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Are you drifting away from SL

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Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.


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Kinda... I decided to take a short break somewhere around Christmas last year, and I'm still away from SL. Same thing happened last summer, when I took few months break. 

Its not that I don't like changes or things you mentioned, its just the feeling I get when interacting with people, its like SL is the most important thing. I like it, same as I like to get drunk and dance all night, but I'm not doing that every day lol

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I have to admit, I stayed away for a few months because I ended up getting bored with Second Life, and I've only recently gotten back into it for a month. Now that I'm concentrating on dancing in clubs, socialising and shopping as opposed to roleplay and BDSM (activites I used to be heavily into) I find that I'm actually having a lot more fun than previous occasions. So yep, I'm pretty much in the love and addicted to Second Life catagory, because I'm less stressed currently.

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At times I feel like leaving SL for what it is. I still love it... but all the people causing drama, take things serious that they shouldn't. At times if feels like people lost their sense of humor on SL and only live for the drama only/

I play SL for fun and my humor is kinda the sarcastic one. I don't need negative, humorless people in SL. But they seem to be everywhere.

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Some drama can be good and makes role play exciting, but often it is over done and just upsets all around, some people need to be noticed but lack the ability to express it in a way that others will respond in a positive way, some are culture issues, for example politics, some groups are divided by religion and will away create issues.

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i find  i keep to myself more than i used to..

i like doing my projects here and then log out..but i enjoy group chat  and stuff..

so i terraform my sim over and over and try different things  depending on my mood..

maybe one of these i will be happy with and leave it and open it up if i ever feel it's worth sharing..

i don't think sl has changed that much really..i mean there have been lots of changes in people and trends and things..but the basics are still the same..

i know i have changed for sure..if i were new getting here..it would be just as neat for me as it was when i first got here..

i learned to not make it a job here and it stays pretty fun..when it becomes about business it's easy to fall out of the escape..

so i keep it fun and an escape..

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No not at all.

Have not been bored since I joined 3 years ago and I almost never even leave my sim.

Having great fun building, roleplaying, being part of a superb community.

Still loving SL.

Am full of plans of future sims I want to build.

I guess it depends on what you are in SL for.

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Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

Sometimes, yes. Much of what drew me to SL in the first place is gone or more restricted, Most of my SL friends have left the grid, or are hardly ever on any more.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

Not really 'elitist'. But I do feel the move to mesh content is forcing a lot of people out of content creation, including myself.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

The way that Linden Lab treats its customers appalls me. I've never seen a company that seemed to have so little regard for customer feedback and opinion, or for the impact that their policy decisions has on their customer base.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Honestly, what I spent on SL monetarily all came from funds I earned in-world, so all I really spent was time. And I enjoyed the activity at the time, so I don't think that time was mis-spent. But looking over my inventory today there's tons of stuff I would love to be able to get my money back for, because I no longer use it - but I am either unable or unlikely to be able to get anything for those things at all.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

I still love what SL was and what it has the potential to be. I'm hardly in world at all any more, but I keep my accounts active in hopes things will turn around some day. Haven't quite given up yet.

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I also don't think I'm wasting time as I spend my time in SL teaching people about history or experiencing the past, something I love doing and something I do in RL as well.

Besides, this is time most other people would spend staring at their tv and I don't have one of those.

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Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

No, I feel that I've changed so much, that I don't know where they are.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

No, it has always been controlled by an elite.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

No, SL treats me how I treat SL.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Most of everything I've Invested in SL, has been returned to me in several forms.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

I'm addicted to the Ideal of SL as it was originally  presented to me. A present to me.


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I took 7-8 months off from SL last year as my enthusiasm was beginning to wane. I've returned but I don't necessarily feel re-energize. Running a business in SL is a greater struggle than say a couple years ago......LL have meddled too much in the economy for any  kind of stability or growth.

I think the mix of people entering Second Life are different from earlier years....seemed to have more pioneers, creators & land dealers before  (more excitement and anticipation for SL)....now it seems more consumer orientated that want quick-fire solutions instead of trying to find or provide solutions.


I think Second Life could have been a lot more successful and bigger than what it is.....with the right Management team applying the vision to move forward & growth in popularity. I believe it will become a missed opportunity for LL

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I have never been bored by SL. I don't love it in the same way I used to when it was new to me, and now  it is my job, but as jobs go, it is pretty interesting and has lots of perks (and a smattering of jerks).

I do think LL has apalling customer service, esp for what I pay LL every month. Get a clue from Apple, LL. It is in all our long-term interests.

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For over 7 years I have logged on everyday to support my businesses apart from when I am on vacation or sick, but the time I spend building and  "playing" has always fluctuated over the years as I loose and regain interest. RIght now I am more into SL than I have been for years This is mainly because of Mesh. After creating content for so long using the old restrictive tools I feel like my hands have suddenly been untied and I can finally make what I want, exactly the way I want it.

Regarding all the changes we have seen over the years, LL and SL are almost unrecognisable compared to when I started here. I've rolled with the punches many times and always came out the other side with healthy and profitable businesses. As long as that continues I will always be involved in SL.

It's all about the Benjamin's.

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I come and go, usually I am absent during the summer months.

LL is always pulling some dumb crap, if that is what's bothering you, worry not. They did stuff like - make a "better" viewer, intro mesh, thought they were gonna be the new facebook, allowed the under 18 brats into the game, changed God knows what policies, and I don't even remember all the other stupid stuff. Easy to get caught up in worry cause one would be afraid they cannot access SL.


If you are fed up with other residents, just stay away from the cliques. This goes for REAL life as well.

For the "elitists" yes there are some residents who think that just cause their avatar is hot sh^t than they are also in RL. WRONG! You can be anything in SL. Some smart, beautiful and "too good for you" person in SL could very well be some loser in RL who is not even retirement age but sits at home collecting disability cause of their weight or being bipolar. Is THIS the type of person you want dictating your feelings?


If you are bored, that is understandable cause one runs out of things to do in SL.The novelty eventually wears off like anything. You can explore, build junk, or change your look only so many times.


While I still get on SL, I am mildly hooked yes but honestly, I hate being so. It is like having a smoking habit - you hate it, know it is a waste, it is stupid, but somehow "need" it. I guess for the newere folks who are still overly hooked, hopefully they do not get to where it is causing RL problems like happens to some residents. Divorce, losing a job, losing one's home, etc is not unheard of cause of web or in this case, SL addiction. And for WHAT? A video game?


So, what I do mostly is work on my house, maybe shop around a bit, chat with what few friends I have (most people come and go or are too busy) and that is about it.


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I've largely drifted away to another grid - partly because I don't trust LL not to ban/boot me for no good reason (they've "got form" on this). I'm no longer premium or a landowner for the same reason.  I do log on every day, but only to keep in touch with friends who insist on staying here.


ETA: Phil Deakins has expressed  the crux of the matter in posting #8 on this thread. I simply don't trust LL any more - either to not mess me about, or to fix things promptly and properly after they've messed me about by accident/ignorance.


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

 Are you drifting away from SL?

Kinda, sorta but not completely. I shall explain. I'm a musician first and foremost. When I joined SL back in 2005 I was going through the direst patch of burnout I'd ever experienced. Meanwhile I'd tumbled through the looking glass into the weird and wonderful world of SL. Before I knew it I'd landed in a social circle and was picking up new skills [building stuff]. Fun fun fun! As time went on most of my social interactions were based around my building activities.

Then one day, out of the blue, Slim Warrior asked me to do a show at her sim, Menorca. I was floored. I had barely played or written anything in a few years so I had to start all over from scratch. It got me going again but it meant that I didn't have as much time to devote to my in-world building activities. As I got back into writing, recording and performing music I fell further and further behind the curve. Never really got to grips with sculpties or mesh.

Nowadays I'm back on track with music. Which is great. The downside is that I don't have as much time in-world. Some days I'll log in my avvie or an alt at my place while I work in my studio so that I have a presence in-world in case anyone drops by. Also I've drifted away from the crowd I used to hang out with and haven't had the time or inclination to socialise much in-world. I do regular shows with my band at our place on the mainland as well as exploring new and interesting places.

My live music perfomances in SL are part of my long-term game plan so I'll still be around for a long time

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I love Second Life but I'm not addicted to it any more than I'm addicted to Photoshop. It's both a creative tool and a social collaborative showplace, and acts as a spur to learn skills that I might not've had access to had I not been here. I have dear friends and a fantastic list of accomplishments. It isn't for everyone but for me it's the bee's knees.

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Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are..............No

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree......No

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless........................No.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.................................No.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.......................................................................Probably

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are. 

No.  SL is evolving as it always has.  Change is difficult, but necessary for everything.  


Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

No.  It may sometimes feel that way when there is a changing of the guard in any organization.  


Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless. 

SL treats me fine.  Now LL on the other hand still seems to be in a frantic grab for new users while forgetting they have thousands of loyal customers keeping them in business.  


Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

I have invested a lot over the years, but recently reduced the amount I spend because I can no longer justify spending the amount required to truely enjoy SL the way I want to.  For me that requires more than a small parcel of land and crowded lagged out public sandboxes.  Dancing my virtual life away in clubs just doesn't keep me interested for long either.  If sim prices came down to something more reasonable for me, then I would gladly resume putting my money back into SL and spending more time in-world.

Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

Addicted?  Maybe.  I was never in love with SL, but still see its potential to be so much more than what it has become.  I have always been a dreamer though.  


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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are.

I did feel like there were too many changes all happening at once about a week ago, but that was how LL wanted us to view it. Nothing has changed really, and SL continues to evolve at the usual rate - two step forwards, 3 steps backwards.

Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree.

I feel the elitists try to push others out who don't agree, but they are still in the minority and don't really have that power.

Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless.

On the contrary. I sometimes feel guilty for the way I use SL for my own selfish purposes.

Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time.

Anything that entertains me is never a waste of time. There have been some odd times when I've somehow found myself "working" in SL, but on the whole it's been very lucrative, educational, and certainly very enjoyable. Recently I've been reading through old chatlogs, looking through photos I've made throughout my SL, and realised how much I've got out of the whole experience.

Or are you addicted and still in love with SL.

I love my Second Life, but I'm not
in love
with Second Life. If LL unplugged the servers tomorrow, I would grieve, but it would not be the end of my world. I have too many other hobbies and outside interests to give my all to SL.



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