resources to tell someone off for being naughty and not do it again when we have murders, shootings, rapes, thefts, arson etc in 'real life' I think is rediculous. It's just my opinion, you could be right and me wrong, and vice versa, it's just what I think about this particular report in one of UK newspapers.
  19. Hi Dillon In real iife, no, theft is theft, but that would be with the added insult and upset that you were abused by someone you trusted and not just a stranger. But in terms of SL, LL will not usually get involved in any way if someone has given a friend or partner the ability to access their account, I'm not even sure if it is permitted without authorisation. It could have been to hurt the owner of the account, or to commit fraud, in LL's eyes it is the account holder rather than the user behind it that bears the responsibility, unless I they can absolutely prove otherwise? Like I say, I feel for the person who was hurt, but for the police to get involved I think in this case is frivolent. The police have far more important things to investigate, in my opinion, than waste tax payers money because agrieved party X logged into party Z's account and sold virtual game items for usless virtual currency.
  20. If the friend had given him the password previously wasn't she responsible as she had not secured the account? Either way, much as I sympathise with her (I used to play Mafia Wars and lost a LOT of inventory which pretty much ruined my game character) this could set a silly precedent. I hope no-one on an early viewer reports me to the police for indecent exposure when I'm wearing my mesh bathing suit :matte-motes-agape:
  21. The store is now empty, someone did something! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  22. Given the review dates on the two items in question I would think that they are re-lists of ones that were pulled previously. Could that not be grounds for having the store shut down and this person removed?
  23. The 'ranting' is totally understandable, it's better to get it out than let it fester and and make us angrier. No-one likes to be used or made a fool of or exploited. At the end of the day, though you have a monetary loss, that person has showed themselves to be inferior in the most important way. You have warned others and taken all the steps you can to see that this person can not do it to others. I hope you take some solice in the fact you have probably prevented others being fooled, while due process takes it's course. xx
  24. I've been a @ YourHOME renter for the last three months and they're brilliant, I have not had one single issue, the land is lag free and so well landscaped to give privacy. Jillian is an active and responsive manager. If you ARE looking for somewhere, please do add them to your list of places to look at.
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