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Try out the new Received Items Beta


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Tested on FS with Gypsy...here's what I found...

Rezzed an item:

Take - brings item back into inventory into the folder I rezzed it from

Take Copy - goes into OBJECTS folder...I don't know why this just doesn't go back into the folder you rezzed it from anyways -_-! - At first I thought it disappeared because the inventory folder didn't open automatically as it usually does when taking items into inventory


Built a new item:

Take - brings item into the new Received Items folder

Take Copy - Goes into Received Items folder


Gave the new item to Gypsy, he couldn't find it ... I don't think Sassy could either. She gave me something and I couldn't find it in Inventory..same for Gyspsy's item.

Anyways, fail LL, fail! GO WORK ON long standing issues please...if we have to deal with this for Marketplace, so be it, but seriuously, don't use it for EVERYTHING we're going to receive. Oh, and by the way, send your so-called developers in-world sometime and have them come and play with SL...maybe they won't come up with these crazy ideas and actually end up KNOWING what needs to be fixed first. Just saying.

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In addition to what has already been said which I wont repeat in detail but will summarise as "yet another total nonsense , thanks again LL" I must ask you where should FOLDERS go , knowing ( i mean we know it but you probably don't ) that at least half of all vendors from which people buy things in SL are set to give FOLDERS and not a copy of the vendor. Would those folders also go in this new magic all receiving wonder as subfolders ?

As a matter of fact .. if this would be the case, it could be the only good thing I can see in this system because usually the inventory kinda ignores new folders if they arent open yet so they are spred among (by some of us) lots of other folders in the root and if you didn't memorise the name you can only find it by sorting by name and then again by date .. only then they appear on top. But if you dont do this imediatelly after buying and you happento relog before.. you have a problem.

Now if under this system new folders would go in a separate folder making it this way easier to find them , then I would really like that but .. I would like it ONLY if everything else goes where it used to go , except of course the items bought on the marketplace. Because putting everything no matter what, in only one folder would make an even bigger mess than we already have in our Objects folder. We would have to spend time to sort that mess out and .. i dont know if you know but, for merchants and creators, time happens to mean money ..


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Basically do not see the point of this for all the situations/reasons mentioned. Indeed, why not just add "Stuff Received From MP" all on its lonesome? (and yes fix it so being 'Busy' doesn't make it vanish but hey thats only something we've been asking for so I suppose no hope of that)

There again the little bloggy states this and DD are to be rolled out together so I expect this to be steam rollered anyway.

Added Watched to Jira entry (now rated as 'misfired' ?)

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I can only imagine that the LL Commerce Team are all reading this thread is utter disbelief ... shocked how there is universal rejection of THEIR "cool idea".  Of course LL Commerce Team does not believe is communicating with its customer base and they also have a long standing history of keeping all their plans and new features a big secret until late in their development / deployment cycle.....

As such....

I can only imagine the next thing coming to the minds of Brooke and her team..... "OMG Now what do we do??  We already spent weeks of development on this feature that we all thought would be a cool idea...... we have to deploy this feature that we convinced our management would be a really cool feature.  Its too late to publically announce that we made another big mistake...  we have to deploy this now and prepare for the next round of anger and flames from our customers!!  I guess Rodvik will hear about this flub of ours again....   when will we learn and start listening & talking to our merchants and customers:("

I suspect this stupid feature will be rammed in only because LL has quietly moved this too far to back out now.

The concept is dumb and now rumours that it doesnt even work with TPVs.... here we go. :(

I would have to think one of LL Commerce Team's inner circle of trusted merchants must have convinced LL that this was a good idea to develop.  I cant believe the Team completely came up with this idea 100% by themselves....  if so LL... take note how valuable an Inner Secret Circle is for you as your alternative to talking with the general community.

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This is a downgrade. Why? Because it results in people having to do more work. Notecards, textures, objects, etc will have to be manually moved to the desired folders. Making something that was automatic into a manual system is against what software and computers are all about - making things easier and faster. My suggestion is to use the Received Items folder  for Marketplace deliveries only and keep the existing system in place. A possible alternative would be to have a configuration option where we could choose between the current method (notecards go to notecard folder, textures go to texture folder, etc.) and the new method of sending everything to the Received Items folder.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the majority opinion voiced above ... the "Received Items" folder idea is dead on arrival. But I have to ask something further.

How will this affect scripted object "Gives"? When a Magic Box or some other delivery system sends you an object (a purchase or an update for example), will it go into this new Received Items folder or will it go into Objects?

What happens when a scripted object gives you a Folder of items? The way it works now is you get a folder with the name specified by the giver object; that folder contains the items given. Will the Received Items folder suddenly sprout a new sub-folder, or will all the items in the given folder get stripped out of the folder and placed in the Received Items folder?

Did the Dev Team consult any one of the Customers, Merchants or Residents of Second Life before devoting developer time on a Beta test? If so, will you please send them over to IMVU so they stop approving really hair-brained ideas like this?

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Is this going to be forced on third party viewers as well?  Is there a way to escape this?

This change is really on the server side. If a TPV writer doesn't like that, they could certainly add something sort items from incoming to match the legacy behavior, just like mail programs can automatically move things from an inbox.

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CommerceTeam...CommcerceTeam.  Not just "No!" but "Hell NO!"  The inventory set up with this would be a freaking nightmare!

And why haven't you responded to your own thread since all this began, anyway?  You ask for we merchant's feedback...we give it to you...and then you stay quiet!

Please tell us that you've heard us and that the idea is scrapped!  It's a bad BAD idea!

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I think it is a good concept, but It should stick strictly to it's meaning.

If I take something, no1 sent it to me, hence taking should not be part of the mix and should goto the Objects folder. Most things that I would take, would be my own. Plus, this would change the Objects folder into my work folder, and keeps items sent to me out of the way.

I would also like lost and found items to stay where they are. Again, they don't really fit the folder description, hence should not go there.

With these corrections, the Recieved folder would definitely make things, sent to you by others, easier to find for newbies. Plus, to me, things sent to me are much more likely to get sorted. So, overall, I like it, but this version oversteps a bit.

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No no no no no no a thousand times no! 

This idea is horrible and only going to add more time to the tedious task of sorting and organizing your inventory,  If you really want to help with inventory management give us the ability to designate the file path for an item just like you can do for files on  your computer. 


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simply put, i don't see a benefit to doing this over the current method, unless it is ONLY marketplace delivered goods that ends up in the folder. And even then the benefit is questionable. what real 'benefit' is there to having another folder that auto-fill itself that we have to sort out, other than adding MORE places to sort?

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MartinRJ Fayray wrote:

(apart from that: I
really like
the idea, it gives us more easier options to organize our inventory!!!!)

MartinRJ Fayray

Martin, how did you CLOSE my JIRA reporting this new, unwanted, unrequested behaviour as a bug?  I don't wish to get into debate about whether the JIRA or forum process is most appropriate, i'm just interested in how a resident can close another residents JIRA.

I can't close JIRA's.

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Darrius Gothly wrote: or will all the items in the given folder get stripped out of the folder and placed in the Received Items folder?


I had this thought for a moment, and I I know they keep doing the most astounding, odd, ill-conceived, frustrating and seemingly senseless kind of thing persistently, but surely there is a limit on how stupid someone can be and yet still get to work in the morning? Surely no one could be that daft?


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You are going to change a system of automatic sorting in favor of one that dumps everything in one folder? How is that helpful to us....it's just making things harder for the user, and breaking what has been accepted for years.
This is plainly a bad idea, and would be obvious to anyone who actually used SL for more than an hr a week .


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No offense Lindens, but can't you guys think of better things to do with your time than to add completely useless features? As it is now, objects go to the objects folder, notecards to the notecard folder, landmarks to the landmark folder & so on - isn't this sort of the point of HAVING these folders? So things will sort out when they are received? So I ask you, with this in mind, what exactly is the point of this received folder? If Marketplace items go there, fine (even though it's still a tad silly), but everything clustering into 1 folder - another folder that I"m going to have to sort? No thanks. How about, I don't know, fixing the CONTINUOUS asset issues, or the constant lag, or the Marketplace going down every other day, or the complete train wreck of a viewer you created ....the list could go on.

Stop "fixing" (read: breaking) what's not broken to start with, and fix what IS, instead of wasting your time and ours. K thnx.

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