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Kudos for a Change

Ilyra Chardin

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I just thought that there ought to be some acknowledgement of progress since Marketplace performance seems vastly improved today - and that's a really good thing.   can actually find and buy what I need as I used to and I’m hoping my customers are finding it to be just as easy once again.

So YAY and Kudos to the Commerce Team for progress.


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Not until they fix the cross-listing nightmare that they seem to be ignoring completely, or the multiple delivery DD fiasco, or the payment delay "feature," or the auto-unlisting "feature," etc.   Speeding up the web site would be pretty far down on my list of what needs attention first.  

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Believe me, I didn't mean to imply that things are great now.  I just wanted to acknowledge that I was actually seeing progress.  To me that's something.  I suspect that the cross-linking issue is database corruption that they may not be able to easily recover from and may have to resort to correcting on a case by case basis.  As scary as that thought is, I can at least see signs that they're working on things - and, quite possibly - were doing so over the weekend.  Weekend work is a really good indication that the issues are being taken very seriously.

That's my two cents (L$5)

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Not until they fix the cross-listing nightmare that they seem to be ignoring completely, or the multiple delivery DD fiasco, or the payment delay "feature," or the auto-unlisting "feature," etc.   Speeding up the web site would be pretty far down on my list of what needs attention first.  


Well, before anything can really be fixed, LL needs suficient data. Until that happens, the issues won't be fixed.

Personally, I've not seen any of these issues, so I can't really evaluate how drastic the problems are. That would be my first concern, how big are these issues. As far as I've seen, we have a handful of people expressing problems, and a bunch of others mad just cause others have issues.

SO, outside of website being slow, how big are any of the other issues?

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

SO, outside of website being slow, how big are any of the other issues?

Well, the issue that I raised on the other thread (and subsequently opened a support ticket) for a customer receiving an item and not being paid for it was opened as a bug by the support team.

So I do think that there are a lot of legitimate open issues out there.

With this thread, I was just trying to acknowledge that there has been some progress.

[ and... Josh... :-P ]

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>So I do think that there are a lot of legitimate open issues out there.

So far, the prevailing pattern has been more every day for a long time.

These people are supposed to be paid to improve system function, not to prevent it from getting worse even more quickly.

Until every single JIRA is legitimately closed, I'm only going to thank someone for firing someone. 

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Go look at the list of Jiras and the comments by the number of people experiencing these problems, then get back to me.  The fact that the MP is producing these kind of errors should be of concern to everyone who uses the MP.  I only have 2 products affected, and one is out of season, but neither can be bought by anyone.  I have seen MP Stores where there are dozens of products affected.  I have no idea of the extent of the problem, but just the fact that it happened should have all merchants alarmed, as well as the seemingly lacksidasical approach that LL is taking towards them.  

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

Not until they fix the cross-listing nightmare that they seem to be ignoring completely, or the multiple delivery DD fiasco, or the payment delay "feature," or the auto-unlisting "feature," etc.   Speeding up the web site would be pretty far down on my list of what needs attention first.  


Well, before anything can really be fixed, LL needs suficient data. Until that happens, the issues won't be fixed.

Personally, I've not seen any of these issues, so I can't really evaluate how drastic the problems are. That would be my first concern, how big are these issues. As far as I've seen, we have a handful of people expressing problems, and a bunch of others mad just cause others have issues.

SO, outside of website being slow, how big are any of the other issues?

Do you not agree that someone buying an item and having it delivered to them 20+ times is not a big issue?  Merchants won't even know if this is happening.   And that's just one of the "lesser" issues.

At least half of the stores that I have visited on the marketplace have at least one mixed up item listing, if not (usually) more.. if the item affected happened to be your best seller, it might be a big problem to you.

I'm sure you also know that a lot of people experiencing the issues are not regular forum readers and probably don't even know what the JIRA is.  The "handful" represents only those people knowledgeable AND willing enough to spend time writing tickets and posting on forums.  I don't know about the other issues, but the cross-listing of creators/pictures/etc, as far as I can see, is a Big Problem.

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Well considering I just had a crap ton of products re-delivered to people, I am going to disagree that this is progress. I was just going through things, trying to figure out why my transactions looked like they did/do, and there's a bit of a problem.

Every single item that was just redelivered(and I am talking more than a few here) was part of an order that at SOME point had partially failed-but NOT the item they bought from me. In other words, people made multiple item cart purchases and something in their cart failed to deliver-so it says partially failed. All of the items bought from me delivered just fine and dandy, though. Yet, a crap ton of stuff was redelivered over the last couple days to a crap ton of people. I don't care about the lower priced and free items, but the ones with higher prices, yeah that bothers me. I give away my own stuff of my own free will, whenever I feel like it, and I do it quite often. I don't want LL deciding when and where to freely hand my stuff out. I've no clue what the heck happened, but I'm not happy. Not all of these were recent purchases either.

I haven't even been having issues like others, and my issue isn't DD related because I have not migrated, but still fully support the notion that none of what we are seeing, is actually progress at all. They aren't getting any amount of kudos from me. Things have only gotten worse with MP over the last few months, not better. This just puts icing on the cake. Pages loading faster and items-the ones that actually arrive-being delivered in a reasonable time frame is NOT progress. That's like giving me a pat on the back for being able to say my own name. Barring anything that would normally prevent me from doing so, the ability to say my own name as a grown adult, is not an achievement worthy of a party.

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I started this thread because it was encouraging sign to me that something (even if it is a small thing) was fixed.  It showed me that things were moving in the right direction.

I don't work for Linden Labs and I don’t' think that anyone who's made comments on this thread does.  While I do understand people's frustration - I’ve experienced it myself - and will say that my service request (my first and only) was turned into a JIRA by the support staff.  So, yes there are problems. Lots.  I guess it's all just a matter of how you look at things.

That's my two cents (L$5) anyway.

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> fully support the notion that none of what we are seeing, is actually progress at all.

But it IS progess... toward a crippled or closed off-world commerce system that will drive at least some merchants back to renting land in-world and making the oversized grid less unprofitable for LL to run. 

So, in that way, it's extremely consistent with practically every step LL has taken on the matter since the day the very first Magic Box was deployled by Xstreet. 


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i do not think they have done anything to make it quicker ..there is just not as many people trying to convert over cus of the mess as it was the first week that is why it seems quicker not as much load...still a bloody freakin mess all over the marketplace...no kudos from this end yet

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As a long time SL resident, i knew better than to jump on this immediately and am very glad I didn't.  I've been watching this forum, others and the JIRA and see nothing deserving of a Kudos.  The issues merchants who did covert are facing are BIG problems and are effecting their ability to do business to a large degree.  You can bet that if only a 'handful' are posting anywhere about it, there are many more that haven't.

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I'm a very optimistic person, often get criticised for having a "pollyanna"-ish outlook. I still stand by what I've said. One person's problem being fixed(or seemingly so) is not progress. Not in this case. Not when the incidents of things going wrong, straight to downright broke and costing people plenty of money, are increasing every single day. It would be different if problems weren't getting worse, compounding onto other problems, not to mention new ones popping up every day.

I don't consider the very few(one might say negligible even) things going as they should(note that doesn't mean better, it means..normal, expected, as intended, etc..) as something worth a kudos.

It has nothing at all to do with my perception, or how I "look at things", lol. If my expectations were even remotely high, it would fall under that, but wanting things to run normal is not a high expectation or some strange perception of reality.

My customers(not just sl, I'm speaking generally here) expect me to perform, at the very least, at what they'd deem a typical/normal/average level. They're happy when I go above and beyond(noteworthy), and not so happy when I underperform(also noteworthy). But doing things exactly as I should, nah that's not really noteworthy to anyone I know, lol.

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I agree with your intent. It's not ALL sour onions, there have been improvements. And despite the arguments of others that the speed up is purely a result of so many staying away from the site, I do not bellieve it is 100% responsible. I believe that some of their updates (and perhaps a revamp of the database with addtional Key fields to speed retrieval) have had a very positive effect on the site.

For example, the Orders > Transaction History report loads a LOT faster than it ever did, even long before the release of Direct Delivery. If the "crunch" is gone with regards to everyone converting to DD then why is that report so much faster? It has nothing to do with Inventory, Products or any DD-related function.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


I agree with your intent. It's not ALL sour onions, there have been improvements. And despite the arguments of others that the speed up is purely a result of so many staying away from the site, I do not bellieve it is 100% responsible. I believe that some of their updates (and perhaps a revamp of the database with addtional Key fields to speed retrieval) have had a very positive effect on the site.

For example, the Orders > Transaction History report loads a LOT faster than it ever did, even long before the release of Direct Delivery. If the "crunch" is gone with regards to everyone converting to DD then why is that report so much faster? It has nothing to do with Inventory, Products or any DD-related function.


Products deliver reliably: No

Reporting up to bare minimum standards of accounting: No

Funds reconcile: No

Abides by all consumer protection restrictions in country of origin: No

Reasonable refund/return policy: No, as in no refunds.

Ability to cash out whatever amount you earn: No, this is capped and dodged relentlessly if you try to jump to higher earning levels.

Guarantee of service: None

Security of product: Permission issue, mismatched purchases and multiple items sent.

Transaction history is faster: Golly Gee!


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I've never had issues with transaction reports going slowly, so I can't comment on that personally. For me, there has been no change in that aspect.I am glad it's loading better for others who were having an issue with it. I'm just not certain they actually did anything to change it. I've talked to an awful lot of merchants who weren't even having that issue, so it's hard to say, for me anyway. I have a feeling this fix people are seeing, on that front, is merely a side effect of something else and not an intended fix.

I'm honestly not certain what they did, or have done that is, they remain rather hush hush on what *exactly they are working on. The most we seem to be able to get are very generic, scripted responses, some very general lists of problems(which they didn't even provide of their own accord, they compiled/copied what others here have already pointed out, repeatedly..in other words *residents did the work for them) and a whole heck of a lot of "we'll look into that". After a while, the looking needs to actually produce some results. Even if they're bad ones, or ones we don't want-like "sorry folks, we can't/won't fix that", it's still something. I'm a huge supporter of communication, I dislike non communication tremendously.

I'm not keen on companies, especially large ones with PLENTY of resources, who use that sort of tactic. We already know LL is notorious for it. Something we also know is that when they apply themselves, and, well, work, they can make things better. They've done it, so we know they can. I've just not seen hide nor hair of that with this whole fiasco thus far. It seems every little thing that gets fixed(most seem temporary, hard to say for certain), at least one more problem creeps up. Some unavoidable, but I don't believe the majority are. I think they seriously lack the talent they need on the commerce team, personally. But that's just my outside view based on watching them(commerce team) screw things up and follow a pretty consistent pattern of not caring.

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Well the speed the site was running was so deplorably slow that both Merchants and Customers gave up and went away. So while I agree, all those points you outlined are lacking, the slow speed was a serious issue too.

As i've said elsewhere, I'm not declaring the site 100%, just pointing out that it's not 100% failure either. Yes, I want the other issues fixed too. But as long as they are making progress somewhere, I'm pleased. (Not "Happy" .. just "pleased".)

However, if instead of investing the time to speed up the site, they'd spent time adding new features that didn't serve the userbase as a whole, I would be decidely UN-pleased.

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