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Raul Crimson

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Posts posted by Raul Crimson

  1. This error generally appears when you are blocked from the Second Life servers by Linden Lab as the result of:

    • Documented cases of fraud
    • Use of Second Life by a minor
    • Exceptionally flagrant abuse activity

    Note that someone else in your household may be responsible for this activity, not necessariliy with your account. 

    If you believe this is a mistake is better you open a Ticket via the Support Portal. They will tell you why your computer or your IP is banned from Second Life.


  2. Oh! Thanks, Suella. After your suggestion i explored Torley's photostream on Flickr and i saw his pic related to the banner: http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/5835657661/


    He says: "... Features new avatars forthcoming — robot and tiger. ...", so know i wonder if that means the tiger and the robot will be two of the new default avies or they are not still for sale.


  3. Si te refieres a que Linden Lab ejecute un "ban" sobre tu cuenta o sobre tu IP la forma de que esto no pase es, básicamente, respetar las TOS de Second Life. Solo bloquearán tu acceso si has cometido una falta grave contra los términos de servicio o sobre la propiedad intelectual de Linden Lab o de otro residente.

    En cualquier caso es mejor que, ante la duda, contactes con Linden Lab abriendo un ticket.

    Espero que esta información sea de ayuda.



  4. Hola, Muzabel.

    El texto que adjuntas es un reporte de "crash" del cliente de Second Life, no creo que necesites formatear tu computadora, pero seguramente sería una buena idea que reinstalases el cliente de Second Life si el error se repite con demasiada frecuencia.

    Espero que esta respuesta sea de ayuda.



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