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Nexii Malthus

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  1. The only way would be to tweak the encoding settings, I once coded in some sliders in the texture uploader of the viewer that would re-encode and measure the filesize -- inspired by photoshop save to web. There's a bit of wiggle room to optimise better than the linden defaults if exposed to the content creator. Something that does matter a lot is that the source format you upload with should ideally be at the highest quality / lossless as possible so that the best/most ideal jpeg2000 texture can be generated in the first place. Otherwise if you, say, upload a jpeg as a texture, you would get jpeg artifacts transcoded into it.
  2. With llSetKeyFramedMotion you can still take advantage of client-side motion, as with normal physics objects the client uses interpolation. The sim will try to avoid sending updates unless velocity has changed. A phantom KFM with little to no velocity changes would be very optimal.
  3. You made the assumption that re-arranging the attachments would be a pain. However you could automate re-attaching the attacks to stagger an attack to the next slot ready for use. See RLVa for methods on automating attaching and detaching inventory items.
  4. Wow, didn't know the avatar could be moved so far away. Could make some really great aircraft with that! https://gyazo.com/365ec98c7c35a3b0cfb0e95ad93caf07 ^ and yes, that's a off-sim terrain sculpt I made for example in there. It's a few megaprims sized 1024x1024x256 with a sculpt applied. I call them voidscapes, as in putting a landscape in the void. I'd made some pretty awesome voidscapes in the past, such as one which was a giant underground cavern! Was working on a whole city even, but alas lost the work in progress of that. Might be fun to go back to making voidscapes with this technique and coupling it with the fast heightmap collision algorithms I had, hm.
  5. This is great, thanks for sharing @Aeragino Shelman! Will make it easier to hire creators
  6. That's awesome Tomos! Great to see. Maybe hide the prims first for a moment (llSetLinkAlpha) so you can flicker them visible? Otherwise you see the prims moving due to client-side interpolation
  7. Yeah, I know about the phantom child hack being broken, but the volume detect trick still works for creating the vehicles I mention.
  8. Armor damage with vehicles in linden damage sims involves the use of two vehicles technically. - One is a seat vehicle that provides invulnerability to the user and follows the second. (Seated avatar and seat vehicle both are phantom through volume detection -- this was a bug at first to be fixed but linden damage users collaborated to convince LL to keep it as an unintentional feature so that we could create vehicular combat that works in symbiosis with linden damage, by establishing policies and a good will) - The second is the real vehicle and actually absorbs the physical projectiles and emulates damage, not to mention is the physical shell to provide movement through the sim. Usually you use a very basic damage emulation to keep in line with policies in most combat sims, which tends to be 100 hit points where each projectile deducts one point; Until hitting 0 whereby you must eject any seated avatar(s) and kill that avatar intentionally yourself with linden damage to complete death. There are no tutorials unfortunately, it is much complicated than developing attachment weaponry, you will have to learn best practices in scripting and content creation first. You could maybe ask Roudy Raccoon, last I know he was handing out help to people trying to understand armor damage systems, but it will still take a lot of your own initiative. (Source: member of Merczateers who were the first to push the use of combat vehicles in the linden damage scene)
  9. The best way I found for achieving click-and-drag in HUDs was to define a 'draggable' area using a prim (e.g. like the top bar of a window) and then when the user starts dragging to resize that prim to fill the screen, so I can figure out where the user is dragging constantly until they let go. This is demonstrated here: When the screen goes darker is where you can see the prim filling the screen. As mentioned before, you can use LlDetectedTouchST I'll give you an example.
  10. joniveehernandez wrote: Because those data must be display on a board. but I was thinking the only way we can display those data with style "Typography" thing is to display them as media viewing the php web page itself. joniveehernandez wrote: Sorry Ron I supposed to be specific on that part, So it's only possible to do it with llSetPrimMediaParams what I see on the land boards from other people. You can actually do some typography using some nifty scripting without using any media params (especially as media is very expensive on the client and will affect your FPS). The idea being to manually create a font renderer, by mixing some maths using textures with specially designed meshes, so that letters can be shifted around to form words. Which means that kerning can be obeyed. As each letter is an individual face, they can be coloured as well, as they are textures their textures can be switched to create different fonts, with variants of weights, italics and bold. If you want, I can give you a copy of this library, it's an opensource project of mine.
  11. The touchee is likely in the same sim to be able to click on the prim. llInstantMessage has a forced delay of 2 seconds ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlInstantMessage ) llRegionSayTo performs similar function (for messages sent to a user in the same sim) but has no delay. ( http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRegionSayTo ) Replace the function calls with llRegionSayTo(Who, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Text"); "Text" being your original message.
  12. (Übersetzung von deutsch zu english für andere englische scripter dein problem zu verstehen) Lemme translate: I am not sure if I am dumb or wether SL especially hates me. Every time I put a script into a boat / submarine, it just starts flying upwards, without me being able to change anything about it. It isn't anything like a physical collision, but just does so. Could anyone tell me what it could be, i.e., what I do wrong? -- Ist da schon ein vehicle script in den objekt oder ist es leer? (Is there a vehicle script in the object already or is it empty?) Was feur ein script willst du in den objekt setzen? (What kind of script are you trying to put into the object?) Habe deutsch in vielen jahren night gesprochen, so entschulding von jeder grammatik oder andere fehler.
  13. Use the pathfinding tools in the viewer to check if the sim has a good navmesh mapped out. Otherwise an estate owner can come in and bake a quick (albeit unoptimised) navmesh, by setting everything as walkable. Or if your an estate owner yourself try to change the pathfinding linksets and slowly build up an optimised navmesh based only on where characters are absolutely necessary to go to.
  14. You could create a HUD that covers your screen to capture a click and then translate that into a raycast starting from your camera position/rotation. The raycast would then be able to give you enough information that you seek. Kind of how this HUD was done: You can project screen coordinates into region coordinates. For more hints on the maths behind this I can give a script, that would tell you how to do this kind of projection, if you contact me in-world. If your careful with precisely when and where you cover the hud, you can make it unobtrusive enough so that you can alt-cam as you would normally.
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