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Anyone know the creator of Truth?

Suki Hirano

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Anyone know the creator of Truth? Is he on vacation or something? Group has not chat function either. I've sent at least 10 IMs + notecards over the last period of 2 months about a purchase and still haven't got a reply, or even "inventory accepted" message, regardless if he's online or offline. My friend tried to contact him as well and haven't heard a reply in over 3 weeks. And same thing with even another friend. I like the hair but seriously what's going on? I'm scared to continue buying if he never responds to customer inquiries.

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I don't know him personally, but I asked a question about something once and got a fantastic reply after maybe a day. My guess is that perhaps he's very busy right now, or hasn't been getting your notecards. If you're sending when he's offline, I imagine he gets tons and tons of that sort of thing and may not have ever recieved it, if his notices were capped. I don't remember what his profile says about which method of contact he prefers: notecards or IM's. (Or if it says at all.)

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Truth has some of the best customer service in all of Second Life IMO.  I'm certain it's just some sort of technical error in miscommunication.  Is it something that he has listed in his profile? A failed delivery?  I believe he has a redelivery terminal set up at his store, or if he has the answer to your question listed somewhere obvious he may not feel the need to respond.  Hopefully your issue is solved soon! :) I've always had fantastic responses when I need TRUTH customer service help! <3 

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I'm IMing the right guy. I've sent both notecards and IMs. It's a question about a hair I really like but I thought were missing some colors. If he's ignoring me because he thought the question "didn't deserve an answer", how is that remotely great customer service? Additionally around a year ago I asked him for help on finding a hair, he ignored me as well when he was online and did not have busy status. That's "great customer service"? Also this does not explain why he's ignoring my two friends who are also asking him about their own questions, through notecards and IMs. It doesn't matter if he's online or offline, none of us ever get the "inventory offer accepted" message let alone a reply.

Anyways thanks for the responses everyone (lol gonna stop ranting). I've already lost interested in buying that hair. I can't think of anything else to say other than this is NOT the way to make customers happy. If you're busy, hire a CSR for like 100L an hour, that's like a penny to a popular designer like Truth.

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There is an option in some viewers to accept things without notifying the sender. I would sure hope he is accepting notecards as I have come across a copybotter who is copybot selling his hairs on the marketplace. He does have great customer service, I wouldn't recommend IMing him as his profile does say Notecard.

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Never had any issue with Truth in the past, he always was quick at answering.

In your case, I'd suggest you to check his profile for customer service policy in case you missed something. Every single designer has different ones, so it's always good to check twice.

He may have a CSR - he didn't the last time I got in touch with him-, or a FAQ. Also, people often send IMs while designers tell clearely that IMs get capped and don't go to mails, and it happens that notecards get lost. In your case, it would be weird since you seem to have repeatedly contacted him, but well. If your question's answer is included in his FAQ, he may not answer. A lot of designers don't answer to questions already answered in their profile.

I won't suggest that you may be muted but it can also happen that a designer, for some spam or personal reasons, mutes someone. I doubt it is your case... But try maybe with an alt if you have one ? Who knows.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Once I saw a vintage hair in a flickr picture and the person never answered me what hair was that. 


I posted the picture in the old forum and someoen told me it were a Truth hair. 


I went to the store and didn't found it... so I IM Truth Hawks and sended a notecard with the pciture to him, in less then 5 minutes he answered me that that hair wasent made by him and gived me a hint what creator it could be.


He answere me really quick, this must be soem kind of mistake going one



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