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  2. One of the attributes of resilience is to have awareness when a situation of abuse arrives, as well as the ability to get to safety. Resilience does not mean being able to absorb and survive harm. Do you see why I switched to "what makes you FEEL GOOD in SL" instead of calling it 'resilience'. The word is too complicated, but then 'feel good' became an issue and people had to bring in 'addiction'. Sigh
  3. Legendary unicorns respond, endangering daylight D E M O N (Can't resist the reference to my favourite movie... and me! 😈)
  4. And with that, a new word joins the lexicon: "Lunasplaining." Oh come on...you know many men tend to try and mansplain grief away, advocate being tough instead of facing their feelings. It's not their fault...they were socialized to stuff their pain and be strong. Hopefully some were educated in my group, and I remember one guy even started speaking his pain to the group. There's hope.
  5. ...is what I meant by "a dog whistle". Are these women doing a dog whistle?
  6. And with that, a new word joins the lexicon: "Lunasplaining."
  7. This thread is so ironic. I had to fight like the devil to fend off these annoying men in my Heart Menders group where we deal with loss in life. They'd try to tell everybody they should just 'toughen up' or do whatever mansplaining thing to 'fix' the problem. I'd have to intervene so that people could just describe their loss and FEEL without interference. It was a big battle, believe me, and I got in a fight with one of the regulars at the place who thought he should tell everyone to 'just be spiritual'. But I persevered...I won...I won the right for people to feel pain and allow others just to listen to it without butting in. That's so healing, and our society just doesn't typically allow it easily -- they fear grief, want to shove it under the rug.
  8. There are l good points made in this interview, but I don't think a racial bias is the only problem with glorifying resilience. Now, first of all, resilence is absolutely necessary for survival. However, being able to remove oneself from a harmful situation is better than just being able to absorb and survive harm. When a child is abused, they may not be able to remove themself from a harmful situation, so they have to develop resilience (and coping mechanisms) in order to survive. A victim of domestic abuse or slavery (and I don't mean just historically) may not be able to escape their abuse either, so they also have to develop resilience in order to survive. People develop all kinds of coping mechanisms in order to survive physical and mental abuse. These help them to survive initially, but may be less than ideal when that person is no longer in the original abusive situation. Take disassociation as an example. Being able to take one's mind away from reality helps a person to survive during the abuse, but if disassociation is later triggered in situations that are not physically harmful, the person may have difficultly interacting with others or might even experience mental blackouts in their daily life. I think we probably want to focus on *healthy* coping mechanisms for this thread, such as listening to music, talking with supportive people, journaling, play, exercise, or artistic creation. Many of these activities can be part of a rewarding and healthy use of Second Life. If being in Second Life feels like existing in a stressful or toxic environment, however, then removing oneself from it for a while might be the best solution, rather than enduring stressful or toxic situations in a virtual world. Btw, I prefer using the term "coping mechanisms" rather than "resilience", because resilience seems to me to imply some kind of moral superiority.
  9. Funny you posted these, this is the guy I was trying to follow, that's how I found the items i bought. but his video's are different from what i see in the folders, I think things may have changed slightly over the past 1 to 2 years. I don't even know if i have unpacked the items properly lol, I don't see all the types of files he has in his inventory in mine.
  10. I'm going to say it: Today I learned, "Resilience" is a "dog whistle". In Second Life terms, wholly within "Second Life" it would mean something like: Users need to bend, to "take it", no matter what, and not break - no matter what they experience in Second Life. Otherwise, it's "your fault". In "Real Life" terms, it is used the same way. If you're NOT "resilient", it is somehow "your fault". Employers want the most "resilient" employees. Instead of being actually compassionate. Instead of "letting people break", letting them "escape". Letting them experience, then heal on their own terms.
  11. As the owner of RL big booty, I have small feet irl so it can happen even in real life!
  12. I suspect one person led Kirtan with ChatGPT once...you might know who I mean. Speaking of Kirtan, I need to go practice. And I can assure you ChatGPT will be nowhere near me!
  13. Hello Rowan, store (shop) is a commercial establishment. I buy premium plus i get 2048 sq.mainland, so i can't run my business on this land ?
  14. Where did you get the idea that being resilient means you "take all the crap life throws at you with a smile on their face and a sunny disposition"? It does not mean that at all. It means we go through the process we need to go through when faced with adversity and move on to where we can deal with life again. We eventually overcome, through facing our pain, and learn to live again.
  15. It's just a series of canned lines pulled from a notecard by a running script. Despoiled wisdom, basically, passing itself off for something it ain't. Like so much else here. Not that AI is somehow any better or different. LOL whenever I read something and it seems lofty but at the same time I can't understand what they're really saying I suspect AI!
  16. If you purchase a mainland 2048 parcel then yes as long as it's not advertising adult items on moderate land. You cannot have a commercial establishment,.however, in the Linden home areas.
  17. If you managed to cope with the adverse condition you developed resilience! This is how it's defined. It doesn't matter if you like the word or use it....the fact remains...you developed resilience. The issue is, what I've been requesting is....information on how you cope with problems in SL. These problems might have developed within SL, or they might have developed outside SL yet you use SL to cope/chill out/whatever. Here is my OP again: I just encountered an interesting experience @ The Wisdom Circle in SL today where a poem was shared, discussing 'resilience'. We all encounter difficult experiences in SL -- what helps you cope and develop resilience? Do you recognize patterns in the poem that relate to how you manage difficult situations in SL, and/or do you have coping strategies of your own to share? Remember to stick to coping with difficulties in SL only.
  18. Just want to say...Exactly this. Worded perfectly.
  19. It's just a series of canned lines pulled from a notecard by a running script. Despoiled wisdom, basically, passing itself off for something it ain't. Like so much else here. Not that AI is somehow any better or different.
  20. That evil monster prances tauntingly. L U R E D
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