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LL does't count "Voted" numbers on jira.

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Amanda Linden on 02-09-2011 01:34 PM - last edited on 05-02-2011 04:55 PM by
“It’s also important to note that we are going to remove the “voting” feature in JIRA in one month. Today, we do not use voting to triage or to make product decisions and the last thing that we want to do is set false expectations. So, when you are interested in what action we will take on a particular JIRA, use the JIRA “Watch” feature so that you will be immediately updated in email when there are new comments on that particular JIRA issue. We will continue to use the number of Watchers as an indication of the level of interest.”

I can see that Linden Lab did not “remove the ‘voting’ feature”. It’s still on the jira. As to Amanda’s comment that “the last thing that we want to do is set false expectations”, I’d say leaving that option on the jira, enabled or disabled,  does exactly that.

I’ve been told that the voting option is a standard feature of the jira and not built by Linden Lab.  If LL chooses to ignore the input of all the people who vote on an issue, then I think they should do what it takes to remove that feature from the jira or otherwise make it clear on the jira that they don’t take those votes into account.  A blurb in a blog doesn’t seem sufficient to inform users that a feature that  obviously still exists is useless  to Linden Lab.

The above quote was taken from Amanda Linden’s post entitled “Improving our Lines of Communication with the Community” (see link for complete post).  I don’t think they did. Good communication is comprised of sending and receiving on both ends, watchers as well as voters on the jira are communicating with Linden Lab to tell them what is important to them, Linden Lab is only listening to those who choose to receive an email whenever there is another post.

If this subject interests you please comment here, and make sure to click on “Watching” on the jira with issues you really want to see fixed!

(Example – in the below jira; to date 2001 people have Voted, but Linden Lab only counts the 200 Watching as valid.


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It's long been advised on the forums that if an issue interests you, you "Watch" the issue, because its long been known on the forums that just voting for an issue isn't particularly effective - LL doesn't care about votes.

That being said, it is a misleading button, and it would be great to see it removed, especially since we've now been told that it will be. I find "voting" to be the intuitive response - if you want something to happen, you vote in favor of it, or in favor of the person who says they will make it happen. It's the norm, whereas just "watching" is not.

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Most of the Lindens who opined one way or another on the Vote vs Watch thing are long since ex-Lindens.  I've decided that, individually, I'll Vote and Watch anything I support, and Watch things that would be disastrous if implemented--after commenting why they'd be bad--if I want to be updated whenever there's further activity.

I can't remember a bad jira that was actually worked to completion, although some have taken a lot of time and effort to turn around.  (The current "privacy" mess surrounding DATA_ONLINE being an example of such time and effort which has at least forestalled the disaster for now.)

It's certainly arguable, however, that the Vote button is misleading, at least until a Linden gives it some official semantics again. On the other hand, the whole jira is a bit misleading, given that most changes, good and bad, have no corresponding jira item, and most jira items are never addressed.  I'm not sure it really could be any other way.

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It is entirely ridiculous and misleading to present something such as a Jira to someone who has never seen one before and ask them to support it if they agree. In all of the free world, our support or interest in any particular subject or movement is indicated by voting or liking. Explaining to someone that in order for your 'vote' to be counted you have to click watch has just turned your short 'please vote for this issue' into a lengthy technical explanation along the lines of, 'Please vote and watch because votes don't count but watching does. How do you watch? Click the watching button.  Right next to the vote. Sure, you can vote too. Why? I don't know, that's just the way it works. Ok, thanks, hello? Darn.'

That doesn't even apply to persons that have somehow managed to discover a particular Jira they have an interest in supporting, how are they to know votes don't count? Yes, it is mentioned in the forums, but how many persons actually read the forums? Particularly anything about Jiras?

When two options are presented and of the two one doesn't count, then the persons clicking on the incorrect one, 'vote' have just been robbed of their vote. It is at its most basic level fraud by misrepresentation.

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That message is more than 1 year old.

Amanda has not visited this Forum since June of 2011. I wasn't even sure if she worked here anymore. When was Rodvik hired? This is all becoming a huge blur to me.

I support the Vote feature.

Watching a Jira is an absolute Joke. Watching paint dry would be a better use of time.

When a Resident Votes in Support of a Jira, it is clear that the Resident supports it.

Residents may Watch a Jira, why they are watching, without asking them, is speculation. It tells me nothing.

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ConvergentDynamicsReplicant wrote:


It is getting better.

Down isn't the new up.

After almost 6 years I've run out of patience.

It isn't getting better. (Please explain how the hell you came to this conclusion)

LL is adding new chapters to the doublespeak book. Down is the new up.

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This is easy to explain.

Problematic issues have thousands of votes, but only a few watching. So, LL devalues votes so they can say "See? Things aren't that bad, there's only a few people showing interest in these problems."

They are literally lying to themselves.

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