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Hey, Commerce Team!

Marcus Hancroft

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It's Monday.  You're back to work now.  We've put up with yet another weekend of terrible marketplace performance.  How about an update on getting the marketplace fixed so it runs fast and smooth and the payment system is being cleared of all the "Being Delivered" issues!  We need an update, please.

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 I haven't even tried to update my items because I knew there would be issues. I tried to do some searches on MP over the weekend and buy a few things, but had limited success.  What I would have purchased from MP vendors went to In-World Vendors of similar items, which is not bad because I was still supporting SL just not MP.

Lag was horrible in-world as well. Places that are usually low lag were as bad as big venues..  I am sure the lag had to be connected with market place issues.  I do hope they get this fixed and soon

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Morgaine Christensen wrote:

Lag was horrible in-world as well. Places that are usually low lag were as bad as big venues..  I am sure the lag had to be connected with market place issues.  I do hope they get this fixed and soon

I experienced this in-world lag issue as well.  One of my friends could not get her inventory to load.  I didn't connect it to the MP fiasco, but that is likely a factor now that you mention it...as well as weekends historically being whacky re: SL issues.

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I'm so dissapointed the first thing Lindens did to respond my issue was to close/merge JIRA and ignore the problem.

Well...anyone here interested in organizing a SL Merchant Union??

Sometimes we do need a better platform to concentrate our voices to get problems resolved or get things done.

This existing forum can deal with daily discussions, and another platform like a fb page can deal with votes and bring merchants together for handling more important issues. Such a labour union will be a good tool to urge LL bringing better environment and policy for SL merchants and SL itself.


Just still a immature idea...how do you guys think about this?

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Super String wrote:

I'm so dissapointed the first thing Lindens did to respond my issue was to close/merge JIRA and ignore the problem.

Well...anyone here interested in organizing a
SL Merchant Union

Sometimes we do need a better platform to concentrate our voices to get problems resolved or get things done.

This existing forum can deal with daily discussions, and another platform like a fb page can deal with votes and bring merchants together for handling more important issues. Such a labour union will be a good tool to urge LL bringing better environment and policy for SL merchants and SL itself.


Just still a immature idea...how do you guys think about this?

Super, I SWORE I would not use my twitter timeline for this stuff, and that swear is posted around here somewhere, but I changed my mind.  My customers encouraged me to scrap this out.  They are awesome.

You've got yourself a teeny weeny little bitty "union" in my twitter feed,  I'll use it, and go make that adjustment I suggested.  I don't particularly care for what they did with your Jira, but you gotta scrap it out - customers said so :)

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I saw what they did to your jira too, Super Dude.  I also think that was a BAD idea.  Of course, there's no response from the Commerce Team about ANY of this.  They just let us get angrier and angrier.  I tried to do some updating earlier on some of my listings.  Of course it was the slowest task you've ever seen!  Try to find the new item in the Edit Associated window and you'll have to wait at the very LEAST 5 minutes for it to update. 

I know the commerce team did that on purpose on Friday to try to help speed things up, but, all they did was make us merchant's tasks even MORE difficult! 

Come on CTL!!  What's going on???!  Talk to us!!!

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One thing seems to be certain in that MP has always been painfully slow and from test my company had done in the past, they ranked in the top 10% for slowest loading commerce sites.

However, lately, it is a near loss on all parts.  Let me show you what slow load times does for abandonment rate.  And if you are not a merchant, do yourself a favor and shop in world for the next few days.  My store is open 24/7 and is never slow :P


This measures seconds.  I am on a 1Gbps connection from my office and it just took 45 seconds for the front page of MP to load.  How many shoppers will bounce at that load time do you think? My guess is most as our sales have shown over the past 4 days.

In all, LL needs to seriously consider outsourcing the MP to someone who knows how to run an ecommerce site so they can stick to what they do best.

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Howdy, Miss Chelsea

I'm a merchant as well and I was just trying to create a new listing.  O.M.G.!!  I was to the abandon point before I could even get my Manage Listings page up.  You've seen the thread below that's titled "OMG...this is painful!"?  Yeah...that.  It's completely ridiculous.  They've had all weekend and now all day today to get this thing running smoothly.  And now it is just as bad as it was on Friday. 

I agree.  They need to outsource and they need to do it yesterday!  I gave up in utter frustration.  Still no word from the Lab up to this point either.

Oh, something I found surprising and completely off this topic (watch them kill this thread cause of this):

I was checking out the Linden Lab building on Google street view earlier.  I was just curious what it looked like.  I imagined a glass building looking all shiny with floors and floors of glass through which you could see servers all over the place.  LOL!  Instead, it is a nondescript brick building about 4 stories tall with a tiny plaque next to the front door that simply says "Second Life" (with the hand logo) and Linden Lab under that.  This has no bearing on this discussion, of course, I just found it interesting.

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Morgaine Christensen wrote:

[...] What I would have purchased from MP vendors went to In-World Vendors of similar items, [..]

I had exactly the opposite happen to me this past weekend. Someone came to my store In-World and stayed for over an hour, then went to my Marketplace store and bought 4 things from there.

LOL Just shows to go ya!

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:


We are aware that some users are still experiencing slow loading pages on the Marketplace after the web site was optimized over the weekend.

We are continuing to investigate the issues and make changes to the Marketplace to try to optimize the web site as best as possible.

"Some users"?  It was optimized over the weekend?? 

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Marcus Hancroft wrote:

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:


We are aware that some users are still experiencing slow loading pages on the Marketplace after the web site was optimized over the weekend.

We are continuing to investigate the issues and make changes to the Marketplace to try to optimize the web site as best as possible.

users"?  It was optimized over the weekend?? 


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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Yup, it's been working good for me. But then again I'm running on a laptop that has barnacles on its dust bunnies, so I'm used to opening a web page and grabbing a smoke while it loads. LOL

/me chuckles

I've been there too, Darrius.  Now, though, I have a great 12meg internet connection with a high end computer that has no issues with any website but the SL Marketplace.  Click on "Manage Listings" and prepare to stare at a little spinning green icon at the top of the page tab for, no joke, 5 minutes.  Then sometimes it times out which drives me up the wall cause you gotta start all over again.

Commerce team...please get hold of this marketplace! 

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Morgaine Christensen wrote:

[...] What I would have purchased from MP vendors went to In-World Vendors of similar items, [..]

I had exactly the opposite happen to me this past weekend. Someone came to my store In-World and stayed for over an hour, then went to my Marketplace store and bought 4 things from there.

LOL Just shows to go ya!

I've mentioned previously that 99% of my sales are from the MP.  What I find interesting is often the customer shows up on my store visitor counter but then buys from me on the MP.  That is the number one reason I keep an in-world store (there are, of course, others); I like to have my bestsellers in-world where one can see and use them. 

I can't vouch for this past weekend, but just sayin' *smiles*

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Yup, it's been working good for me. But then again I'm running on a laptop that has barnacles on its dust bunnies, so I'm used to opening a web page and grabbing a smoke while it loads. LOL

But it apparently runs SSE2 so my puter is older than your puter...nyah, nyah...oh wait...why am I bragging about this.  Errrrrmmmm...nvm.



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I have a very fast connection and a powerful computer.  The marketplace is slow as honey for me.  I don't think this is an issue for just "some" users - it is across the board.  Again, looking forward to improved performance... someday. ^^


eta - not really a reply TO Marcus, just to the thread in general :)

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I'm running at around 30 MB/s on a gaming rig. Optimized for FPS games, both system and Internet connection. Trying to get to the marketplace times out.

It's not the users, it's definitely on LL's end.

Just one more thing they fail at when it comes to providing for their users.

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Super String wrote:

haha...interesting...great discovery! 

were you planning to go to Linden Lab to see Lindens? LOL

Heheh...no, I am just a big fan of streetview and I like to see some of the places I deal with but don't get to see first hand from streetview.  Earlier today, with all the rigamarole that's been goin on, I decided to just see what their building looks like.

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>We are continuing to investigate the issues and make changes to the Marketplace to try to optimize the web site as best as possible.

Let me save you some trouble.

The main problems are caused by Direct Delivery, and if people would just go back to using their Magic Boxes, it would practically all clear up.

That's why you're eventually going to tell them to do exactly that, as I have already suggested to them.

Maybe not today.

Maybe not tomorrow.

But, if you have any sense at all, certainly before it is too late.

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