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Mirabelle Sweetwater

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Everything posted by Mirabelle Sweetwater

  1. Chouchou was one of the first places I visited in SecondLife. What struck me was the mood. The soothing music, the lighting, the interactive HUD you were given to make it a more immersive experience. I loved the hidden areas up the ladder. When I first visited there were three. When I lost my RL father, it was the first place I went the day I logged in from returning from his funeral. I had also lost my SL daughter not many days before. I found some quiet there. The music calmed me. I'm certain that many go there for those reasons. It is a place for solitude, a place for peace and Memento Mori is a spiritual solace in itself. It's become a place to be sad, to grieve, to heal and to share photos of those feeling with others. Kira Balestra is right, it is a symbol of our community. It should be saved just like a heritage building in any City in the RL world. #WeCan'tLoseUtopia, #ChouchouSimForever,
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