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REALLY Sick of discrimination against child avatars


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Arkady Arkright wrote:

Rene Erlanger wrote:it's your own narrow mindedness that needs examining not the motives of someone choosing such and such Avatar form.

There's none so intolerant as those intolerant of intolerance...

....so you've managed to trot out the over-used stale quote. :matte-motes-sour:

I have no doubt there are the odd potential RL child sex offender within SL......there are no pychological tests at the stage of creating an SL account....so god knows what type of person hides behind any SL Avatar.

I've reported 4 suspicious cases during the last 5 years to LL.......funnily enough they were all adult Avatars making enquiries about child avatars and where they hang out yadda yadda. The dialogue exchange provided me enough evidence of a potential threat.....and hence submitted the material to LL.

The point is that there are a few that flout the LL TOS and the more serious cases like "Wonderland" ought to be reported to the local Police, but one should not tar the entire Children community with the same brush......that part is very narrow minded imo.



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kaptan Sharpesworth wrote:

As an adult sim owner  I do not allow child avi's on the sim .I know there  is verified adult behind the avi. But like many M sim owners I know my first question is why. Why a child avi in area of question They can change and go to m or even adult sims why stay as child avi ? Children are a big part of life agreed  But who lets their Children  run wild  or takes them to places  that are inappropriate for Children ?   STOP FOOLING YOURSELVES If you find it necessary to look like a child  in a questionable area  M or A  ( not g as intended )  you have lost touch with reality or are looking for trouble of somekind AS you are an adult use adult brain

I agree that Child Avatars should not be venturing on Adult region sims....regardless if they are age verified or not....i don't agree with Mature regions (the vast majority of Sims).....most of my Sims are Mature and have very little adult content on them.(residential or commercial)...in that instance Child Avatars are as safe as they would be on PG sims.

An adult Avatar wanting to be involved in RP child abuse scenes....will invariably hang out on PG sims and lands where they are more likely to find their targets.

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Thats stupid. Most regions are M rated, but contain nothing what could be wrong for a child. Many beaches are M rated and they are not nude areas. Would you say a child shouldn't go there? Many shops are placed on M rated regions. When I think about the sim where I have my house on....there is a church, some residents houses, absolutly harmless shops and a club, which is open at night for holding some events.

This can be said for many M rated sims. Only for A rated sims I can agree with you.


And now....can we go on and spread ignorance and hate to some other subculture in SL? How about bdsm? Why not hating people with leashes and collars a little?

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

The point is that there are a few that flout the LL TOS and the more serious cases like "Wonderland" ought to be reported to the local Police, but one should not tar the entire Children community with the same brush......that part is very narrow minded imo.



I guess this comment was partially directed at me so I shall address it.

You are right, it is narrow minded. In a fair world everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt, innocent until proven guilty and all that. However it is generally not a fair world, it's not even a real world. It's a virtual world in which I choose to spend my recreational time. The social conventions that exist in real life are less applicable here. So I can easily label all child avatars as suspicious and get away with it because it has no direct impact on me or my experience here. 

The point I am trying to make is, I think because we are operating in a virtual world we can get away with having more extreme view points compared to in RL because it has little to no consequence in the grand scheme of things here. 

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

kaptan Sharpesworth wrote:

As an adult sim owner  I do not allow child avi's on the sim .I know there  is verified adult behind the avi. But like many M sim owners I know my first question is why. Why a child avi in area of question They can change and go to m or even adult sims why stay as child avi ? Children are a big part of life agreed  But who lets their Children  run wild  or takes them to places  that are inappropriate for Children ?   STOP FOOLING YOURSELVES If you find it necessary to look like a child  in a questionable area  M or A  ( not g as intended )  you have lost touch with reality or are looking for trouble of somekind AS you are an adult use adult brain

I agree that Child Avatars should not be venturing on Adult region sims....regardless if they are age verified or not....i don't agree with Mature regions (the vast majority of Sims).....most of my Sims are Mature and have very little adult content on them.(residential or commercial)...in that instance Child Avatars are as safe as they would be on PG sims.

An adult Avatar wanting to be involved in RP child abuse scenes....will invariably hang out on PG sims and lands where they are more likely to find their targets.

well actually there are some legit rp on adult sims..

some sims have to rate adult just because of certain content being sold..but the sim may be really a moderate style..

that or the theme is rough neighborhood and some grew up in those areas or wanted to play a child in those areas..

the word adult is such a strong word that it overtakes a lot of sims and what could really be on them..

some could have made the G cut but may sell adult rated content in one end of the sim that has nothing to do with the other..

i mean i don't think they should be hanging in gangbang houses or that kind of stuff  lol

but there is lots of reasons a sim could have a certain rating..

i think these threads they should talk more about the content rather than an actual sim rating..

i think it helps separate all adult sims actually being nothing but adult activities..

this is mainly a general statement ..only because most times it seems in these threads when people think adult sim..they think porn..and it's not the case..i guess is what i mean hehehe

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Porky Gorky wrote:

The world is full of sick bastards who either abuse and hurt children or fantasize about such things. SL is an ideal environment for these perverts to role play their sick urges and desires. This has happened in the past as reported in the media. I've also seen it with my own eyes.

Meh. The world is full of people paranoid that it is full of such people, but has very few such actual people. Having worked in the criminal justice system I've met a few of the real ones - they aren't who you think, and they're not that common. One of the rarer forms of criminality.

It makes for very easy paranoia though.

Life is rarely like Law and Order:SVU where you can cart one of these out every week at 9pm CST Wednesday... Most folks will never encounter one in their whole lives - knowingly or not. But anyone from any inner city like where I grew up can easily recall real murderers, thieves, pimps, and dealers.

Having worked within the prison service and the criminal prosecution service in the uk for 12 years I guess I do not have the average perspective. I was surrounded by hundreds of sex offenders day in day out and a good percentage of them were child sex offenders,

I am not paranoid in the slightest, I have just had allot more exposure to these sorts of criminals and cases than most people. Having worked in the criminal justice system yourself I am surprised you remain so sheltered from the truth.

Having worked in the same environment. I learned perspective.

The pool of defendants is not the general population. It is also narrowly selected to advance the career opportunities of Prosecutors, and not often based on facts of what is going on in the streets.

I grew up in a violent area and have lost family to crime, and can count nearly every form of offendor in my direct family and community. As well as friends and work on the other side.

What I see, and have seen all of my life and not just from working for one office trying to advance its budget through selective prosecution - is that this is a crime that is why over hyped and over focused because it plays very well to the media.

You cite a great example in your link to a scandal in 2007 that got all kinds of media attention. For one scandal. While other forms of misconduct go on day in and day out with no attention.

- But you can be sure the prosecutor in that case got a promotion and has potential to line up a career as a judge now; regarldess of whether or not anyone was actually guilty - which itself has no bearing on whether or not anyone was convicted of anything...



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Actually you're right Ceka....there are many Adult rated areas that are not sexually explicit....I'm thinking of those combat areas for example....but maybe all the blood and gore grades them as adult rated. ( the same stuff they can be viewed in several MMOGRP games by RL kids)

If the masses are crying for "blood" and we have to ostracize the Children community....then maybe the Adult Regions should be the only no-go areas. (a sacrifice to be made to the masses (of ignorants) !!! :matte-motes-wink-tongue:)

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Actually you're right Ceka....there are many Adult rated areas that are not sexually explicit....I'm thinking of those combat areas for example....but maybe all the blood and gore grades them as adult rated. ( the same stuff they can be viewed in several MMOGRP games by RL kids)

If the masses are crying for "blood" and we have to ostracize the Children community....then the Adult Regions should be the only no-go areas. (a sacrifice to made to the masses! :matte-motes-wink-tongue:)

one of the reasons i mentioned it was because i lived in an adult rated sim myself..

but if i knew as much as i do now about it..we wouldn't have even been rated that..

well i take that back..we would have because there were some romantic areas that had some sex balls..but for the most part it was just a mall that sold all kinds of stuff that we had on one side of our sim..95% of it was moderate  to G type rating..

really it was more to be cautious than anything..i'm sure there are a lot that  do that with their sims..

so for me it is hard to say..no adult sims for any type of avatars..i would think certain content more than certain rating..

life was so much simpler with only two ratings i swear lol

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


You cite a great example in your link to a scandal in 2007 that got all kinds of media attention. For one scandal. While other forms of misconduct go on day in and day out with no attention.

That's quite true....for example zero media attention regarding the SL Banks or Stock Exchange scams .....whereby a ton of money was effectively stolen.

Jason Farrell is a crappy investigative reporter who has a tendancy to sensationalise (He covered "Wonderland")...but it's Sky & Channel 5, so what should we expect?

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

life was so much simpler with only two ratings i swear lol

I agree it was simpler and straight forward.

Linden Lab basically lied to it's customers...it created Adult rating and the Zindra Continent because they knew down the line they were going to let Teenagers onto the main grid. At the time of the great hoohah...all LL employees denied it........so here we are!

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

Arkady Arkright wrote:

Rene Erlanger wrote:it's your own narrow mindedness that needs examining not the motives of someone choosing such and such Avatar form.

There's none so intolerant as those intolerant of intolerance...

....so you've managed to trot out the over-used stale quote. 

Just because it's overused and stale doesn't mean it isn't valid...

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I can accept that Child Avatars are not everyone's cup of tea and would choose to ban them on their lands....what I don't accept is for any SL created account having to justify or explain why they chose their Avatar form...in this case the Child Avatar form. That's the discrimination I'm talking about....which is based on nothing but ignorance.

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

I can accept that Child Avatars are not everyone's cup of tea and would choose to ban them on their lands....what I don't accept is for any SL created account having to justify or explain why they chose their Avatar form...in this case the Child Avatar form. That's the discrimination I'm talking about....which is based on nothing but ignorance.

But thats the point, No one is asking for justification. They are simply saying they dont want child avs on their sim.. and they have every right to bann them. perhaps they have had a bunch of children bothering their customers. perhaps they have adult areas and since LL has such a broad warning they just give them all the boot.. (the broadness being "the avatar should not be in proximity to sexual content or activity" define Proximity please.)

who knows why they are banned. does it really matter? It's their land.  I for one am tired of the endless whining from both sides.

CHILD AVS: stay out of Adult areas!

problem solved. Just like in RL kids shouldnt be wandering without an adult. if they are so hell bent on reliving their childhood or whatever, they should have adult supervision.

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Finally. Watched this thread for a few days and seen it veer away from what was a pretty troll smelling OP in what was in a way inevitable but...yep base line no we don't want child avs on our land and no we don't want to debate it and no we really don't want to restrict you from your role play as....its not our business if you do it elsewhere. Some of the real fears here are totally something i do agree with but that was not the original point.

Coward for not wanting to debate? Yep totally. My choice.


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The children in SL that I've seen are "glammed" up and look sexualized. That's the problem for me. None I've seen really look like children but those kids in pageants, or worse. So that's where I'm coming from. Just see them so sexy looking, even false eyelashes.

People controlling the child avatars tend to jump and skip and run around vying for attention. I've had them beg, cry, ask me to be their mommy. It's just annoying. I'm sure there are those who don't do that, but it's just what I've seen.

Finally, there's just too much sex, and *kinky sex,* in SL in my mind to have children avatars there.The idea of a family there is fine, but they are adults not children and I can't dispell the reality. A friend of mine knew of a child avatar that ended up with the father of this family. The girl changed her avatar to an adult  after but, basically stole her mother's husband. Too much drama for me.

If you're happy being a child in Second Life, then you shouldn't really care what people think about it, but it's just a subject that brings out strong opinions.

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When roleplaying a child with child avatar and if it is done properly it adds a nice touch to the scene. I was once in a live concert and saw this.

The performer is singing, time to dance:

When the song ended, time to show appreciation to the performer:

The singer was explaining something about the next song. Listening actively, standing still:

This continued through the whole concert. When some of them said something, they spoke like a normal child would speak. It was the most adorable child roleplay what I have seen. Added a nice cute touch to the concert. This was great!

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