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  • Inworld events

    See your Second Life Events page for an overview of current and upcoming events in Second Life.

    For more general information on events, see Events on the Second Life Wiki.

    Posting events


    Important: We charge a fee for each event you create.  Please see the events page.

    To post an event:

    1. Go to the Events page.
    2. Click Submit New Event.
    3. Read the rules, comply, and post.

    If you have a Premium or Premium Plus membership, you can post a repeating event: Set the Repeating dropdown to Weekly or Monthly, and set the Number of repeats dropdown to the desired number. Remember that you will be charged the event creation fee for each repeat of the event.

    See also our Guide to Large Event Technical Considerations.

    Finding events

    Second Life is thriving with all kinds of vibrant events! Here are tips on how to find the ones that interest you.

    Destination Guide featured events

    The Destination Guide showcases an ever-growing collection of amazing Second Life places, both submitted by Residents and hand-picked by the editorial team. Major events with broad appeal get a category of their own, Featured Events — a quick, convenient way to get some highlights.


    You can also browse the Destination Guide from the Viewer's FIND window:

    1. In the search bar (upper-right), click the magnifying glass.
    2. Click the Destination Guide tab.
    3. Click View All Destinations.
    4. Use the dropdown menu under Category to view Featured Events and more. You can also filter your results by typing keywords in the Search field.

    Community Events page

    The Community Events page is the general events listing. As expected, it tends to be crowded, but try it and see if you discover something of interest. There's also a searchable alternate view.

    Like the Destination Guide, the general events listing can also be browsed in the Viewer's FIND window, under the Events tab.

    Resident-run websites

    Many Resident-owned blogs cater to specific community groups and niche interests. For example, fashion blogs report on events organized by participating stores. If there are certain creators you appreciate, check to see if they have a news feed listing upcoming events.

    Here are some specific examples:

    Following the crowd

    A mass of green dots on the World Map window means many avatars are in one spot. Often, this means there's a hot event going on — it could be a formal happening or a spontaneous gathering of friends — and you can easily find out by double-clicking the map location to teleport. 

    Green dots.png


    Hosting events on group-owned land

    To host an event on group-owned land, you must have the "event host" role in the group.  You can also add this ability to an existing group role.

    To create an "event host" role, follow these steps:

    1. Select Communicate > My Groups.
    2. Mouse over your group name, and then click Group Profile to display details for the group.
    3. Expand the Roles section.
    4. Click the Roles tab.
    5. Click New Role to create a new role, as shown at right.

    6. Enter

    • A Role Name
    • A Role Title (for example, "Event host")
    • A Description (optional)

    7. Under Allowed Abilities, select the Allow 'Event Hosting' on group land checkbox.

    8. Click Save.


    Allowing others to post events for your estate

    Estate owners are allowed to post events on their estate by default if the estate is visible. If you would like other Residents to have the same ability, simply add them to your Allowed list in the Estate tab of the Region/Estate window.

    More information

    For more information on groups, see:

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