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Deploys for the week of 2012-03-13

Oskar Linden

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Because of the InventoryAPI issues discovered we will not be promoting any code to the main server this week.

Second Life Server (main channel)
There is no promotion to main channel this week. This will be the same code as before.

Second Life RC BlueSteel
This will be rolled to match main trunk.

Second Life RC LeTigre
This will be rolled to match main trunk.



Second Life RC Magnum
This already has main channel and will not get new code.


We will be monitoring this thread during the next week so please feel free to post issues that you feel have been introduced by the new code. Please file a JIRA for issues you find and post the JIRA link into this thread. It really helps us out. When determining if issues are relevant or not research is key. Tracking down exactly the right situation where an issue is occurring greatly speeds up the development process to get fixes in place.
I appreciate your help. Have a good week!
p.s. If you are interested in helping test SecondLife in beta please join the group "Second Life Beta" in-world. We also have an email list where we communicate upcoming projects and how you can help. (https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/server-beta ) Once a week we meet on ADITI to discuss new features, new bugs, new fixes, and other fun stuff. You are more than welcome. Information is here:https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_Beta_User_Group
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Hi Oskar,

A suggestion/Idea if I may, for future deployments of RC code. Include in the release notes a section that lists possible areas that may be impacted by the upgrade in order for us as RC testers to give a more structured response. As a guess I assume that the server code is segmented in to separate areas that for example one may control TP's and another movement etc.

Many times bugs may overlap or be from a totally different source such as a viewer update. This will also help in structuring when a JIRA should or should not be filed. Many times an issue may not be so major to file a JIRA however if we spot something like that it will help immensely for the next weeks release.

Optimize the use of we RC testers to make SL the best it ever was :)

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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

I almost feel relieved by this extra stability, but could you give a pointer to some info on the InventoryAPI issues. Is it something we should be watching for, or did it never get out of the beta RCs? Or is it something that arose from the Unplanned Maintenance on the 10th.


The inventory issues are discussed in this thread:

 - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploys-for-the-week-of-2012-03-05-ROLLBACK/td-p/1416639


The issues were linked only to BlueSteel and LeTigre and never left the RC. The bugs are still on BlueSteel and LeTigre until tomorrow morning if you would like to look at them.


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MB Robonaught wrote:

Hi Oskar,

A suggestion/Idea if I may, for future deployments of RC code. Include in the release notes a section that lists possible areas that may be impacted by the upgrade in order for us as RC testers to give a more structured response. As a guess I assume that the server code is segmented in to separate areas that for example one may control TP's and another movement etc.

Many times bugs may overlap or be from a totally different source such as a viewer update. This will also help in structuring when a JIRA should or should not be filed. Many times an issue may not be so major to file a JIRA however if we spot something like that it will help immensely for the next weeks release.

Optimize the use of we RC testers to make SL the best it ever was

I usually try to do just that. Last week I communicated that there were changes in the Inventory API on the BlueSteel and LeTigre regions. In this case it really helped. Last Thursday residents recognized that there were inventory issues on BlueSteel and LeTigre, they looked at the release notes and saw that there were inventory specific changes on BlueSteel and LeTigre. Then they checked that things worked fine on Magnum and the main channel. Then they filed a bug. I took that bug to the team and the team decided that because of those issues this code could not be promoted. The whole process worked just as expected.


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Ayesha Askham wrote:

Yes, Oskar, it worked well (the heads up, I mean...though the code sadly didn't).  Apart from my natural paranoia!  One of these days I will learn to be calm...one of these days.:smileyembarrassed:


I can handle code that doesn't work well. My whole career is built around the realization that code doesn't work well. We've built this process because code often doesn't work well. The process we have does work well though. 


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Just to let you know from a resident, we rolled back as planned on Woods of Heaven a couple of hours ago and inventory behaviour is back as it should be!:smileyhappy:


Lydia, he did and it has been done as intended.  We (on LeTigre at least) are back to which is where we were two weeks ago.

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Lydia Craig wrote:

If you are really doing a restart of bluesteel and letigre and they need it, yesterday inventory work was as usual a disaster and a step backward, it would be nice if you posted some notes about what you are trying to do so we can watch for bugs.

I do post notes. You're reading them.


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Ty for the reply, I think jack has put the number you require, I don't have the time to fill out forms, I have found a work round and if castray works again then it will be used, if not they go back to sensor, this is the second time it has happened, I would be foolish to let it happen a third, so my work around will stop it happening, it just a pity that from now on I must just see cast ray as the same as sensor so limit its range likewise, so I see no point in any further work in the applications of castray, pity because it did have potential, but is now seen as unstable and almost unusable.

i have tested it in the beta sims, it does not work on Magnum

but works on blue steel and letigre

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Put this code in an object and wear it, then go into mouse look and click any av or object, cast ray will report that object or an error number.


integer firecontrols;default{  state_entry()   {    llSetMemoryLimit(0x2800);    firecontrols =CONTROL_LBUTTON|CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON;   }      attach(key id)    {     if(id == llGetOwner())llRequestPermissions(id,PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS|PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA);     else llReleaseControls();       }      run_time_permissions(integer perm)    {     if(perm)llTakeControls(firecontrols, TRUE, FALSE);    }   control(key id, integer level, integer edge)    {     if(level&edge&firecontrols)      {       vector start =  llGetCameraPos();       list results = llCastRay(start,start + <1000,0,0>*llGetCameraRot(),[       RC_REJECT_TYPES,RC_REJECT_LAND,       RC_DATA_FLAGS,RC_GET_ROOT_KEY,       RC_MAX_HITS,1,       RC_DETECT_PHANTOM,TRUE       ]);       if(llList2Integer(results,0)<0){llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(results,","));return;}       list dat = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(results,0), [       OBJECT_NAME,       OBJECT_OWNER,       OBJECT_CREATOR,       OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT,       OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT,       OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY,       OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME,       OBJECT_PRIM_EQUIVALENCE       ]);         llOwnerSay(       "\nName = "+llList2String(dat,0)+       "\nOwner = "+llKey2Name(llList2String(dat,1))+       "\nCreator = "+llKey2Name(llList2String(dat,2))+       "\nTotal Scripts = "+llList2String(dat,4)+       "\nScripts running = "+llList2String(dat,3)+       "\nMemory used = "+llList2String(dat,5)+       "\nScript time = "+llList2String(dat,6)+       "\nPrims = "+llList2String(dat,7)       );     }   }    


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...I don't have the time to fill out forms...

Then you don't get your bug fixed. If you can't be bothered to do things right, don't expect Oskar to do them for you. His job is running QA, not doing bug reports that would take less time than the forum posts you just did.

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The problem for many of us is the way that the JIRA system feels so user-hostile. It's a system originally made for the internal management of software projects, as I understand it, and it sucks as a tool for non-programmers. I think I can describe a situation well enough for a competent developer to understand what I am seeing. I am not at all sure I can search the JIRA system to find an existing report of the same problem.

Oz Linden doesn't want to waste his time. Neither do I, and I am maybe a couple of levels of tool-making away from being an effective JIRA user. I've not just got to make the nails to fasten the notice to the wall. I have to make the hammer, the anvil, and the forge.

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Agree 100%, but can't be arsed to take the stick for saying so.


I have found in life, that when people really don't want to help they make the rules hard and elitist and make you say EXACTLY what it is or they ignore you, so like I said why should I play silly games  for people that must consider if a person is worthy enough to ask the question in the first place, no leave jira to the lindens cos it is clearly for them and no one else.

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Wolf, I've never been reluctant to report what seems to be a duplicate. If it is, it'll get closed as such. If it's not, it's reported. The thing is to get it into the tools of the people who know these things, who do not read the $@##&!!! forums.

A bug not reported in the bug tracker might as well not exist. A bug that is reported, even badly and as a duplicate, might get addressed.

Incidentally, I'm a non-programmer, and I'd much rather use JIRA than these forums.

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I am having inventory problems - on mainland, a parcel we rent. Unable to rez from inventory sporadically and also I am having items missing from my inventory, for example part of a kitchen set that I purchased from RPE, in 2 viewers , the SL Viewer 3 and also in Singularity it is not found at all in my inventory, in Imprudence I could see it, but could not drag it out of inventory to rez. This is extremely annoying and frustrating and I hope this is fixed soon without damage to our inventory items.

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I suppose anyone who is not premium must post any problems they have with inventory in the forums or on a jira as there is not any category appropriate for that in the help desk ticket system NOTHING is listed for anyone having a rezzing or inventory corruption problem (that I could see) in the support help desk area.

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