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ATTENTION! Listings on the Marketplace are borked. Everyone check your stores!

Pearl Vollmar

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Came back from work and was hoping things had been fixed but NOOOO! I can't believe it!!! And I cannot even unlist the items that are borked because they are not mine... What's going on with these people? Can you imagine Amazon or other online shop keeping their websites open in this kind of mess? What makes LL think they are any different? This is business for Christ's sake! Not a game!

I am so mad I think I have smoke coming from the top of my head. It's been more than 24 hours since this has been reported and nothing has been done.

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>I too am very surprised they continue to keep it open when there are so many messed up listings.

I'm not.

If they can't even show the sense to stop encouraging the migration from boxes to DD, they're not going to do anything less obvious until panic finally sets in, and then it will just be the wrong thing anyway. 

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No change in my 2 borked listings.  So we just sit here and wait?  Has LL given anyone a clue as to what to do.  I assume trying to "repair" the listings could only make things worse.  I noted someone stated they could not affect the listings because they react as if they belong to someone else...

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Because they were going to do maintenance work and because this is urgent. It's beyong me why they haven't done anything about it. Seriously, I don't remember seeing a mess like this on the marketplace ever, and although I've been in SL long enough, this time they really surprised me.

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>Because they were going to do maintenance work and because this is urgent.

If they couldn't figure it out in 6 months, what makes you think they can figure it out in a week?

>It's beyong me why they haven't done anything about it.

It's as plain as the nose on your face. Their decision process is broken. If they can't make good decisions slowly, how are they supposed to make even better decisions quickly?

>Seriously, I don't remember seeing a mess like this on the marketplace ever, and although I've been in SL long enough, this time they really surprised me.

I'm doing a lot better than I was in parts of August and September.

But I also figured out what to do instead of trusting Lindens to fix anything without breaking at least 2 other things. 

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  • Resident


We are aware of the issues reported in WEB-4587, where an incorrect image is associated with a Marketplace listing or other listing information is inaccurate. We are working on this issue and will provide an update as soon as possible.

In the meantime, merchants experiencing this may do the following:

  1. Delete any image(s) that do not belong to the listing.
  2. Upload any image(s) you’d like to associate with the listing.
  3. Remove any Related Items that should not be associated with the listing.

Stay tuned and thanks for your patience.

The Commerce Team

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:



We are aware of the issues reported in
where an incorrect image is associated with a Marketplace listing or other listing information is inaccurate. We are working on this issue and will provide an update as soon as possible.


In the meantime, merchants experiencing this may do the following:
  1. Delete any image(s) that do not belong to the listing.
  2. Upload any image(s) you’d like to associate with the listing.
  3. Remove any Related Items that should not be associated with the listing.

Stay tuned and thanks for your patience.


The Commerce Team

As per JIRA comment


  • How does that stop someone else's listings appear on the merchants "shop" when someone does a search by merchant?
  • How does it prevent it happening again?
  • What's the timeframe for the fix?
  • If they edit their listing does their place in search change? 
  • Should merchants just wait?
  • What's the cause of it? 
  • Will it happen again if someone goes through 100 pages of listings and corrects them all?
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I did the steps listed by CommerceTeam above.  When I opened my store's edit window for one of the borked listings, I was surprised to see everything correct except the photo, which was of a sneaker...lol.

Victorian Heart Sneakers.jpg

All the accompanying descriptive text was accurate as was the listing...but the photo was wrong.  What was showing on the MP was the correct image but wrong everything else.  I deleted the sneaker image, replaced it with the correct image, saved, even did a synch with Magic Box.  Go back to the store listings - nothing has changed.  Back to correct image/wrong info. 

I go back into edit to deactivate this item listing and could only get "activate" as one of the edit drop-down menu selections.  I looked at the edit version of the item and saw at the top it is already marked as inactive!! Huh?  Ok, I'll just unlist it.  Went through that procedure and it won't go away.  I had two browser windows up - one I put the direct addy to my store (ie. didn't go through the MP-My Store steps) and the other was the edit window.  I kept refreshing both after I tried a change - nada.


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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

This is only happening to a few Merchants?  MB and DD?  I checked all my listing.... DD MB Old New Reactivated.... luckily mine are all ok.


Hey Toy!  Do you mean are the borked listings only happening to a few merchants or the "fix" not working?  The borked listings seem fairly prevalent amongst the merchants on this forum (MB & DD both) but there is no telling how many merchants have borked listings and they either do not post or aren't yet aware.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood to which you were referring. :)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Toysoldier Thor wrote:

This is only happening to a few Merchants?  MB and DD?  I checked all my listing.... DD MB Old New Reactivated.... luckily mine are all ok.


Hey Toy!  Do you mean are the borked listings only happening to a few merchants or the "fix" not working?  The borked listings seem fairly prevalent amongst the merchants on this forum (MB & DD both) but there is no telling how many merchants have borked listings and they either do not post or aren't yet aware.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood to which you were referring.

No - you answered it.  PS I didnt know LL released a fix..... :) good thing its working.


If there is something all us Merchants can take comfort in.... LL Commerce Team did not disappoint us and our predictions.  Even after a year of DD development and focused priority on pretty much one deliverable in their team - DD - and all their so called testing and alpha and beta and public beta and public public beta...... we all held onto our butts knowing with pretty much predictable certainty that they would still screw it up.  The question was.... how bad and in how many ways.

They didnt disappoint.

And the funny thing is that even with the growing list of DD related JIRAs and messes.. Brooke  has not publicly come out to the Merchant community and said...

 "In light of all the bugs with the DD migration and system, we cannot fairly expect merchants to migrate all their content to a system that is clearly still not reliable.  As such, we have agreed that the MagicBox function shutdown will not happen until July 30."

This is what AT MINIMUM should have been the normal cutover - even though Brooke promised TPV vendors that MagicBoxes were not going to be shutdown ("supported indefinitely").

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:



We are aware of the issues reported in
where an incorrect image is associated with a Marketplace listing or other listing information is inaccurate. We are working on this issue and will provide an update as soon as possible.


In the meantime, merchants experiencing this may do the following:
  1. Delete any image(s) that do not belong to the listing.
  2. Upload any image(s) you’d like to associate with the listing.
  3. Remove any Related Items that should not be associated with the listing.

Stay tuned and thanks for your patience.


The Commerce Team

With all due respect CTL .. this has GOT to be the worst advice EVER!

I don't know the full cause of the mismatched parts of a listing. I don't know if it's a case of the database contains wrong pointers because a bug stored the wrong info, or if it's just a display problem, or if stray ions from outer space came along and corrupted something. But I do know the conditions and situations as reported go WAY beyond just one or two stray pointers here and there.

I had some folks run some tests the other night, just to poke around the edges and determine how borked the listings were. What I determined is that the entire listing structure and its internal pointers to the various resources (images, text, pricing, merchant) are winding up with some serious errors.

By deleting a picture, those errors are bound to be compounded. The fact that the associated objects for the borked listings are not showing up in a Merchant's Unassociated Items list tells me that they are still linked .. somewhere. But when anyone attempts to purchase from a borked listing, what they are delivered is the wrong item from the wrong merchant.

@Everyone - Better late than never but ... DO NOT EDIT OR START DELETING PARTS OF YOUR BORKED LISTINGS!!!

As has already been pointed out by a few that took your advice CTL, they cannot even manage the deletion. The underlying management code recognizes that the data it's working with is seriously conflicted and is apparently rejecting the changes when it tries to write them to the database. However, it COULD be writing more wrong values in locations that WERE correct too. We just do not know.

This is literally a showstopper issue. Of all the issues on the plate, to my mind this one should be TOP and ONLY priority until it is fixed. Anyone attempting to "fix" a listing by editing it could very well be doing damage that cannot be undone .. ever .. or at least not without massive time and effort investments to hand walk every single listing checking them for consistency and errors.

Whatever you've got the team on ... take them off and put them on fixing these borked listings. This bug is a timebomb ticking towards an explosion that could conceivably require the complete shutdown of MP .. with the inability to bring it BACK until every Merchant has edited every single one of their listings. And if it comes to that?

Well, it ain't gonna be pretty. Of that I can be sure.

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I have to agree with Darrius, the integrity of the database is now in serious question, if not by Linden Lab but by its customers, us.

I've never seen this issue before with a Magic Box, ever, so whatever has been done has massively exposed whatever this is and without a statement as to how this has happened and what exactly is affected, we can only be left assuming that the database is corrupted.

Those of us with database knowledge can also appreciate that it could just be a query issue pulling together wrong parts through a whacky JOIN but since we haven't seen it before, please detail for us how this is currently happening, we will understand, we will have been there before ourselves, we will be calm, no more Linden Bears will be burned at the stake.

Failure to articulate and communicate the problem leads us to assume that the problem is as worse as it could possibly be otherwise, I fear this could just be the beginning :P

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For my part I have also 2 borked items. 

I agree with Darrius and I will not modify anything in my listing until CTL has a far better understanding of the issue and runs a fix procedure for it.

What is it worrying me the most is that there are errors we are even not aware of !

As example, I have now a product listed in my store which is not mine (but which is displayed with one of my product image). I had a look to the store of this creator and it is displayed correctly.
So this means that this creator is not aware about the problem and certainly thinks that everything is OK for his case...
So this also means, that other creators have perhaps also some of my products wrongly listed in their store and I am not aware of it... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



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Hello every one. I don’t normally participate in the forums as you can imagine I am always very busy creating or updating existing products. But today I think it’s necessary to voice my concerns and give my input on this matter.

I can confirm that not only is the problem not resolved but is still in the process of destroying listings. Yesterday I had two listings that where crossed over and now I have 4 listings that have crossed over. I have not tried to fix any thing or touch them at this stage as I personally believe this will do more damage than good and agree with what others have said here.

I have not sent a support ticket yet as I have seen the reply’s others have received. Very disappointing to see. I’m not going to waste my time with a ticket when I already know what the reply is going to be. I also understand this can not be fixed by the support team.
If any one can convince me to send one I will.

I have avoided converting my items over to DD until every thing smoothes out. In fact I was avoiding the conversion to try and avoid this exact type of situation Ouch. This is not a game to me.

Things that haven’t really been made clear from Linden Labs.

A. They have not yet addressed the seriousness of this problem.
B. Is it only the people that haven’t migrated their items.
C. Is it safer to stay on the magic box or move all items immediately to DD to avoid further corruption.

Correct me if I’m wrong but none of this has been made public to the customers. You know the ones who actually make it all worth while. And I’d also like to point out that one of the Report Abuse categories is. Commerce > failure to deliver product or service. Hopefully this issue has been brought to the attention of the AR team.

Judging from Linden Labs responses to other merchants they do not really seem to understand what is happening.

I’d really like to know what is going on. Some one has made a terrible mistake and they need to come forward and take the responsibility and make it known to every one on the Grid. Some of us really do rely on our second life products for a larger than expected amount of real life income. Yes I take this very seriously and I invest all of my time where I can.

Please do not hold us all in the dark on this matter and please do not try and cover this issue up and pretend its not happening because it is. Also this thread should be made sticky at the top so every one can see they are not alone and that the problem is on your side and not ours.


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Gael, I have pointed that out several times and keep telling people who are sighing in relief that they might be affected but are just not aware of it. Keep asking them to vote and watch the Jira but I'm not sure they are doing it. A lot of people are not even aware of this problem. I've been trying to tell everyone that basically EVERYONE is being affected one way or the other.

@ Darius. LL's advice has got to be a joke. That was one of the first things we all tried to do and have reported it doesn't work. I cannot edit or unlist items that aren't mine even though they show up as such.

When I checked my store today I realised that pictures on borked items have changed except for the cowboy hat that is still there. Merchant names have changed as well. I wonder  if that's being caused because the other merchant unlisted their borked item and mine switched to another one. 

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Darrius, I would like to change my first post and make a summary of what's going on with some advice such as "do not touch your borked items" and what we've experience so far. People need to know that they might be affected even though their listings seem to be ok. I'll include a link to Jira as well. I think as this thread grows longer, people will tend to skip some posts and miss some very important information. Do you think you could help me with that? 

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