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  • Verifying your email address

    Email verification

    After you create your Second Life account, you will receive an email requesting that you verify your email address for Second Life. Click the verification link in the email to verify your address.

    A verified email address is required in order to:

    Re-sending the verification email

    If you lose your verification email, or if you wait more than 24 hours before verifying your email address, you can request a new verification code.

    To request a new verification code:

    1. Visit your account summary on the Second Life website. You must log in using the name and password you have selected.
    2. Click Change Email Settings on the left side of the page to visit the Change Email Settings page.
    3. Next to Your current email address is:, click the Verify link. An email containing a new verification link is sent your your email address.
    4. Click the link in the verification email to verify your email address for Second Life.Change Email Settings page with Verify link highlighted


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