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about the new policy about 3rd party viewers

Rayden Magic

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[quote]2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.[/quote]

so basically if I  understand .well.  the 3rd party viewrs has to be sl viewer copy and past.

cause if they innovate  intho something they break that rules. so that mean since sl  doesn't want the real lover smbd feature in their viewers all the 3rd party has to take it out. if olinden doesn't incorporate a feature no other can have it either.


so why not completely then being even more FASHIST and remove all 3rd party cause all they are allowed is to do  is change the color scheme. linden become worst to worst  companie .

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Your not looking at this in a way thats not true.
What you need to ask your self what if a viewer maker has a viewer that takes all your information and moves it off sl so other people can see it.
such as your user name and password.
Or lets say you attach a items in a place that may not be in a place that was ment to be.
And your item becomes lost after you just paid for it.
So then you blame Second life for the error or the viewer maker?
The blame will be on the user.

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Rayden Magic wrote:

2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.

so basically if I  understand .well.  the 3rd party viewrs has to be sl viewer copy and past.

cause if they innovate  intho something they break that rules. so that mean since sl  doesn't want the real lover smbd feature in their viewers all the 3rd party has to take it out. if olinden doesn't incorporate a feature no other can have it either.


so why not completely then being even more FASHIST and remove all 3rd party cause all they are allowed is to do  is change the color scheme. linden become worst to worst  companie .

if that were the case..don't you think they would have just done away with tpv's?

they are talking about  features that are on tpv's that alter a shared experience..

in other words..

if i am on a tpv and you are on a llinden viewer and one of my viewer features  works well for me   but you see something that looks all distorted or different..then that would be altering  a shared experience..

not a lot of the features that are in tpv's really do that right now i don't believe..i don't think there is really a lot that will be taken out of them that will kill off tpvs..

there is more than enough wiggle room left for them to be innonvative..

not everyone uses a tpv..the ones that don't are users as well..and they have a right to have a clean experience on the grid as well..

LL is just saying..don't let your features bleed over into someone elses second life that isn't using a tpv..

they are not saying take out your AO's and radars and all your other featuers and make your viewer exactly like LL's..


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There is a lot of confusion in regard to what is meant by shared experience.

A viewer can give you any render on YOUR screen that you choose. Oz Linden gave the example of a viewer developer making a full on 3D image render (like with nVidia glasses) the R2D2 viewer or whatever. That doesn't change the shared experience. You only see it on your screen. If that viewer messes up what I see when using Firestorm or the SL Viewer, then it is changing the shared experience.

Basically, you can do anything to change what you see that you want. New render engine, whatever. But, you can't change what I see on my viewer. I get to choose what I see. So, I can use Exodus in Torley mode and turn the world on my screen to vivid watermelon. 

If your viewer moves a cube, I must see the cube move on my viewer. The cube is part of the shared experience. So, whatever you or I do to the cube must show up in ALL viewers. 

HOW you move the cube is irrelevant because the user interface is not part of the shared experience. You can move the cube by clicking it, dragging it, clicking in a panel, or ESP telekinesis. It doesn't matter. We just have to both see the cube move.

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Nalates Urriah wrote:

There is a lot of confusion in regard to what is meant by
shared experience

A viewer can give you any render on YOUR screen that you choose. Oz Linden gave the example of a viewer developer making a full on 3D image render (like with nVidia glasses) the R2D2 viewer or whatever. That doesn't change the shared experience. You only see it on your screen. If that viewer messes up what I see when using Firestorm or the SL Viewer, then it is changing the shared experience.

Basically, you can do anything to change what you see that you want. New render engine, whatever. But, you can't change what I see on my viewer. I get to choose what I see. So, I can use Exodus in Torley mode and turn the world on my screen to vivid watermelon. 

If your viewer moves a cube, I must see the cube move on my viewer. The cube is part of the shared experience. So, whatever you or I do to the cube must show up in ALL viewers. 

HOW you move the cube is irrelevant because the user interface is not part of the shared experience. You can move the cube by clicking it, dragging it, clicking in a panel, or ESP telekinesis. It doesn't matter. We just have to both see the cube move.

OH this was an excellent explanation, and cleared up quite a bit for me. Thank you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nalates Urriah wrote:

Basically, you can do anything to change what you see that you want. New render engine, whatever. But, you can't change what I see on my viewer. I get to choose what I see. So, I can use Exodus in Torley mode and turn the world on my screen to vivid watermelon.

Well, not quite.  You cannot see anything, unless everyone else sees it too.

So for example, if my Viewer allows me to see a particular sky and water when I enter a parcel, that is illegal.  Because the official Viewer does not support Windlight changes on parcels.   Another example: I see boobies bouncing.  The official Viewer doesn't support "avatar physics", so that would be illegal.  (The "jiggle" feature has been adopted into the Official Viewer, so it gets a pass -- but they used it as an example of something that would be illegal going forward.)

It's not just that we can both see a cube.  It's that we both see it the same way. That's what "shared experience" means.   We're clear on that, from the examples given in the meeting.  What is less clear is that "shared experience" can mean a whole lot more.  And Linden Lab will not define it ahead of time -- they will call it out whenever they want to.

Beyond things like skinning (changing the color of the Viewer and arrangement of buttons) and such, it's not clear at all what will be allowed.

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For all those interested, Jessica Lyons had a one-on-one interview with Oz Linden over these policy changes. The link to that interview can be found on the Phoenix Viewer blog; I no longer have the link on my system.

It's a good interview and in it Oz spells out what constitutes a violation of the "shared experience." I recommend that others take a look at this interview and draw their own conclusions.

BTW, Jessica conducted this interview as a representative of ALL TPVs, not just the Phoenix/Firestorm projects.

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