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The death of a good friend

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This is the most difficult post I have yet to make but when I logged in last night, I was passed a notecard from one of my dearest friend's accounts that was from a friend of hers to tell me my dear friend Pamy Bravin had just passed away from Cancer.  

If you had never met Pamy she was one of the most delightful and fun people I have met in SL.  We spent a lot of time terrorizing the role play world, creating new things and discussions on how to save the world.  The day she told me she had been diagnosed with Cancer was difficult but I have known other who made it through and have recovered.  I had faith she would too. 

It was a difficult night for me last night and today is not going much better but has changed me.  I've been so busy with my own store and my own Second Life, I did not spend nearly as much time as I know wished I had with her in her last days.  My own goals and wants seem to insignificant in retrospect to the point that I really need to reconsider what I do in SL.  How many others in SL are sick or in days of need that go unattended.  How much of my time is spent on me rather than others. 

If anyone has any ideas of any ongoing efforts to raise funds or assist others in need in SL, please let me know.  It's time for me at least, to take a serious step back and do more in SL than throwing images on prims.

if you are the praying type, please join me in a prayer for Pamy and her family.  She leaves behind a husband and a family that I am sure are suffering far more than any of us are.

Rest in Peace my dear friend you will always be missed and your memories will always be cherished.


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I have lost several friends in SL over  the past five years.  Each was a painful loss.  I share your grief and your need to find a meaningful way to celebrate her life.  I have come across many memorials in SL -- some quite large and others little more than a very touching marker and a cluster of flowers.  We live as long as we are remembered.  I'm sure that you will find your own personal way, Chelsea. 

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Condolences, Chelsea. Yesterday was not a good day at all. A very close SL friend of mine lost a very good RL friend of hers yesterday, also to cancer.


One thing that might help (it has helped me, and others) is to get involved in fighting cancer. The Relay for Life of SL will be kicking off its fundraising season this month. Anyone who is interested in participating can read about it here. Sometimes it helps just to know you're doing something to make a difference.

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I am saddened to hear of your loss, Chelsea. I share your wonder about balance between our own wants and needs and those of others here. SL is filled with the sick, the lonely and those in need, if even only of a smile and only for a day. You and I will be one of those at some point or other as well.

So, what do we do about it? I don't see SL as being any different than RL in this regard. I have and will contribute to worthy causes in both worlds, but still find that (forgive my hubris) one-to-one engagement with my friends is the most rewarding and productive use of my time. Supportive words or an attentive ear are priceless gifts, for both you and your friends.

I believe we all leave a wake as we pass through life. I'm sure your lost friend rocked your boat with hers, more than once, and changed you. So, go forward and rock other people's boats. Pass on a bit of you and a bit of her. It's what she would have wanted and you know it ;-)

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Rollig, do you know of a memorial or something in SL where I could post her name with some flowers?  Or is this something people build on their own land?

Most of the ones I have seen are on people's own land, Chelsea.  For example, we have had a memorial garden on the central sim for the Community Virtual Library for many years, in remembrance of all those from our group who have passed on.  My neighbor -- next parcel over on my home sim -- has a cross and a small flower garden to remember his wife.  I have run across variations on those two themes many, many times.  I have also found a few cemeteries that seem to rent small parcels (4 x 4 and up) as memorial plots.  Fo my taste, the memorials that touch me most are living memorials -- gardens and other quiet places that mean a different thing to each visitor.  I truly believe that we live while we are still remembered, so it's important to create spaces where people can reflect in silence.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Thank You Dillon,

I looked at the website but as I recall they used to have Kiosk that you could host as well. Do you know if anyone still has those and if so, I could get one at my store?

I am sorry for your loss also.  I recently attended the Fashion for Life event which is going on until the 20th - all proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.   I linked from that event's website to the website for Relay For Life in SL and it indicates that Bainfinch Resident would be the contact for offseason kiosks and vendors.  See here:  


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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Thank You Dillon,

I looked at the website but as I recall they used to have Kiosk that you could host as well. Do you know if anyone still has those and if so, I could get one at my store?

I see Lorelei has already given one answer, but to add to that: almost all the fundraising is done via the kiosks. They are assigned to teams and team members. Last year I had one set up at the Cartel Hangout. At the end of the 'season' (right after the actual Relay) they are turned in and deactivated. I expect I'll be getting mine fairly soon. If you haven't arranged for one in the next few weeks, let me know. I'd be only too happy to set one up in your store.

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Chelsea Malibu wrote:

Rollig, do you know of a memorial or something in SL where I could post her name with some flowers?  Or is this something people build on their own land?


The Linden Memorial Park was closed on past July: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Memorial_Park

But as that documetn says, you can try the Memorials catregory in Destinatuion Guide: http://secondlife.com/destinations/memorial

My deepest condolences.

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I'm so sorry for your loss Chelsea..your friend sounds like she was very amazing friend to have..

i know we all feel guilty for the time we missed with friends that left us too soon..but you can bet they would not want us any other way than being ourselves when they were with us ..or we would not have been so close and special as we were to them..

right now i bet if she could say it..she would be hoping you and all the others so close in her heart are doing  good and hoping you all are alright..

i bet she wouldn't want you regretting and being sad about the time you didn't have together..but rather to smile and feel a little happier when you remember the times you did have together..

there is no way we can help but be sad and cry at such a great loss..but those memories and smiles when you think about those good times together..those are hugs and caresses from the ones we miss that help us to the days where we will smile a little more with  happier tears than sad tears when their memories of them come back to us ..

because in those memories holds the true lessons and secretes to life..the good and bad times all become golden priceless times..

there is no greater gift than those moments and memories and lessons shared between each other..and no greater loss than losing them to moments that never happened..

i'm sure there isn't much anyone can say at the moment to help ease such a loss..as much as we wish we could..we can only hope that something we say may in some way help..in some way..

i hope you reach the smiling tears soon.. *hugs*



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Godspeed, Pamy.  (((Hugs, Chelsea))).  Remembering Our Friends is one good memorial sim that comes to mind.  I/ve lit a few candles there.   Inworld, I have a notecard that I pass to our Virtual Ability Group members when we lose someone.  I would be glad to share it with you, it has many memorial sims and areas to reflect.   I recently visited them all to be sure the card was still up to date. 

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