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Do Residents have any Responsibilities?

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Until such a time as a person can truly live as a mas of electronic information within a network, I'll continue to use the correct term.

"Virtual Resident" is an oxymoron - Something which is "virtual" is, at its base, not real.

I am not trying to dump reality into a virtual situation - I am reminding people what reality is. I am refusing to treat this as something it is not.

Solar Legion does not exist - period. Ceka Cianci does not exist - period. Not a single "Avatar" exists outside of the program code.

Only those behind the screens exist. Those behind the screens do not live inside the code - If you find that so hard to understand, "Virtual Reality" isn't for you. The moment you begin to believe the hype and marketing terms is the moment you've lost all touch with reality. 

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I can answer that Dres .... Invariably, those who insist that everyone is a "resident" of Second Life and not a User are those who put so much of themselves into what is going on on their computer screens that they disconnect with reality.

Those stories about people who have divorced their spouses to go and live with their "partner", only to later regret it? The people who have had heart attacks over online drama? Those who stalk a user, not just within the program but outside the program? Yeah, those are the sort of people I am talking about and the list just gets larger.

I myself learned the hard way that getting too wrapped up in what is on the screen is detrimental to us. I have since gone out of my way to make people who interact with me through the program aware that they may not always be interacting with anything more than a fabrication.

While I don't play very many games online much these days, the difference between a fabricated personality and who I actually am is ... quite large and very obvious to anyone with half a brain and firmly grounded in reality. What my Avatar looks like doesn't truly affect how I act when I am being myself - it is used in those instances as nothing more than a visual indicator of my own mood. A simple means of communication.

Ceka's example is another reason why i get so up in arms when people insist that everyone is a "resident" - no other service uses the term "Resident" in their Community Standards. Linden Lab must use the proper term (User) in their Terms of Service because the Terms of Service, like an EULA, is worded in an attemptt to be legally binding. No court would accept a ToS document which used the term "Resident". The Community Standards document is internal, so Linden Lab is free to user whatever terms they wish to use to further solidify their marketing spin.

There is no seperation between "Account Information" and "User Account Information" - the Avatar cannot create an account. What exists instead?


  • Profile Information: This can be anything at all, be it an insert of your offline details or some elaborate story to turn the Avatar into nothing more than a character in a novel.
  • Account Information: This is all of the information which you entered when you created your Second Life Account. Your username, password, birth date, payment information and other personal details.

The Profile exists to become whatever you want it to become. The Account is what contains the Profile and is created by a real, living person. The Avatar is not a living person and cannot create its own account.

I hope you understand what I am trying to put across Dres ... It's quite obvious to me that about 98% of those who post here don't and have long ago given up on reality. 

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Solar Legion wrote:

Until such a time as a person can truly 
as a mas of electronic information within a network, I'll continue to use the 
correct term

"Virtual Resident" is an oxymoron - Something which is "virtual" is, at its base,
not real.

I am not trying to dump reality into a virtual situation - I am reminding people what reality
. I am
to treat this as something
it is not.

Solar Legion does not exist - period. Ceka Cianci does not exist - period. Not a single "Avatar" exists outside of the program code.

Only those behind the screens exist. Those behind the screens do not live inside the code -
If you find that so hard to understand, "Virtual Reality" isn't for you. The moment you begin to believe the hype and marketing terms is the moment you've lost all touch with reality. 

i haven't lost touch with anything..i got you pegged.so i still have it..*winks*hehehehe


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Solar Legion wrote:

I can answer that Dres .... Invariably, those who insist that everyone is a "resident" of Second Life and not a User are those who put so much of themselves into what is going on on their computer screens that they disconnect with reality.

Those stories about people who have divorced their spouses to go and live with their "partner", only to later regret it? The people who have had 
heart attacks
online drama
? Those who stalk a user, not just within the program but
the program? Yeah, those are the sort of people I am talking about and the list just gets larger.

I myself learned the hard way that getting too wrapped up in what is on the screen is detrimental to us. I have since gone out of my way to make people who interact with me through the program aware that they may not always be interacting with anything more than a fabrication.

While I don't play very many games online much these days, the difference between a fabricated personality and who I actually am is ... quite large and very obvious to anyone with half a brain and firmly grounded in reality. What my Avatar looks like doesn't truly affect how I act when I am being myself - it is used in those instances as nothing more than a visual indicator of my own mood. A simple means of communication.

Ceka's example is another reason why i get so up in arms when people insist that everyone is a "resident" - 
no other service uses the term "Resident" in their Community Standards.
Linden Lab 
use the proper term (User) in their Terms of Service because the Terms of Service, like an EULA, is worded in an attemptt to be legally binding. 
No court would accept a ToS document which used the term "Resident".
The Community Standards document is 
, so Linden Lab is free to user whatever terms they wish to use to further solidify their marketing spin.

There is no seperation between "Account Information" and "User Account Information" - the Avatar
cannot create an account.
What exists instead?

  • Profile Information:
    This can be anything at all, be it an insert of your offline details or some elaborate story to turn the Avatar into nothing more than a character in a novel.
  • Account Information:
    This is 
    of the information which you entered when you created your Second Life Account. Your 
    , password, birth date, payment information and other personal details.

The Profile exists to become whatever you want it to become. The Account is what contains the Profile and is created by a 
real, living person. The Avatar is not a living person and cannot create its own account.

I hope you understand what I am trying to put across Dres ... It's quite obvious to me that about 98% of those who post here don't and have long ago given up on reality. 

conform..you will be assimilated ..sooner or later we will obtain you..you are on our list of resistance to the cube!!

soon as we are done dancin to this..then we'll be over to get'cha :P



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Solar Legion wrote:

No dear - it wasn't. Do not ever assume you know what a person's motives are.

It was meant to correct you - nothing more and nothing less. How you react is

We are not dating, you can refer to me as Knowl, or Mr. Paine. Name calling is juvenile behavior and I'm not going to play games with you.


Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius.

The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another


We are called Residents.


Thank you for your reply, and your warning.






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I can refer to you however I please dear - you are free to intepret it anyway you choose but remember that such an interpetation exists only in the mind of the one reading.

Nice bit of Latin, signifying nothing.

We are Users - Linden Lab uses the term Residents in a false manner for marketing purposes.

You may feel free to use the incorrect term all you want ... Do not state to me what "we" are or are not. I don't deal with fantasy elements when discussing user "responsibility".

You can refer to the term "Resident" as a factual and correct term when responding to me when you can prove that you actually live as a mass of electrons, with no physical body. 

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I apologize if something that I said, has caused you to react the way you have. Your behavior appears to be in conflict with what is written in your signature line. 

I would honor your desire to be contacted in a polite and respectful manner. I'm simply requesting that you extend the same courtesy to me.

I am not responsible for Linden Lab's behavior. You should contact Linden Lab directly, to have your concerns addressed.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Knowl, my signature line exists as a means to filter out those whose sole purpose for contact using the Second Life Client (Client, not Viewer) system's internal messaging protocols to verbally attack a person for their opinions. Something which I have had some extensive experience with and have simply grown tired of.

Linden Lab will not change their marketing language any time soon Knowl. They want the largest section of users they can get. This includes those who honestly believe that they "live" within the program. Such people cling to the use of the term "Resident" as if it were a life raft.

I've dealt with people for whom reality has no meaning. I've dealt with them in various programs, various leisure time activities. They are a prime reason concerning why I do not Role Play with anyone who offers it anymore - I have run into far too many people whose ability to keep a hold on reality is either compromised or simply does not exist at all.

It is understandable that, in this light, I am rather vehement when it comes to correcting people who mistakenly believe that they are "residents" of a computer program and server system.

I have no problem with users wanting immersion when they are actually using the client program and logged directly into the grid. Keep it away form me however as I am likely to poke a few holes in that immersion baloon ... more or less to remind the user that they don't actually "live" within the program and to keep them from losing all touch with the real world.

Here? On the forum? That is a whole different matter. You are not logged into the forums through the client software. It is not a requirement. The 'avatar' you have made to represent yourself on the grid simply does not exist here. Within Second Life? My chosen avatar (when not engaged in the very rare Role Play session) does not maintain the same appearance on a daily basis. Not just the clothing either - the species varies as does all of its aspects excluding gender. I have chosen to have it be a representation of my personal mood, a visual representation of what I am feeling at the time. This visual representation does not live within Second Life. It is not a "resident".

It is a mass of electrons and information which tell other client programs what to display for other users to see.

I have lost track of the number of times I have had to explain to another user why my avatar changes so often. I have lost track of the number of times I have had to correct a user who has asked me were I "live" in Second Life. The avatar simplt "exists". I - the human being operating the avatar - live in the real and physical world. 

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