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Do Residents have any Responsibilities?

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Knowl Paine wrote:

I'm not sure if I like Lasagna and apples, never tried it. :smileytongue:


is a small gift given... idk that, ty. 

Lol... I wasn't expecting a lot of people to know what that meant.  It's a word that's mainly used locally here in Louisiana... Google is your friend. :matte-motes-big-grin:


P.S. My understand is that it means "a little something extra"... but I suppose gift works too.

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No - users do not have any "Civic Duty".

For crying out loud .... Not a single person posting here is a "tesident" of Second Life - not a single person here actually "lives" in Second Life (no, I'm not going to get into some 'debate' over immersion or any other variation - you do not live inside the coimputer program, period).

Our only concerns should be following the ToS, making sure our tier is paid, account subscriptions are paid and that we manage to have a good time.

That is it

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Solar Legion wrote:

No - 
do not have any "Civic Duty".

For crying out loud .... Not a single person posting here is a "tesident" of Second Life - not a single person here actually "lives" in Second Life (no, I'm not going to get into some 'debate' over immersion or any other variation - you 
do not
live inside the coimputer program, period).

Our only concerns should be following the ToS, making sure our tier is paid, account subscriptions are paid and that we manage to have a good time.

That is

and candy mountain..

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Solar Legion wrote:

No - 
do not have any "Civic Duty".

For crying out loud .... Not a single person posting here is a "tesident" of Second Life - not a single person here actually "lives" in Second Life (no, I'm not going to get into some 'debate' over immersion or any other variation - you 
do not
live inside the coimputer program, period).

Our only concerns should be following the ToS, making sure our tier is paid, account subscriptions are paid and that we manage to have a good time.

That is

and candy mountain..

Ah, that explains a lot.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

The way I see it... the only responsibilities I have as a resident of SL is to pay my tier and abide by the TOS.  Anything else is lagniappe.


I'm pretty new here at second life, but Dres' comment rings true for me. Having said that, it seems to me that the "little extra's" ,unexpected and freely given, go a long way toward creating community. I've received my share of help when I needed it, and happily pass on what little knowledge I have to someone in need. I don't believe a sense of responsibility is involved, but a sense of community might be. I'd have to think about that a little more. The truth is, I've not really given too much thought into why I might help someone ... It just feels right, so I do it.

BTW Dres ... Thank you for a new word .. lagniappe ... I love it!

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Solar Legion wrote:

No - 
do not have any "Civic Duty".

For crying out loud .... Not a single person posting here is a "tesident" of Second Life - not a single person here actually "lives" in Second Life (no, I'm not going to get into some 'debate' over immersion or any other variation - you 
do not
live inside the coimputer program, period).

Our only concerns should be following the ToS, making sure our tier is paid, account subscriptions are paid and that we manage to have a good time.

That is

Oooh Solar, I beg to differ with you. You are right in that we do not strictly speaking live and breathe the air in second life, but we do live, if we choose, in a community, and responsible community members know that how we behave rubs off on our neighbours.

You may choose to obey the TOS and no more, but even that attitude has an effect, in the long run, on how we all inter-relate, or not.

The civic duty we have in SL is exactly the same as the one we have in RL. I think we should play nice in both.

And thanks for not getting into the immersion debate, lol. Yep we've all had that a few times :)



also, dresden...great word...i'm nicking it when I can work out the pronounciation :)

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take 2


No civic duty; got it.

LL refers to Residents as Residents.

The TOS will apply to a Resident regardless of the Resident's concerns for it. Compliance is not a responsibility, it is mandatory.

Land and the Tier connected with land, is optional. Were it a responsibility, all Residents would own Land.

A good time is great for the Residents who visit SL to have a good time.

There are two parties in SL, those who are "partying!!" and those who are supplying the party. 

If you do not wish to debate.... you have that right. :matte-motes-smile:




If We the Residents, do not set a higher standard for all Residents in SL; who will set it for Us?

What are our standards.

I realize that we cannot change the world, and we don't have to. We only have to change Second Life.


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Knowl Paine wrote:

If We the Residents, do not set a higher standard for all Residents in SL; who will set it for Us?

What are our standards.

I realize that we cannot change the world, and we don't have to. We only have to change Second Life.


What is there to change, Knowl?

I spend much of my time going to many places during my time inworld. Everywhere I go I see someone's passion on display. I see galleries, and shopping sims, independent stores, creations to enhance avatar appearance, creations to enhance the appearance of our world. It seems that most Residents already have taken on the responsibility of making this world a beautiful place. I don't ever encounter rudeness or hostility. Second Life is a beautiful place full of beautiful persons, I don't think there is much to change.

What can be changed though, I think we do. There was an ugly abandoned plywood build on my home sim. I made a granite cube and now it is covered :)

I think the standard had been set, and it seems to be a good one.

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What is there to change!


Not much really. :smileyhappy:

I like to think about SL, and the Community, explore ideas, customs, traditions. Find and define values by discovering the values of others, and how the values of a person defines that person.

I also believe that a Standard has been set, and that's my problem. 

I have found greater understanding than what I had prior to creating this thread. I believe that any Resident could benefit by reading the words which have been exchanged here.


I'm not always serious; seriously, I mean that.




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Tiffy Vella wrote:

Solar Legion wrote:

No - 
do not have any "Civic Duty".

For crying out loud .... Not a single person posting here is a "tesident" of Second Life - not a single person here actually "lives" in Second Life (no, I'm not going to get into some 'debate' over immersion or any other variation - you 
do not
live inside the coimputer program, period).

Our only concerns should be following the ToS, making sure our tier is paid, account subscriptions are paid and that we manage to have a good time.

That is

Oooh Solar, I beg to differ with you. You are right in that we do not strictly speaking live and breathe the air in second life, but we do live, if we choose, in a community, and responsible community members know that how we behave rubs off on our neighbours.

You may choose to obey the TOS and no more, but even that attitude has an effect, in the long run, on how we all inter-relate, or not.

The civic duty we have in SL is exactly the same as the one we have in RL. I think we should play nice in both.

And thanks for not getting into the immersion debate, lol. Yep we've all had that a few times



also, dresden...great word...i'm nicking it when I can work out the pronounciation

Tiffy, while I agree with the sense of what you are saying, I would put it a little differently. I wouldn't argue that any of us lives in a digital space. I would say that when we participate in this community, we interact through a digital media. The fact that the media is digital does not negate the existence of a communal experience.

As I have stated earlier, I have not been here very long, but I expect that this community, like every other, has both written and unwritten behavioral norms. In other words, the TOS, "play nice" and "treat others the way you would like to be treated" etc (and other ligniappe :-) ) . From what I've read about blocking and such, the behavioral norms are understood and supported by individuals across the community.

On another note, I prefer to consider the community as a network of contributors rather than users as Solar has suggested. To me, the term users has a connotation that does not reflect community at all, but rather the antithesis of community.

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I liked reading this in the wiki http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Resident

"It was pretty early in the development of Second Life. One of my jobs was to come up with the different words we wanted to use, including the name! The naming discussions were usually between me, Philip, Hunter and Peter (both of whom aren't here any more) with feedback from everyone else.

When it came to what to call the people in the world, we knew we didn't want to call them 'users', although that would be the most typical thing for software. However, the word 'users' doesn't do a very good job of describing the two-way nature of Second Life, where the people involved are providing content and contributing to the experience.

We also thought about 'members' (boring!), 'citizens' (too political!), and 'players' (too game-y).

'Residents', however, seems most descriptive of people who have a stake in the world and how it grows."

Robin Linden, 

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It seems to me that a lot of people are forgetting that there are community standards set forth within the TOS that dictate our responsibilities when interacting with our fellow residents.  Being that only those things that are covered in the TOS are actionable to get us removed from SL, those things are the only things with which we need to concern ourselves in order to remain a part of the SL community.

I don't have to play nice if I don't want to... I don't have to do unto others as I would want to have done to myself (in fact, that could get me in trouble fast... lol).  I don't have to be helpful... I don't have to be happy and I certainly don't need to make anyone else happy.  I don't have to try to make SL a better place... I don't have to work my ass off in order to build a sense of community... in fact, I don't have to interact with anyone at all.  As long as what I do follows the rules set forth by LL, I don't need to do anything else... period.

I do these things if and when I want to, but it isn't my responsibility... it's my choice.  That's what I mean by lagniappe.

As for land and tier... it's my choice to own land, therefore it is a responsibility that I have chosen to place upon myself.  Sure I could choose to not own land, but until that day comes, I'm responsible for paying my tier fees... simple as that.

...Dres *doesn't have to introduce new words to people, even though he appreciates the response he got for doing so* :matte-motes-big-grin:

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I was going to say that the Policy appears to be, "Do what thou wilt", but some research shows that the person most popular for saying that, was quoting a person, who was quoting a person.

I didn't realize that those songs were from Beethoven and Mozart; I actually thought that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg made that music for their movies. They are real "original' thinkers, as are most successful people.

What is the last name (surname) of the Queen of England? One could Google it, but I'm curious about common knowledge; how common is knowledge?


Being responsible and acting responsibly; are they the same thing?


I believe that SL has a surplus of Residents who are primarily occupied with their concern for themselves.


The Community Standards are rules, and are not acts of freewill. There is a general consensus, that responsibility is an act of freewill. This truth, has lead me to change aspects of my perspective.


The CS are a set of rules, as much as we say that responsibilty is an act of freewill, the proof is in the pudding. The invented and made up CS have produced a positive effect. If every Resident were to be aware of the principles set forth in the CS; there would be no need for the CS. It appears that common sense is not very common.


Where does corruption begin? Does a man standing naked in a barren desert have anything to corrupt? Will he rub the sand grains together in a bad way? Maybe kick or punch the sand? Corruption begins with those in possesion of something to corrupt.


For those reasons, I believe that those who are in the know, should act responsibly with the knowledge they have. They can do this by leading by example. The only trouble with this thinking, is that the people at the top, will have to obey their own rules. There seems to be an un-willingness to do this.




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Hmm, it's all legal fiction. Contracts have been created with people, legal fictions. Mr. is a fictional character. Contracts have spirits, a person can act outside of the spirit of an agreement and be legally bound by their actions. We call it Grandfathering. There are Residents in SL.

Worse yet, there are Residents outside of SL. They owe their allegiance to the City that has Incorporated it's people. Tribal Indian Leaders call them "our people", or "my people".

What is sad, is that you, Edit: (may be) unaware of the true nature of the World. Many of the truths I can share, are ignored, because they create cognitive dissonance. If A is true, B must also be true. The entire house of cards would collapse.

Your City is Incorporated; it's nothing personal, it's just Business.


Edit: changed are, to may be. :matte-motes-smile:

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Knowl - you can pontificate all you'd like - there are no "residents" of Second Life- period. You continued attempts to rationalize the use of a marketing term instead of the proper term (Users) simply shows that you're ia hopeless case (and incapable of comprehending when someone states they are not going to debate a particular topic).

There are no Residents - this is a fact, there isn't a debate here.

BIf you can show (with proof) a single person whose consiousness has successfully been uploaded to Linden Lab's mainframe and whose now electronic consiousness is indisputably alive .... Then and only then can you (or anyone else) claim there are "Residents in" Second Life.

Then and only then do you actually have a reason for discussing "civic duty". 

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Mr. Legion:


v. de·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates
1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument. See Synonyms at discuss.
4. Obsolete To fight or quarrel.
Could you explain how your replying in opposition to Mr. Paine in this instance can NOT be considered debating?
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Simple - I'm not "discussing" anything nor are there "opposing points"

I am sticking to what is factual - not to the marketing ploys and imaginations of those who fall for them and perpetuate them.

Please, before asking something so silly, do a bit of thought first - were I interested in a debate, I'd have started a thread to discuss the philosophy surrounding the mistaken use of the term "Resident".

Being that I have no desire to discuss the philosophy behind it and insist upon the use of the correct term (users), there is no debate to be had here. 

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His (it's) name is Watson.


Reality is what the people say it is.

You are in a minority that is saying Residents in SL are not Residents.

The Surname of all new Residents, is Resident.

There are more instances where LL refers to Us as Residents, than there are references of the term User.

There is plenty of debate.


My consciousness is in SL; when I'm in SL. I actually Pilot my avatar, everything my avatar has every done or said, was done by me. It's called taking responsibility for ones actions.

The problem with responsibility, is that some people don't want any. 



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Solar Legion wrote:

Simple - I'm not "discussing" anything nor are there "opposing points"

I am sticking to what is
- not to the marketing ploys and imaginations of those who fall for them and perpetuate them.

Please, before asking something so silly, do a bit of thought first - were I interested in a debate, I'd have started a thread to discuss the philosophy surrounding the mistaken use of the term "Resident".

Being that I have no desire to discuss the philosophy behind it and insist upon the use of the
correct term
(users), there is no debate to be had here. 

Whatever you say, Humpty Dumpty.

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Solar Legion wrote:

Simple - I'm not "discussing" anything nor are there "opposing points"

I am sticking to what is
- not to the marketing ploys and imaginations of those who fall for them and perpetuate them.

Please, before asking something so silly, do a bit of thought first - were I interested in a debate, I'd have started a thread to discuss the philosophy surrounding the mistaken use of the term "Resident".

Being that I have no desire to discuss the philosophy behind it and insist upon the use of the
correct term
(users), there is no debate to be had here. 

Bit dogmatic, to claim opinion as fact. 

I ought to know, I'm Catholic. 


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