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Rivalz Miami

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Everything posted by Rivalz Miami

  1. I'm curious if LLs keep a record of all the chat logs in case some of these kids try to call the police file false reports because we get them kicked off SL. Is that supposed to be a joke? Do you really think any police department would even take that in the slightest bit seriously? And if they did (maybe they're extremely drunk?), what could you possibly get in trouble for? You have a reasonable expectation that anyone on SL is at least 18 (they'd have to violate the ToS and lie about their age), so unless someone already explicitly told you they are under 18, you really can't get in trouble for whatever you do. Also, unless you make a big fuss about it, they'll likely never know that you were the one that reported them, so even more reason the paranoia is unfounded. Who let's their 14 year old kid online long enough for SL by theirselves? Most parents. Few personally watch what their kids are doing on the computer 24/7. Many rely on nanny software of some sort, but that'll be easy to circumvent (most are about as effective as a child safety bottle cap), and might not even block SL's website at all (or one of the other off-site registration pages, and a third party viewer's download page).
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