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Aubrey Monday

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  1. Oh no problem. Thank you so much for enlightening me and for your quick responses. :matte-motes-grin:
  2. I've actually paid and downloaded a software to run the bot on my own machine. It is working perfectly esp for a closed land group. I just really need the "specific role" option.
  3. Thank you for your immediate assistance. Do you have any suggestion where I can get further info about this?
  4. Oh that makes sense. So it is not possible with LSL, correct? I thought you can just place something on the script besides the agent and group UUID. I've been trying to figure out how this is possible.
  5. Hello. Anyone here knows if it is possible to wear more than 1 makeup applier on a mesh head? or is there a mesh head that allows this? Please enlighten me and thank you in advance.
  6. I have actually encountered a group (click to join) that invites people giving them 2 roles - "everyone" and "everyone2." The first role has no chat/notice rights but the second role gives the chat and notice permission rights. I would love that kind of auto inviter script and was wondering how they did that. By the way I am talking about LSL script that requires a script agent for direct group invitation.
  7. Hello. I am searching for LSL auto group inviter to a "specific" group role, can anyone help me here? Thank you in advance.
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