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Vannilla Latte

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  1. I think you also need to have Parcel manager rights. And to do that, you either need to be the land owner, or deed the land to a group, and have a role in that group that gives you those rights. Then you should be able to change those options.
  2. I am using Firestorm 4.4.2 and I "stupidly" undocked my friends list from my IM/chat window. I cannot find a way to get them back together. What I mean is, in the past, I would have an IM box, with tabs for the conversations, but also a tab for Friends would be there too. I also sometimes dock the Nearby Chat into the same Window. Now I have IMs, Nearby Chat in a window, but I am stumped at putting my friends list back into it. I can pull up my friends list with the typical CTRL-Shift-F, but i want it docked with the IM window. Any suggestions? I appreciate it! Thank you for the suggestion, but my friends list window has no arrow icon, only the X. This is why I've been stumped on how to get it back. I wonder if using the SL viewer might do it. Thanks again!
  3. I found the word "Some" is flagged as adult. So frustrating to go thru each line and then each word to find it! I had to change it to "Sum" and then it was fine.
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