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Miranda Umino

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Everything posted by Miranda Umino

  1. it works fine for me . Only "share with the group" in the general tab f the object is enough . Strangely i have thought we needed to activate the same group to be able to move it , but we even don t need to avtivate the group
  2. 30 textures are very few . Think about the torley's free pack textures or other free organizers used by builders : several dozens of thousands of textures uploaded for free but who costed to the owner Local textures are more useful than temporary textures . Because you don t need to upload 2000 textures to pick up or choose which texture is the best and it saves me some laggy texture organizers. You may show the result of your work , by a screen sharing program . There are a lot of screen sharing programs who are frees with limitations but enough useful for second life With local textures + screen sharing program , it s perfect for me : the customer may see in real time when i pick up an another texture . And we may even discuss together about the tint of the texture inside gimp/paint.net/photoshop I have always thought it was more useful to test on the aditi grid when i need to test some textures before upload than using these crap temporary textures. You don t force the buyer to be online when you upload your textures . With temporary textures you do. And there is always some boring sim crasher/griefer who guesses/knows you upload temporary textures and who wants to annoy your work
  3. Lydia Craig write : As for graphic, yes they have gotten better but graphics cards in general have gotten better and this has absolutely nothing to do with Linden Labs, but rather with Nvidia and the rapidly growing game market in general that places constantly greater demands on video cards. A graphic card gives the opportunities and the ways to create better graphics . But it doesn t improve the graphics if the game doesn t request them. If the game doesn t call the new features of the graphic card , the graphic card won t take the responsability . Have you seen an old 199x game call the physX and cudas from your new GTX560 Nvidia card ? Surely you have bad interprated your observations . A lot of computers are 64 bits CPU .. But the majorty of applications doesn t take profit for these 64 bits and work again to 32 bits . It s the same thing A program built with an old compiler won t use the new instructions of a new CPU . It s the same thing So you try to blame some people without proves and without rationnal argues .
  4. default{ state_entry() { // OPTIONNAL : default cursor mouse displayed is the sit action llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_SIT); // OPTIONNAL lltargetomega works differently with physics . // We want to rotate without been affected by the gravity if (llGetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS)) { llSetPhysicsMaterial( GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER , .0, .0, .0, .0); } llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, ZERO_ROTATION); // defines the seat position and rotation state still; }}state still{ changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key av = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (av) // evaluated as true if key is valid and not NULL_KEY { state rotating; } } } state_exit() // When we go from still to state rotating we do this stuff { llTargetOmega(<0,0,-0.4>,PI,1.0); } }state rotating{ changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { key av = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (av==NULL_KEY) // evaluated as true if key is valid and not NULL_KEY { state still; } } } state_exit() // when we go from state rotating to state still we do this stuff { llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>,0,1.0); } } I have wroten it in respecting your initial idea to use states Nevertheless it could be written with less code .
  5. It s not new . It has always existed as this Temporary textures spoof baked textures Come on , you don t want expensive products with free temporary texture, do you ?
  6. My answer was an answer to the OP , not to Ela The OP claimed it : the title of the question is "How do I change the rotation on a simple swing script to make it rotate for a hammock?" . Normally , he doesn t need to change his script ( if the script works already with a simple swing ) , but to change his build
  7. explain me what is the difference between a rocking of a swing and a rocking of an hammock .... The object changes , not the moves ..
  8. yes .. i know these functions , but i want to know the number of avtars of an aonther sim . For instance , to know if there are people in an aonther sim before to teleport there . No need to teleport if i am able to know there is nobody i could meet
  9. When you loook your map in your viewer and if you zoom enough , the viewer displays the number of people in a sim with some green dot points ( a map on a sim where you are not there ) I have thought there were some javascript function os some feed datafiles from the second life map api who could give this information . Nevertheless i can t find it . I have tried to read the wiki page http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Map_API but i didn t find the number of persons I have tried to use a debugger with an ewternal browser (IE, chrome .. etc .. ) but the number of persons ar not displayed outside the viewer . Have you an idea how to proceed ?
  10. Nice ! thank you very much , Innulla .:smileyhappy: I have not found these functions because they were not in the upper part of the page index http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Functions It s just the wiki to fix It makes sense , because they are property objects and not property prims.
  11. In the viewer , we may change density , gravity , friction and others for an object since last year I find it particulary useful when i play with physics to change the comportement of the collisions . But is it , or Linden has forgotten to have a way to get and set these attributes per script ? I have checked llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast , but i didn t found them. It could be nice to be able to consult and change them dynamically . For instance , by change of the density on a collide event , we could have a prim reactive at the 1st collision but not the nexts .
  12. It s not a problem to do a second script to work with other tasks. The second scripts won t be affected by the comportment of the first To add it s safer ; if there was only one script , the control event could be fired so many times and could block the other events to happen because the queue event is filled (45 events per seconds when you need only a fire event 1/0.36 = 3 events per seconds )
  13. Don t waste a timer and use http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMinEventDelay with the time of your animation as argument
  14. Rolog has surely right . You do surely something wrong in your script . Maybe you call llListenRemove with a wrong arg too I don t understand why you tell about sessions . What kind of sessions ? Viewer sessions ? Scripts are independant of viewer sessions . For the http listeners ( those created by llrequesturl) , you need to restore them , but not for the messages listeners ( those created by lllisten)
  15. integer num = (integer)11.0 -llFrand(22.0)); llFrand returns a float , but you store the result in an integer .
  16. Thank you , Dilbert , but i was talking about the values returrned by the function key keyAvatar = llGetOwner(); llGetObjectdetails ( keyAvatar , [ OBJECT_SERVER_COST, OBJECT_STREAMING_COST,OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST ] ); But while you have answered to me , i have noticed it s the weght of the seat , and not of the avata . If the avatar is not on a seat , it returns 1,0,0. I think i have my answer . It may avoid a call to llgetagentinfo to detect if an avatar is sitten Thank you again for your time
  17. I have noticed that the function llGetObjectdetails returns some values for the parameters OBJECT_SERVER_COST, OBJECT_STREAMING_COST,OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST when the input is an avatar . ( not an object ) It has surprised me . Generally , the return values are OBJECT_SERVER_COST=1, OBJECT_STREAMING_COST=0, OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST=0 But some avatars have different values and are not null ( for instance OBJECT_SERVER_COST=12, OBJECT_STREAMING_COST=12, OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST=15 ) I have thought a moment it was maybe the count of meshes in attachements , so i have worn a clothe with a mesh to test and verify , but it had not changed for myself It has stayed to OBJECT_SERVER_COST=1, OBJECT_STREAMING_COST=0, OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST=0 Do you know why i may have different values ? **edit* i think i have found finally my answer .. The values are different when the avatar is sitten on an object, and there are the weights of the object where the avatar is sitten
  18. if it s not a more common problem , i guess i have met your problem in an another function as llsetkeyframedmotion . It s when you have talked about slow rotations , i have remembered this . https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7471 When the angular velocity is low , the prim stops its rotation . For llsetkeyframedmotion , it was around under 0.15 radians / second I ahve tried a simple script with lltargetomega . When the spinrate is for intsnace at PI /16 , the prim continues to turn .. but for a spinrate at PI /32 , the prim starts its rotation and stops suddenly . default{ state_entry() { llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>,PI / 32, 1.0); }} For me , you meet a bug . Do a Jira and link it with mine *edit* I ahve tried to know the gap .. The gap is between PI / 20 and PI/21 , so exactly the same gap with llsetkeyframedmotion
  19. * If you have only one listening object for one talking object , you should give up llRegionSay and use llRegionSayTo . So, you won t multicast but you will unicast your messages . * Think you may add some other filters to the listener . In your instance , your talking object send only the message "go" , but your listening object listens all kind of messages from any objects . You could filter your listener by key . Of course the key of the sender may change .. But you may update the filtered key in your listener script by different ways If you don t know how to refresh the keys , you could filter your listener by message . Indeen , in your instance , you don t send any varaibale informations in your messages ( as a position or anaything variable . You send just a lind of signal , So use the filter by message For instance , if you have many sets of pairs , you could have talker1 : sends message go1 talker2 : sends message go2 talker3 : sends message go3 listener1 : listens by llListen(iChan, "", "", "go1" ); listener2 : listens by llListen(iChan, "", "", "go2" ); listener3 : listens by llListen(iChan, "", "", "go3" ); * Think to send a message with different parts by llDumpList2String and llParseString2List. So you cound sent other informations to help your listening object to filter better ( a passphrase known only by the communicating objects for instance ) * Think to use unique identifiers and to communicate them inside the me messages You may use the funtion llGenerateKey for this ( even if the function doesn t appear in red in teh editor , it s known by the compiler )
  20. It s impossible in this actual version
  21. Anyway , i m pretty sure you can t have acces to mature and adult content with google because it needs authentification in the marketplace
  22. Normally , LSL Forge Eclipse plugin higlights syntax . In my computer it does ( but i am on PC , is there a bug with mac ?) Take care there are sevral extensions used in this plugin : .lslm, .lsl, .lslp, .simp , .lslt These different files have a specifical meaning in the project ( if you want to automate the answers of the simulator by instance ; if you want to create case tests etc ) Think too to check inside the menu of eclipse , menu window / preferences / lslforge /editor appearance Alternatively , with hihlight syntax but without simulation of execution of the script , you may use ultraedit ( there is a version for macintosh ) and install the syntax highlighter file http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Kireji_Haiku/Ultraedit_Syntax_Highlight
  23. normally the rules have changed with havok2k and meshes . indeed , it was impossible to move with pysics some huge physical prims because all the counter of energy was eaten . When the prims have been allowed to be 64*64*64 last year , the rules have needed to be changed
  24. When an avatar is in mouselook mode , he may use the control+8, control+9, and control+0 keys to zoom . I want to do a script who changes the camera in mouselook mode ( for instance , having already a closed zoom in mouselook mode, as he had pressed control+0 ) . But unfortunately it has no effect , even if the evnts are correctly fired . Have you an idea ? This is a test script just to illustrate what i get lookAt( integer perms ) { if ( perms & PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA ) { llClearCameraParams(); // reset camera to default llSetCameraParams([ CAMERA_ACTIVE, 1, // 1 is active, 0 is inactive CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 30.0, // (0 to 180) degrees CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.0, // (0 to 3) seconds CAMERA_DISTANCE, 10.0, // ( 0.5 to 10) meters CAMERA_FOCUS, llGetPos() + < 0, 0, 10> , CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.05 , // (0 to 3) seconds CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED, FALSE, // (TRUE or FALSE) CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters CAMERA_PITCH, 0.0, // (-45 to 80) degrees CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 0.0, // (0 to 3) seconds CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED, FALSE, // (TRUE or FALSE) CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET, <2.0, 0.0, 0.0> // <-10,-10,-10> to <10,10,10> meters ]); } } integer flag = FALSE; integer perms; default { state_entry() { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA | PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA | 0); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { perms = perm; if(PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS & perm) { llTakeControls( CONTROL_FWD | 0, TRUE, FALSE); // | 0 is for edit } } control(key id, integer level,integer edge) { integer ismouselook =llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_MOUSELOOK ; if ( !ismouselook ) { if ( CONTROL_FWD & level & edge ) { lookAt(perms); llOwnerSay("Change camera NOT IN mouselook"); } if ( CONTROL_FWD & ~level & edge ) { llClearCameraParams(); llOwnerSay("Reset camera"); } } else { if ( CONTROL_FWD & level & edge ) { lookAt(perms); llOwnerSay("Change camera IN mouselook"); } if ( CONTROL_FWD & ~level & edge ) { llClearCameraParams(); llOwnerSay("Reset camera"); } } } }
  25. "Okay, then by that same logic couldn't you say that Firestorm would have more reported issues because it's newer, and that they've fixed technically more bugs than LL has in the last 30 days?" Where is your point ? What is the link with mine ? I ve already told that it was the difference reported-resolved who was important . Do you think it s important to count the bugs from 2006-2007 in the jira of second life althought they have changed all the code of their viewer twice or third times ? ANd so the bugs don t exist anymore because they have changed their viewer but are always on the jira ? Jo Exanar has writen "they ( in speaking of linden ) should to concentrate on bugs" . If the difference reported-resolved is nearly zero or negative , it means than the next release will be better , and that the total number of issues will decrease. But If the difference reported-resolved is important as in phoenix , it means than the next release will be worst and the total number of issues will increase So Jo exanar can t blame Linden , because they do their job, and they concentrate on bugs . But Phoenix doesn t concentrate on bugs
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