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What are prims?


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PRIM = Primitive Building Block.  Everything in SL is made of prims.  See >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Prim

HUD = Heads Up Display.  Custom-designed control panel on your viewer screen.  See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Heads-up-displays-HUDs/ta-p/700083

As Alicia says, Google is your friend.  So is the Knowledge Base (See the tab above ^^) and the SL wiki

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No need to be rude to him gee no wonder ppl leave sl,, truth is you can still play sl and not know crap you very rude ,,a prim is like a box but can be made in to every thing you see in sl like a club building , bar , dance poles , a hud is like a cell phone you can use one to make ya alt stand one way or other,, or a hud can be a building tool has like if you was building a house ,, or a dancing hud . Good luck

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

When I started SL I also did not know anything.

It took some time to realize what a prim is...lol!

But I just jumped into the game and I found out.

No matter how long it takes...it is fun to explore new things every day.

If you need help maybe, message me inworld.

Yes, this...I knew absolutely zero about anything.  Learned along the way.  I think I actually asked this same question on the forums.

Good luck and have fun learning :)


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1 cube or building block is 1 prim.

To make a house that looks decent, you will need a variety and number of building blocks to make a house or chair or car.

Land is sold in plots. The plot has a size, the size of the Land (plot) usually determines how many prims (blocks) are allowed on that plot size.

An Average Plots is 512 meters (16meters wide x 32 meters long), the plot support 117 Prims.

A low prim house could be as low as 10 prim, but it will look like a low prim house. A decent house for a 512m plot might be 50 prims minimum, imho. You would have 67 prims remaining for trees, furniture, cars, ect. It's not a lot but people have done alot with their 512's

I'm a prim hog, If I don't have access to a couple thousand prims, I lose interest. I visit the Sandboxes, thousands of prims cost money.


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I just figured the easiest way to find out would be to ask. I've done a little research, but havent really gotten into Second Life with the idea of building anything. I just liked the roleplay option of it. I just started looking at land and saw prims mentioned quite a few times, so thought I'd ask.

I did google prim, but that didn't get me anywhere. I probably should have googled "Second Life Prims", but whatever.

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Rolig answered your question but I also think maybe you are wondering why the word "prim" is thrown around so much in SL.  Prims take resources from the sims they are present on and only a finite number of prims can exist on any sim (the actual number varies depending on the type of sim).  Any all prims are allocated according to what the sim can allot the resources for.  Prims are tied to land.  A 512 sq meter parcel is allocated 117 prims and each 512 sq meter larger the parcel is another 117 prims are allocated.  For instance the 512 m parcel can have 117 prims placed on it (no more than that) and a parcel that is double the size (1124 m) will support 234 prims.  That's why the number of prims is important......if you only have a 512 m parcel and you have a 200 prim home you will not be able to place the home on the parcel (you need more land).

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I should have mentioned in my earlier reply that the best way to learn about prims is to visit the Ivory Tower of Prims in world.  You can find it with your Search tool.  You'll discover loads of tutorials and informational displays there.  Many of us who do a lot of building in SL made our first steps there.

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Your question was 100% legitamate.  Most everyone who comes ot SL haven't a clue about prims, land, HUDs, AO's, animations, skins, shapes...........I could go on and on.  Asking the question here is the proper thing to do.  It's actaully what Linden Lab wants you to do.  We volunteer our helps and suggestions willingly (well some of us do anyway).  If someone doesn't want to answer then they can simply not answer. 

Don't feel you need to justify your question........everyone has questions.

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It's really LL's fault. I hear the noobs these days are just "born" into the world, just like PLOPP, here ya go! When I was new we were first rezzed on orientation island where we had a number of simple tasks to absolve before we could go on. Like walking, flying, TPing a distance, "touching" stuff with our magic rays and other stuff. So, after 10 minutes in SL I knew what a prim is.

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friscolives wrote:

The new guy here again. I'm curious what are prims? I've been looking at potentially buying a second life house, and I've seen the term bounced around here and there...not sure what it is?

Also HUD? No idea what it is, but it seems to be important.


The interesting thing is that this newbie is asking these particular questions here in the forums.

In the good old days, the person would have actually been in SL, interacting with people, and quickly learning about the numerous schools offering in-world lessons pretty much 7x24 on these subjects.  But now people don't go in-world to interact in that way.   They use web sites.  Welcome to the future.


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No question is stupid if you don't know the answer to it and its something you need to know about SL.  Yes they can research it, but many people are so overwhelmed with learning even the basics of SL they have no clue where to even look for answers themselves. Even if they know, try typing in just PRIM in the knowledge base.  I got 22 articles about it, not one of which had the word "prim" in the title and none were in logical order.  The subjects ranged all over the place and the first one was about partnering in SL!  LOL.

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friscolives wrote:

The new guy here again. I'm curious what are prims? I've been looking at potentially buying a second life house, and I've seen the term bounced around here and there...not sure what it is?

Also HUD? No idea what it is, but it seems to be important.


And to answer the second part of your question that got ignored while everyone started wrassling with each other, a HUD ("Heads-Up Display") is an object that attaches to your avatar but can only be seen by you and appears in the view window. It frequently has buttons you can push to control various attachments or other things. A very typical type of HUD is called an "AO" ("animation overrider") which is a scripted object that you can wear that makes your avatar walk, stand and sit in more interesting and realistic ways than the default animations.

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Well, I now know what a Prim is. Thanks to everyone who replied, and to the obnoxios guy for providing a little entertainment. The reason I asked the question here rather than in world is because I was in the middle of three twelve hour shifts at work and I don't have access to SL on those computers. I can access the forums, but not the viewer so I can't get in world. I was just curious so I thought i'd ask. I didn't realize it would lead to any drama or drive some poor soul from Holland into a maniacal rage. My bad.

It is absolutely true if I spent more time searching the data base here I could probably find all the answers I'm looking for. I could also just ask and actually interact with real people and get the same info, but I guess thats a personal choice. I'm not planning on building anything, but I saw the term around quite a lot so I was just interested to know what it might be.

Now I do. 

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Yeah, if you cannot find something on google, chuck "SL" or "Secondlife" into the search terms you are using, unless it's a script you are after, in which case putting "lsl" in the search terms is usually better.

The problem with getting the information for yourself is even when you find the information using google or the knowledge base, you will not necessarily know enough yet for it to make sense.  Don't let the negative-nit-picker-bum-biters put you off asking in the forums.  A sub-group of the natives are often restless in these parts but their spears tend to lack anything resembling a point, so harm no foul.


Rolig's advice about the Ivory Tower is good.  You might also want to google "serena secondlife" and go through some of the "Mermaid Diary" tutorials as well.  There are a lot of tutorials and of course the knowledge base and what not, but many are written as though they assume the reader already understands everything about SL except the actual subject of the tutorial or article in question.  Serena's tutorials seem to assume you don't know much if anything about SL, so while they are a little outdated, they are a really good place to start.  Also they are accessible on the web; you don't have to go in-world to access and read them.


@Alicia, if in Holland you expect people to research stuff that they cannot understand untill after they've understood a whole bunch of other stuff they'd have to first research but which they cannot understand until they've researched a whole bunch of other stuff that they also cannot understand until they've researched all this other stuff first, then it's amazing anyone makes it to learning to tie their shoes in Holland.  Maybe it's not about Holland but a slight case of amnesia on your part when it comes to remembering how over-whelming and confusing learning all this stuff is when each thing you need to learn, obliges you to first understand a dozen or so other things you've not yet learned, and cannot learn without first learning about a dozen other things, that cannot be understood or learned about without first learning some other dozen things.  Keep in mind that SL is not the same world it was when you joined.  Some people did not even have to learn the difference between sculpts and ordinary prims when they started SL, much less bother to get their head around mesh, or avatar physics, multiple layers, multiple attachment points, alpha vs alpha prims, etc.  Learning the basics becomes less basic every year.  Adding a layer knowledge to a good understanding is a lot easier than trying to grasp all this complexity at once, but much of it makes no sense until you understand the rest.

While there is plenty of information out there, most of it  is useless to someone who does not already have a requisite level of SL-based knowledge to start with, and trying to get the information independently becomes a recursive search for ever more information needed to understand the information you just found.  And that's without going into the plain fact that some people just learn a lot more easily by asking questions than by self directed research.   Since answering or responding is not compulsory, it should be no skin off your nose in any case.

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Hi Friscolives.  

Not asking questions is one way to stay dumb so ask away.  You may find the link below useful to you in the future when you are at work and need to find answers to anything.  It was compiled by Void Singer with additional help from many other knowledgeable residents.  It contains all the known resources that a newbie or veteran will need to get help or information.

At the end of the there is a tip to keep to keep the post pinned to the top of the forum board so you can access it quickly when you need it.

Enjoy your SL


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