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Name the things you DON'T want LL to implement...as this is what we DO get.

Sassy Romano

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So it occurred to me (highlighted by the events of last week) that we seem to be offered features that we DON'T want in the face of desperate requests for all the little trivial things that we DO want.

For a bit of fun, list the really really important things that you DON'T want from LL and maybe they'll read this and do them regardless :p

I DON'T want to see Commerce Linden removed, it's great that it breaks transactions, it's just what we need.

I DON'T want to receive email alerts when reviews are left, that wouldn't be useful at all.

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I DON'T want the possibility for one merchant to have several different stores on the marketplace. Imagen that one merchant could have several brands in different stores just like in world, that would really be a disaster.

I DON'T want an 'agreement button' that must be clicked by buyers of full perms items that come with user licenses.


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I don't want SL  to offer me  Hot Sugar Daddy To Scoop Me up And Make Sweet......oh wait....wrong list..

I don't want SL make cashing out only for paying accounts with all their info on file incase their a theif.

I don't want SL to make a vendor system that you have to register your product and shop name with real images of the exact build so the buyer can really see what they are geting and how it works and not allow copycatting of products.


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I DON'T want an improved search.

So they better NOT make it possible to refine search with a search filter for mesh, sculpt or prim.

And DON'T exclude merchant names from item search. I really love to see all product from someone named for example 'House Music' when I'm looking for a house.


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Ohhh the things that I dont want LCT (LL Commerce Team) to do or touch or even think of... where does one begin.


  1. A top priority for me is that LCT never ever think about making any more improvements on MP Store/Product statistics & Reporting.  Merchants have absolutely no need to understand which products of theirs in MP are being looked at, bought, searched for, when they are buying, etc.  They have no need to see any trending of these statistics so they can better understand sales cycles and detect anomalies in sales activities.  Having this data nicely graphed in some way would be simply asking too much!  Come on Merchants! 

    In fact, I dare say that LCT has already provided us far too much reporting/trending and they should remove it from the MP Merchant access because I am sure it just slows down MP and all this extra data gives Merchants an ability to just gripe on how their sales have been slumping.   SOOO.....  Get rid of the little MP sales/traffic that already is provided on MP !!
  2. Related to MP although not directly on the MP system that should never be touched and in fact reduced is the Transaction History window size of the main second.com transaction history reporting and download.  I know a lot of Merchants have been begging LL to simply increase this transaction history from 30 days to even 90 days or more, but come Merchants - be reasonable here!!  

    Think of the extra time and effort this would take LL to make this happen - I mean a couple hours is valuable time in a LL Developer's day that could be better spent working on new OZ PRIVACY POLICIES or extended not-asked-for ALL RECEIVED FOLDER FUNCTIONS.  And who really need a transaction history of the same window size of the MP transaction history anyway?  LL should actually consider reduce this window to 7 days - this might save valuable disk space which LL could then reduce sim teir fees by 30% from all this disk saving.... right?
  3. Ohhh the product review process.... what a symbol of complete fairness and unbiased reporting of a product's quality and Merchant's service. 

    The LCT should never think of the idea of removing this perfect system from MP. 

    Nor should they think of the idea of introducing a function that Ratings under #3 must be accompanied by a "justification of why" as well as a question to the reviewer if they contacted the Merchant before making this rating.

    Nor should Merchants ever be notified when a comment review was posted on their products or that the merchants should be able to append a brief attached optional response to the comment if the reviewer's comment was misleading or unfair.

    Heck there is so much right with the Product Review System that LCT should just never look at this MP function.
  4. While I am on a roll... LCT should never think about reducing commissions on MP sales until they could provide a stable and well rounded service to the Merchants of MP.  I mean come on... LL should have the right to remove functions from MP over the year and experiment with code on MP that impacts Merchant sales - like on Vday - and have the right to ignore Merchant's requests for MP funtions.  So why would LCT even entertain the idea of reducing commissions for providing a degrading level of MP service??  That is CRAZY TALK!
  5. Finally - although I could go on - the last thing I do not want to se LCT ever change or improve..... their level of communication with their Merchant customers.  I think the fact that LCT actually makes a posting in public every other month to hint to us about secret things they are working on and will be deployed only hours days or a couple weeks before it goes live is already far too much communications.  It should be total blackout.  We should not even know that  the LCT exists. 

    And to ask LTC to be transparent and honest with their rare communications (like telling us about "an idea" about ALL IN ONE RECEIVED folder just being an idea when it was already only weeks away from being a deployed function without anyone's knowledge) would be again.... CRAZY TALK!

    LCT has nothing to learn from actually having a good interaction with their customers and it only wastes precious time for them where they could be coming up with their own ideas and priorities on what MP should have.  Merchants should be treated like children and LCT knows best what merchants want even though they never actually create and sell products on SL themselve.

TThats it for now! :)

Please LCT - keep doing all the right things and plug your ears of all the things your crazy merchants and customers want.

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My greatest fear is that LL will not only give us back the business analysis tools we had with Xstreet -- sales and views data and graphs, ability to search by item, ability to get data from any time period, etc -- but will force even more of them on us.  After all, when the MP was but a twinkle in LL's eye, we were warned they would do this. And if they did away with Commerce Linden, well, that would just make sales records way too simple.

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I think that the LL MP Team should definitely NOT have regular monthly focus group meetings with selected merchants drawn at random with the only requirement being that the merchant has been in world for a year.  They should NOT vary the group each month and should either not have them at all or leverage only those people proven to be LL / MP supporters.

Matter of fact, I’ll go so far as to say that i think LL should definitely NOT have any focus group to solicit resident feedback at all for any and all aspects of SL  and should rely solely on the quagmire that is known as JIRA.

That's my two cents.  Or should i say my 5 linden dollars? *grins*

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I don't want to know when my friends are on line.

Awww you are cheating!!!  I thought this was only for Commerce Team....

Well I also DONT WANT anyone to be able to tell I am online.  I dont want the ability to know if anyone else in SL is online.  I dont want anyone else to know what version of Viewer I am using!! 

I mean the ability to see if I am online and what viewer I am using is an utter fundamental violation of my virtual avatar's privacy and I can only think of countless ways of how these SL exposed violations risks my RL personal rights to privacy.

I am shocked that LL has allowed all us residents of these 8 years to be able to exist with these privacy violations in place.

So... I dont want LL to continue to let any residents in SL know ANYTHING ABOUT MY AVATAR.  In that light I demand that Oz Linden develop additional policies that remove my Rez Date and any other information in my profile.  And since LL needs to protect me and all other SL residents from dangers we dont even know we should be protected from.... I DONT WANT LL to provide the Avatar Profile function.  Get rid of it.  To many Avatars can use it improperly and reveal too much information about themselves and risk their own privacy... we cannot allow this!


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I don't want reliable delivery.

I don't want priority in search just because I pay for a classified as I don't want those who don't advertise to be below me in search.

I don't want permanent IP bans on well known griefers and cyber bullies

I don't want gambling in the game since it brings too much money into the in world economy

I don't want Direct Delivery any time soon

but most of all....





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I DON'T want a better understanding Review for the Customer

I DON'T want that the Customer become fast their purchased Items, cause I love it like today if they become there Stuff ONE Day after purchase! Yeah ..  I really love it! ;-)

I DON'T want the old Search

I DON'T want a better Support if the MP is down like Valentine's Day - we all love to lost our Linden and the Waitingtime for the Customer

I DON'T want that one and the same Person can open more then one Store with many Advertising for the same Product with many "SALES OFF"

 I DON'T think that we as Customer or Seller need a better Help and Support for all - no never!


I DON'T think that someone from Linden read THIS here! ♥

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I don't want to know when my friends are on line.

Awww you are cheating!!!  I thought this was only for Commerce Team....


I don't want the ability to express my opinions to Merchants.

I don't want the ability to modify anything.

I don't want the ability to delete re-size scripts.

I don't want the ability to request redelivery.

I don't want the ability to contact support.

I especially don't want to be informed IN WORLD that it may not be wise to do a transaction because there are server problems.


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I don't want LL to move rather than delist our items if we wrongly categorize a tiny percentage of items on an infrequent and obviously unintentional basis.

I don't want LL to inform us automatically which category a delisted item should go in either.  They should waste our time and their's making us send in a support ticket to get this information.  It's more educational that way.

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