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Do Residents have any Responsibilities?

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The Terms of Service and the Community Standards are Rules, they are not responsibilities.

Acting responsibly in SL, is required of a Resident who wishes to continue to be able to access Second Life, but the Resident is only Acting, like an Actor or Actress, a Character.

Real responsibility, would give you the keys to the car. You could be dangerous.

Do Residents have any Civic Duties?

How would you define our "responsibilities" as Residents?

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Knowl Paine wrote:

Do Residents have any Civic Duties?

How would you define our "responsibilities" as Residents?



That would depend on what type of Resident one wishes to be.

That can be enforced? Those, like you said, are covered by the rules.

So technically, yes, we have responsibilities as residents not to unduly harass, grief, or steal. Morally, one must decide those for themselves.

I want to have a good time and help others do the same. My responsibility is to be cute and make people happy and not be too bitchy. 

I have learned a lot from others. I want to help others, especially the ones who were as lost as I was.

That path isn't for everyone though, nor should it be. 

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My Rabbit (Stew), is my inventory. :smileysad: 

I support virtual pets as being a responsibility, it can be very involved. Starving a virtual pet to death, is pretty good proof that somebody forgot to feed that pet. They must have been busy. 


I have a sense of Civic duty to help new Residents.


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I don't really care if ppl in SL or any life are responsible for their stuff or behavior -- as long as they do not expect others to take that responsibility on instead.


I consider it the responsibility of everyone to manage his own inventory, including inventory that is not fully loading.  This means understanding that inventory is actually sitting on LL's servers, whether you can see it or not, among other things.  Half my customer service messages are about something not showing up in someone's inventory.

Secondly, for anyone who owns objects such as homes or furnishings and wants them to be modified in some way, they should take responsibility for learning how to edit a linked prim, for example -- that one skill alone enables people to make all kinds of modifications.  A large percentage of my customer service messages are about someone wanting me to come unlink a prim for them.

Third, anything you do not want to accidentally retexture should be kept locked in the Object tab; this is the owner's responsibility.  Every day I get customer service messages from people who have accidentally dragged some texture to their floor or wall.



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Since we all share this world each one of us has the responsibility to

  • treat others as they would like to be treated
  • show respect and tolerance of others who show them the same
  • use server resources as efficiently as they can
  • create an environment that doesn't  interfere with the enjoyment of others they share an environment with
  • remember that they too were once a newb without a clue and help as they can
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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Since we all share this world each one of us has the responsibility to
  • treat others as they would like to be treated
  • show respect and tolerance of others who show them the same
  • use server resources as efficiently as they can
  • create an environment that doesn't  interfere with the enjoyment of others they share an environment with
  • remember that they too were once a newb without a clue and help as they can

This /\ ... I was going to say "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "if you can't say somthin nice, don't say nothin at all" but I think Amethyst said it better.  The only thin we can take responsibility for is our own actions and reactions.

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All good answers..by responsible people :)

I think there are social responsibilities which go beyond the TOS...everyone so far has reflected that. Play nicely. Be a good neighbour. Don't shoot someones head off unless you've RPed it beforehand and you are on a combat sim. If you land in a new sim, read the owner's rules and respect them. Don't turn up at Franks in nothing but a blinging g-string and bunny ears and expect a warm welcome.


Don't detract from everyone else's experience. People are not here to see and hear you, neccessarily.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

My Rabbit (Stew), is my inventory. :smileysad: 

I support virtual pets as being a responsibility, it can be very involved. Starving a virtual pet to death, is pretty good proof that somebody forgot to feed that pet. They must have been busy. 


I have a sense of Civic duty to help new Residents.


i see where you are going with this  hehehe


well helping residents as far as with normal everyday problems or answering questions  to me i really enjoy and don't really look at that as a duty for me..i can't pass up someone that needs help..

where i feel i have a duty to new residents and to any resident is when i see misinformation that can hurt them to where they may never want to enter the grid again or where they may panic because they have misunderstood something and become scared in rl about it or it can actually hurt their rl in any way..

to help try and head off a lot of rumors before they get a good footing on them..or to try to confirm as best as i can the real threat if there is one in them..

like when redzone was wide open..that was driving me crazy thinking of all the new residents going to sims and getting scanned and not even having a chance to learn the risk of what was going on..

they didn't even a chance to put up a defense against it..that ate up a lot of my sl time especially last spring and summer until it was gone..

or when panic was starting up about the teens merging..there was a lot of misinformation going on that needed to have the fat trimmed off it pretty quick..

or things like the maturity definitions and trying to grasp those to show they are not as thick as a lot were thinking..

to try and express things in a way that everyone can understand what i am saying to try and keep down the misunderstandings as much as possible...

i don't want someones sl to be messed up by some information i may have given them and they take it the wrong way and get banned or something..that would bug me to no end..

so being clear in communication here to where everyone can get a grasp of what we are saying is a big one as well..

my father told one time..there are two ways to communicate to a crowd..where everyone can understand you or where only some of them can..it just depends on who you really are trying to reach..

so i try to remember that new people can get lost  on a lot of what we say in here..i catch myself all the time using terms they may have to look up...like TPV..

i'm on the TPV  FS and my MP trans failed and LL said the grid is is having problems when i go afk..

that's gonna sound like scribble to a new person lol

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There would have to be one big responsibility I would like to mention. Being that most of us are anonymously hidden behind our avatars, the big one for me, that runs my daily life in SL is " DO NO HARM". I think we see a lot of emotional harm that comes in SL, some we can take blame for, some that is beyond our control. Emotional safety has become alarmingly fragile in SL, but if your a grown up and can act like one, you won't let your mouth overload your arse. (And you won't believe half of what is told to you standing in front of pink and blue pose balls, lol)

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kinda Fallen wrote:

And you won't believe half of what is told to you standing in front of pink and blue pose balls, lol


"Sit on these balls"

"Why? What are they?"

"I think they are only a nice sit. Nothing bad. u will like them. They are very romantic.  Sit on them. Now."

"How do you know what they are?..You said you've never been here before."

"No I no what these balls are from friend. They are nice, u click on them and Sit Now Plez."

"No. I don't know what they are. You said this was a good dance venue. "Have" and "Be Had" are funny names for a ballroom dance.  "

"I tell u they are nice balls..make nice sweet romantic photo. u will like. What is wrong with u? SIT."

* woman runs away fast


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Knowl Paine wrote:

The Terms of Service and the Community Standards are Rules, they are not responsibilities.

Acting responsibly in SL, is required of a Resident who wishes to continue to be able to access Second Life, but the Resident is only Acting, like an Actor or Actress, a Character.



Real responsibility, would give you the keys to the car. You could be dangerous.



Do Residents have any Civic Duties?



How would you define our "responsibilities" as Residents?




I feel that it is my responsibility to have a short auto-return on my land, to deter griefers, and I feel it is my responsibility to keep my part of the mainland (relatively) tidy, and not clutter it with heavily-scripted items that would bring the sim's performance down. I also feel  it is my responsibility to "pay it forward" - the kindness, inspiration, and help, that I was shown when I was so very lost as a newbie.

I do not however feel that it is my responsibility to tell the neighbour, who has allowed his heavily-scripted breedable pets to die from hunger that he has done so, nor do I think it is my responsibility to be reporting him to the SL equivalent of the R.S.P.C.A. for neglecting said breedables.

Our joint responsibilities as residents are to ensure we always remember there is a person behind every avatar, and never treat anyone with less respect or consideration than we ourselves would like to receive. And our responsibilities as residents are to realise none of this virtual world actually belongs to any one of us, not even if we pay for it - the "off" switch is always held by LL.

And now I'm going to go and hug a tree. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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Some great replies. Here's my 2 cents.


Responsibility to me is...If I give my word, I keep it. Whether it's committing to that late night shift at a friend's club or a commitment to an SL partner to be there with and for them.

My word is my word. It doesn't matter that you all are down there in that dust mote known as whoville. You are no less important in terms of my word than anyone else is.

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Marigold! :smileysurprised: In your second paragraph, it appears that you are not in agreeance with me? And I thought you wanted to be my Official Stalker. :smileysad:   Just kidding, it's ok to disagree. :smileyhappy:

I don't want to tell other people what to do; I'm hoping that they will tell me what they stand for. I suspect that a lot of people don't know what their Values are, Or, they've never taken the time to spell them out.  

LL can flip the switch any day they want; you are correct. I bet they won't. :matte-motes-smug:

Trees don't need to be hugged, people do. :smileyvery-happy:




To: Randall,

It's a shame that LL has never done so. I agree with more love.


To: Pamela,

A person could spend all day telling me about what they, "don't want to be told to do", but it would tell me nothing about what they think is the right thing to do.
Being intelligent only facilitates responsibility; it's not a responsibility. Customers visit Merchants to find solutions for the customer's problems. Service - serve us. If the customer knew everything the Merchant knows, the customer could make their own products.  


To: Amethyst,

I like what you have written, cheers


To: Tiffy,

I agree, plenty of good advice in the replies. Above, and "beyond the TOS", is an excellent summary. Thanks for your support.


To: kinda,

"Do no harm" is the core of the principle. The problem is, people like to play word games. Almost every Law or Policy could be reduced to "do no harm". The word games begin by making a mockery of the idea and exaggerating the principle. Not protecting grains of sand, and butterfly farts, would be at the forefront of "why" the idea doesn't work.    


To: Ceka,

Safeguarding new Residents is an admirable Civic duty, thank you for your service and diligence in pursuing principles in fairness. :smileyhappy:


To: Eileen,

Those might be gold pennies

Giving your Word. That's pretty much everything I'm saying. It all starts by declaring to perform in a specific way.

There is a popular chipmunk in whoville, I admire that Residents sticktoitiveness.



If everbody is already doing this; why am I not seeing it everywhere?


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Knowl Paine wrote:

Marigold! :smileysurprised: In your second paragraph, it appears that you are not in agreeance with me? And I thought you wanted to be my Official Stalker. :smileysad:   Just kidding, it's ok to disagree. :smileyhappy:



I don't want to tell other people what to do; I'm hoping that they will tell me what they stand for. I suspect that a lot of people don't know what their Values are, Or, they've never taken the time to spell them out.  


LL can flip the switch any day they want; you are correct. I bet they won't. :matte-motes-smug:

Trees don't need to be hugged, people do. :smileyvery-happy:


NEVER hug hawthorn - not quite a tree, more a hedge, in my brother's back garden, and I wasn't hugging it so much as clipping it earlier today, and blimey me, I have the cuts to prove it.

I thought LL HAD flipped the switch earlier; it seems they disabled logins because of inventory updating (or something) .

Hugggsssss you - (as I jump out from behind that hawthorn hedge over on the premium sandboxes). :cattongue:



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Knowl Paine wrote:------------------------


To: Pamela,


A person could spend all day telling me about what they, "don't want to be told to do", but it would tell me nothing about what they think is the right thing to do.

Being intelligent only facilitates responsibility; it's not a responsibility. Customers visit Merchants to find solutions for the customer's problems. Service - serve us. If the customer knew everything the Merchant knows, the customer could make their own products.  

I don't believe I said anything about making products, or providing customer service for my products, or about being intelligent, but about taking responsibility for learning some very basic, essential skills.

Without these basic skills someone in SL is forever dependent on others for the simplest things; with them they are empowered to do a vast number of things. I will teach, I will coach, I will hand-hold, while someone learnes to edit a linked prim -- and it is rewarding when they do.

Let me put it this way:  most of my life I was a teacher, in the business of empowering kids by teaching them skills and knowledge.  I continue to do the same here. Just as it is the responsibility of kids to learn skills and knowledge to be contributing members of society, so it is the responsibility of SL residents to do the same.

Here are some of my instructional webpages:

How to Edit Linked Prims

Recovering Inventory

Tinting your Things

Homeowner's Guide 

and Jenni Darkwatch's Land Impact Guide 


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Pamela Galli wrote:

.......(It's) about taking responsibility for learning some very basic, essential skills.

Without these basic skills someone in SL is forever dependent on others for the simplest things; with them they are empowered to do a vast number of things...........

Agreeance from me here, Pamela...it's a responsibility to yourself to know how the world works and to be capable of functioning in it, and therefore getting more out of it. The virtual world is much like the real one in this respect.

The percentage of residents who can edit a linked prim, or successfully colour match something through the edit menu...or even care to locate the edit menu seems to be rapidly shrinking. Many expect to don a HUD to do it for them instead. And truly, most people do love the freedom they get from knowing how to be self-reliant, once they stop resisting by telling themselves "ohh I aren't interested in building--that's all for other people"

And excellent links...well done

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Thanks :-)  Yes, as you can see, there are some that consider inventory problems and modifiying purchased objects the merchant's responsibility, among many others. It is considered customer service to accept responsibility for these things.


I do not mind, and devote a substantial amount of time to, helping people learn skills -- but not because I am trying to evade my responsibilities. It's because I want to equip people to meet theirs.

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Your work in SL is stunning, and you do make for a good model of what it might mean to be doing the right thing.

I can see how your teaching career may naturally lead you to look for relevant examples of an ideal, practice or principle you wish to communicate. Thank you for sharing that, it helps me to understand. :matte-motes-smile:




For a long time, it was clear that we were building a virtual World.

Now, that mission does not seem as clear.

I've confused responsibility with purpose, and even though both are self defined, my avatar operates under the rules and regulations of LL. The pinnacle is capped and bound by the principles, values, goals and ideals held by and within LL. None can reach higher.

How can I grow beyond my cage?

Sharing all the knowledge, would rapidly exhaust the available supply. 

I think that every responsibility is an exercise of freewill.

LL could set the bar as high as they want, it would still only be a suggestion or recommendation.



Sometimes, ... the truth sucks.








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Knowl Paine wrote:

How can I grow beyond my cage?

Sharing all the knowledge, would rapidly exhaust the available supply. 

I think that every responsibility is an exercise of freewill.

LL could set the bar as high as they want, it would still only be a suggestion or recommendation.



Sometimes, ... the truth sucks.


You grow beyond your cage by realizing you hold the key to your freedom.

You will never run out of knowledge to share.

It is your responsibility to not allow yourself to be caged.

You set your own bar. Virtual reality is not confined to LL servers.


Yes, but only sometimes.

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You've offered very sound advice, and it does work in many of Life's applications.

One must first realize that there is a cage. As those in the cage have a responsibility to get out, there are mechanisms responsible for keeping the people in the cage.

The best way to divide the people, is to tell them that they are all different. I can find many more instances in which we are alike, than I can find were we are different.

Millions of One Man Bands, each thinking that only he or she holds the key. Round the rugged range, the ragged Roosters ran. Run rooster, run. :smileyvery-happy:

We're the roosters.


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