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Ample Clarity

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Everything posted by Ample Clarity

  1. Thank you so much! I think it's great that you are not taking commission on the busiest sales days! On a side note, I'd be willing to give more than 5% commission if they made the search more relevant, allowed newer items to be mixed in with the higher ranking items, make customer reviews/ratings expire every year (so newer, more efficient and better products don't have to compete with products with 1,000s of ratings from the xstreet days by creators who are *most likely* no longer in sl to give customers the quality customer support needed and created products which are antiquated, etc), and most importantly, make it easier for customers to rate the items :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Just the other day, I noticed a bunch of objects being returned to me from one of my satellite stores. It turned out the mall owner had a temp rezzer running for one of his trains and since I was the last person to rent the shop, my objects were retuned (because if a temp rezzed obects go beyond the sims prim limit, the most recently rezzed objects get returned. :-)
  3. TempRezzers are forbidden in the linden home TOS. Temp rezzers don't count against a parcel, but do count against the sim total. As temp rezzers run, each prim they create requires a message be sent to all nearby avatars. Lag is the inevitable result. Like making your neighbors pay part of your water bill when you leave the spinklers on overnight. Temp rezzers are easily abused... the function was meant for easy cleanup of bullets & such. Rezzing at 60 second intervals is very script intensive * server/lag heavy, they literaly "confuse" the asset server & the "new" temp rezzed prims can actually cause "old" prims on the SIM to be returned. They were never intended to allow people to have more prims than intended for their parcel. They should only be used in special cases (like bullets & particles). Landlords generally don't allow them & will evict you if they find you're using them. They inflict lag on everyone nearby.
  4. My one prim piano with shadows, one prim hot tub, and 1 prim kitchen all use this hack. If you take Graham's class on this, it's still not going to be easy to make something useful unless you have a good technical understanding of sculpties and know your sculpting program well...vertices tend to shoot off in random places which forces you to to move vertices in strange places (or bury vertices alltogether) to look normal inworld. Expect a lot of trial and error (temp uploads) to get it right. But it's totally worth it in the end!
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