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  2. I wish I could say the same thing. Tilia employees used my personal information to creep on my LinkedIn account. Be very careful.
  3. At the Fantasy Faire, where else?! (region: Silevea)
  4. I was less concerned about "breaches" and security issues than for example, if I inadvertently connect my SL with a Social Media platform such a Facebook or something, and someone "outs" me before I am ready. One way this could happen is if I were to start posting on my RL Facebook or Threads account, etc. something like "my SL name is Love Zhaoying". Or more inadvertently, if I were to post "public" pictures on a Social Media platform that I also have in SL or here. Anyone using TinEye or a similar platform could do a reverse image search to find "who I am".
  5. Only the Moles know. Region bumpers are removed prior to region release so THAT is useful info. The colors are a mystery to residents.
  6. The colored squares over SSP regions tell the Moles (LL contract employees creating the new regions) what work still needs to be done on those regions. As users, we can only guess which each color means, but we do know that green is the first color (or sometimes white) and red is the last color, before a region is released.
  7. While supposedly only available to LL, if you have payment info on file, they already connect your SL account to your RL info. I would think people would be more leary of that info being breached yet a LOT of SL users have no issue with that. If you process credit, they have even more info. Are Tilia and LL any more secure than any other company?
  8. Exactly right, and at least in my experience, it's often difficult to even find out who exactly these third-parties who will be verifying and storing all this information even are. You usually have to hunt through FAQs or the Privacy Policy or Terms, or sometimes the site's forum or Reddit or something just to find the name. Then you find some fake assurances that your data will be kept secure, but little disclaimers that if you want it deleted for whatever reason, they'll comply IF you're located in a state/region that has specific privacy laws they have to legally follow (like California, the EU, etc.). If the company is located in another country (as is sometimes the case), that will only complicate things. Etc. Etc. Now if it turns out that Second Life's age verification will require less face scan and ID shenanigans and something like a social, I still won't bother. As an independent contractor, I'm careful who I give that out to, as well. I want nothing to do with states like Florida and Texas having a flip-out over somehow realizing in 2023/4 there's adult content on the Internet, and I'm good not volunteering myself for whatever states intend to do with the info of those who access it.
  9. If you're sorting by name, names using odd fonts will be at the bottom of the list usually. Is she there when you scroll all the way down?
  10. I see there's room for a third um.. balloon! Bonus: If you were to pan out and see a chair (like hotel rooms have) near the bed, with another "balloon".
  11. That being said, I would "prefer" if my Second Life and "Real Life" names and personas aren't both publicly tied together, but one day that will happen anyway when I want to perform my own music in SL on streaming video. I just don't want to moderate myself in SL due to being employed in RL, etc. 🙂 It won't matter when I am closer to retirement. Paranoid? No, not really. Just trying to be a "happy medium" realist!
  12. Check out stores at the men's events, too... Just for Men - Seraphim (seraphimsl.com)
  13. That's what I was thinking, too. I AM an adult and like millions of other people on the interwebs, I look at adult stuff now and then. What exactly is someone going to do with that info? Send me spam? I have a folder for that. Doesn't Experian already have a lot of info about your credit and such? Don't banks use that info when you apply for loans?
  14. I don't know, but I would imagine that, at the appropriate stage in the sign-up process, the service provider hands you over to experian, who ask you a couple of questions to check against their records to confirm it's you, and they then pass you back to the service provider, along with confirmation that they think you're over 18,
  15. Even if LL somehow knows who I am in RL, I don't think they'll care about my kinks or personal stuff like which bits I wear. So, no matter what happens with "verification", I'm ok with it because as the saying goes, "there's no shame in my game".
  16. Some lucky chairs are only available for group members, also. The store owner wants people in his store group to be able to use the chairs.
  17. I'm just wondering why this happens as it's quite inconvenient. I made a simple TV and applied the default media texture from "about land" to one face with YouTube as the homepage, but it keeps getting removed by itself. If anyone knows how to maintain the media texture on one face of an object (maybe with a script) I'd much appreciate the info. Cheers. Darren
  18. LL could say it's out of theme to add prim land under houseboats, because boats are designed to be on water. They can't say it's out of theme to add a sandy island under a Stilt Home, because some of the Stilt Homes are on sandy islands already.
  19. My preference is individual items for each color, not a 'single item with pallette', as I like to create outfits. 1 outfit will have a WHITE top, the other will have a BLACK top. Easy. done. Reason: It's a little frustrating that the color of the 'single' garment is 'the last one i set it to' as its stored\set in the HUD, so each time I change outfits, I then have to load the HUD and change it. Sure, its a 'minor' inconvenience (all things considered), but little things like that will turn me off particular purchases. Hope that helps!
  20. FINCA at Access is selling some choice items for your dog - each grouping as shown on the board is $249. House 1 LI, bowls (not shown in Access but here they are at FINCA) 1 LI each, food supplies and treats 1 or 2 LI each, bed 3 LI and kennel/crate 2 LI, shower 5 LI and brush and shampoo 1 LI each). Full set $749.
  21. Ah, I see. Thanks again for the info Tessa. Darren
  22. I see your point but I know I've been age verified by various firms (who themselves may source it from people like Experian) and I do wonder if they are holding data on what exactly the verification was for, as in what service was I requesting to use. It's a minefield, I think it's highly plausible there could be solid links made between leaked credit data and specific applications for adult services though.
  23. Lapointe & Bastchilde, A&P, hoorenbeek (spelling??), and there's some at toksik as well. Those were my go-to stores when I was getting my male alt all fitted up, and if a guy asks me in world, but that was a few years ago now, and I actually haven't spent money on his clothes in three years maybe, I'm sure there are more quality menswear these days. At least I hope so. For women, the list is endless. I could list at least 20 amazing women's clothing stores just for outer wear. \o/
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