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Dale Innis

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Everything posted by Dale Innis

  1. That is a good thought! I didn't mean to be calling anyone wrong or anything, just reporting my own subjective impressions. But better to actually provide useful information! So I will try. Many, many, of the creators / designers in the Twisted Hunt have really high-quality stuff. That Hunt is now over, but the merchants are still there! http://twistedhunt.com/participating-merchants So there's about 150 to start with. I personally am a big fan of Sn@tch and ezura Xue and Snow Bound and Grim Bros and the Strawberry Box and probably a dozen others from that particular list. The Steam 8 hunt also had some amazing stuff; there's a series of good weblog entries showing some of them here: http://dollysdiary.wordpress.com/category/steam-hunt-8/ In Machinima, I'd suggest looking down the enormous list of ones from Nat Randt: http://www.youtube.com/user/NRandt and starting with the ones that mention that they are collaborations with Karima Hoisan; great stuff there. And for great (and modern!) sims to explore, my favorite two weblogs (although there are billions!) are probably: http://michelehyacinth.wordpress.com/ http://honourmcmillan.wordpress.com/ Hope that's at least slightly useful information to people looking for neat new stuff! By lots and lots of creators and designers.
  2. I've love to see some actual statistics rather than random subjective opinions. Going to just a small subset of the stores on the Twisted and Steampunk hunts in the last month or so, for instance, I've been freshly blown away by the number and variety of creators out there (and the range of quality, from lolcute to whoa). And exploring just a few of the sims and large-scale art projects that friends have pointed me at lately (I don't have time to actually look for any myself, I'd never finish!), those things seem to be going strong to. So my subjective opinion is the opposite of these. It's hard to get objective numbers (what counts as a creator, or a designer?) of course, but I bet at least some of it is that people who've been around for awhile see their old favorites moving on, or changing, or dropping out, and no longer have the behavior patterns that lead to finding new ones...
  3. I figured I would finally try it, since I got a survey link in the main from LL about it. But every Premium Wilderness link that I followed from the Web or the Destination guide led to a failed TP. (On the other hand the Premium Gifts links worked, so I spent most of the evening tooling around on the handcar; that was fun!) Any particular reason I should be able to get to Premium Sandboxes, but not the Premium Wilderness, tonight?
  4. I can't find it in the new knowledge base, but in the old one it's: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_does_Second_Life_say_%22You_cannot_log_into_Second_Life_from_this_location%22%3F And yeah, you'll probably want to file a ticket...
  5. Or it could be something that the OP is wearing; taking off unusual attachments might help in that case...
  6. Kaiser's idea is, I believe, that different people's browsers would render different sets of prims in the same area. That way I can have 10,000 prims in my skybox that's just above your head, but since your viewer doesn't render them you will see just open sky and not suffer any lag from having to render my prims. And vice-versa, looking down from my skybox I will not see any of your prims down on the ground. Of course if I fly down to the ground I will still bash into your roof and be unable to walk around due to your walls, but at least I won't see them. At least that's how I expect it would work. The Lindens have decided they don't really like things that would cause two people in the same place to see completely different things. (I personally agree with them there for most cases that I can think of.) He thinks that it would be an advantage that when people come to my store they would somehow be prevented from even seeing the store next door, which might seduce them away. This does not seem like a great idea to me, but maybe that's just me. Would seem adequate for the main case to tell people to just set their draw distance to 256m or less, and then stack skyboxes 256m apart up and down. I'm not sure just what's wrong with that solution.
  7. I am wondering if it is the "s" in the "https" in the URL that isn't working. Maybe there is something messed up in your browser or firewall configuration that is making that kind of URL not work? Have you used any other shopping sites lately, that use "https" URLs, and not had trouble? Just to eliminate one possible cause....
  8. Interesting! That URL works fine (if a tad slowly) for me. Do you have trouble with any other https URLs? Does http://secondlife.com/shop?lang=en work for you?
  9. "Shopping" goes straight to the marketplace for me; can you tell what URL you're trying and failing to connect to?
  10. Does it fail every time, or does it work sometimes? Why do you suspect that the port number is involved specifically?
  11. "The only time I access RedZone is if someone has to be banned. I will also ban their alts." And you will also ban an unknown set of other people, who aren't their alts but who happened to get near a RedZone while using the same IP address because of ISP re-use of IP addresses, or using the same Internet cafe, or being in the same college dorm, or behind the same company or building firewall, or... Your call how bad for business that might be, of course.
  12. That does sound like fun! Of course the tools don't make group building really easy, unless everyone belongs to a Group, and you use Share With Group or something (which has its own oddities). The Virtual Artists Alliance has something vaguely like this; in the Haiku Speedbuilds, a bunch of random people get together and in 50 minutes each one builds their own interpretation of a haiku that is revealed at the start. See f'rinstance: http://bletaverse.com/u/special-jewell It's in some sense competitive (there are prizes) rather than "everyone working on the same thing". On the other hand everyone always looks at each other's things, and talks and makes silly jokes and generally has a good time together, so it's group-building in that sense at least...
  13. Of course we can't talk about off-topic issues here, because this is the off-topic forum, so talking about off-topic issues would be on-topic, and you can't be on-topic in the off-topic forum!!
  14. "while" is slightly faster, but as Rolig points out you won't notice it in this case. If there's still a problem I think it will have to do with the fact that you're always going from 0 to 4, instead of looking at the length of the actual list that you're working with (depending on what the listen heard).
  15. The loops are pretty odd; I'm not sure why there are two different "while(a++ < b)" in your listen() event? I can't quite work out what that would do! I would code this as: integer i; string MSG = llToUpper(msg); if (MSG == "SHOWD1") { for (i=0;i<llGetListLength(DildoPrims);i++) llSetLinkAlpha(llList2Integer(DildoPrims,i),1.0,ALL_SIDES); return; } if (MSG == "SHOWD2") { and so on. Something like that anyway!
  16. I Plurked semi-heavily for awhile, but eventually decided it wasn't worth it. I tend to go through this cycle with feed-readers and weblogs and things: I start using it, add lots of friends / interests / feeds / etc, and then I get so far behind in keeping up with it that I run away... I am still officially there, though! http://www.plurk.com/DaleInnis (and for some reason I still have 2.72 "karma"...)
  17. Is this where we post content-free test comments?
  18. /me enthusiastically checks the box. I like options. Yeah, putting an option on the Preferences panels is often not the best place to put it. If there's a better place, it should be put in that better place. But "we can't think of any place besides Preferences to put it, that wouldn't clutter up the screen", is NOT a sufficient justification not to implement an option. Neither is "it makes our jobs as developers / maintainers harder".
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