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Simbelmyne Ushimawa

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Everything posted by Simbelmyne Ushimawa

  1. Uis, es verdad, supongo que lei aún dormida y crei que te referias a la tienda, no a la region Mis disculpas ^^' Respecto al motivo del baneo, vete a saber, solo daba una hipotesis, ya digo que mucha gente está medio loca con los baneos. Puede que no tenga que ver con los robos, solo lo dije como explicación a la locura de muchos comerciantes de banear a todo el que le resulte medianamente sospechoso. Tal vez sea simplemente discriminación de cualquier tipo. Me creo que haya gente tan extraña que banee por razón de altura o color de pelo, pero que se le va a hacer. Ellos sabrán lo que hacen, puede que llegue un dia que tengan a todo SL baneado y tengan que cerrar porque no les visita nadie Por cierto, el gemini lo sigen vendiendo en el Market... Aunque se que les exigieron cambiarlo para que avisara a la gente que entre en los terrenos que lo usen, el caso es que es un sistema que siguen permitiendo vender.
  2. Hay gente de baneo fácil, y muchos están tan cansados de que les roben las cosas que ya no tienen ningún tipo de contemplación y a la mínima sospecha (aunque sea infundada) banean sin más, sin dar explicaciones ni contestar a las preguntas, ni nada de nada. Muchos de esos tienen un sistema que detecta alts o avatares que alguna vez han entrado con visores no autorizados o con funciones no muy legales. Si a esta persona la banearon por algo de esto y tu sin saberlo intentas hablar por ella, es probable que piensen que tu también estás en el ajo, por así decirlo, y te baneen también. Cierto es que hay muchos sitios como este, cada día vemos más comentarios de este tipo en foros y chats, pero bueno, allá cada uno en cómo quiera llevar su negocio. Por otro lado, creo que lo de poner aquí el nombre del negocio en cuestión, va contra las normas del foro ^^'
  3. Thanx Sassy. Looks like all sex bed, even with no pictures and no sexual words in description are adult. This is the reply I got ---------------------- All uploaded or posted content must be rated as “General,” “Moderate,” or “Adult” based on the maturity definitions below. A rating is for everything on a listing page, including the item listed for sale, the item description, and any images or keywords used." Adult Content Is Only For 18+ Year-Old Residents. * Strong sexual content, including: o Depictions of anatomical nudity, including exposed genitals and/or female nipples. o Sexual avatar animations, including ones depicting explicit or highly-realistic sexual intercourse or oral sex. o Content or items intended for use in, or primarily associated with, erotic or sexual roleplay. o Explicit or frequent references to sex or sexual activity. If your product listing contains sexual avatar animations, and is content intended for use in erotic or sexual role play, like Sex Beds, etc., then your listing must be flagged as Adult. If you are aware of other product listings on the Second Life Marketplace that should be set to the Adult Maturity Rating Level but are not, please flag the listing using the Flag this Item link that is located on every product listing on the Marketplace web site and we will be able to address the issue further with the seller. ---------------------
  4. Thanx, I just read all that and guess the only way to know if my list have to be adult or moderate is write a ticket? Have some tickets still unresolved, so I'm not sure about that. There should be some especific tips to know when a item is adult or just moderate. In case is adult, then they should flag all other sex beds in moderate
  5. Didn't want to create a new post for same thing, so I'm going to ask here, cause I'm really lost. Hope it's ok ^^ A sex bed, with no sexual pictures, is moderate or adult? They are flagging my bed here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Starry-Night-Bedroom-sexbed-copy-version/1222995 And not sure about it, cause see lot of sex beds in moderate, also some with sexual pictures (avatar not nude, but sexual animations at last). Anyone knows for sure? thanx a lot
  6. Ok, I had a different problem, my sex animations with really explicit pictures, change from adult to general O_O Of course I just edit them to adult again, but not sure what keywords their systems is using... My sex sound hud go to adult, even with no sexual pictures...so tried to change it to moderate and couldn't, remove lot of sexual keywords and nothing, until I realize I use word "orgy" in description and that was the thing that was chaging to adult. Ok fine, I can remove that word, but why all my explicit sex animations were in general??? who knows. A question I have right now... Sex beds are now mature?? when you just use sex word and no pictures, of course. I changed mine to mature, but still not sure
  7. Irene, yo creo que los objetos que quitan son los que han sido reportados por el creador, si no, como iban ellos a saber que es robado? :-P
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